ICE almost ran over a bunch of Jews
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Twitter not even once
Hahahahaha, they totally deserved it. Don't block fucking entrances if you don't want to get pepper sprayed.
Horrific video. Watching those six million bodies flying through the air will stick with me forever.
No one was ran over. These kikes can't help themselves but to lie.
dont play in the fucking street or you'll get hit by a car. most children get this message
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Blocking the street, entrance and from the looks of this video trespassing. What else were these people thinking would happen?
Sits down on road in dark.
Almost get hit by truck.
Must be dat der ashkenazi iq.
The Jew Cries Out In Pain As He Strikes You
On the upside, these insipid assholes stuck around expecting sympathy and ended up getting peper-sprayed/arrested.