PLA spotted in HK
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Palestinian Liberation Army?
Pakistani Longboarding Association
Pygmy Lesbian Autists
cant wait for the hongkongcaust
penis lengthening association
yes, it's happening
i fucking hate how many chinks are flooding this board with their damage control and propaganda. YOur regime is disgusting commie capitalistic feudal system where tiny minority of people have all the money while harvesting you subhumans for organs. Destroyed your history, stealing technologies etc. fuck kys and fuck off
Peter Loves Anal ?
hong kongers are literally the same and they flood their diaspora all over europe america and canada, really no sympathy for entitled hk niggers
Peoples Liberation Army
They seem to be WZ-551. You can see the propellers. I don't recognize the turrets though. Maybe they can be fitted with different turrets.
You can see some road names on signs. It could be located. This still could have been filmed at any time though.
Looks like Shenzhen
why are these fucking army niggers blocking the left lane?
Like anyone cares
Can someone remind me why we're siding with Hong Kong here ?
Hong Kong is a parasitic city-state that produces nothing. Zero. Absolutely nil. There are no fields to put crops, no ponds to fish in, no trees to gather from.
Hong Kong is ridden to the core with banks, insurance buildings, the most unproductive teriary shit and so many foreign workers that sold their asses to the heart of capitalism so they can earn millions producing toxic derivatives that will inevitably bite us in the ass in the coming years.
It should be obliterated from the surface of the earth, I wish continental China would fucking put a hole where Hong Kong is.
So many news media here have the gall to call HK vs China 'democracy vs capitalism'. Holy shit.
Hong Kong IS capitalism. It's the fucking end boss of capitalism. Fuck it all up.
Wtf I love organ harvesting now!
Pedos Loving Anal
doing some bad shit nigga
>Can someone remind me why we're siding with Hong Kong here ?
Because fuck the commie insects, that's why.
How are chinks good. explain.
Yea, it could be I see 深圳 on the road. But I also see Hong Kong, Kowloon, Tuen Mun on signs, so they are probably crossing the border into HK if that's the case.
Imagine supporting HK just because you hate China, and hate communism when it's convenient to label them communists.
thats just wrong. most of the chinks in west are mainland chinese. they are mostly antiwhite sjws too. Most of the asian masculinity is made b chinks. Why you support antiwhite shitskins?
I don't. Fuck Hong Kong chinks. Muh human rights. Hope the PLA fucks them hard. Spoiled entitled shits.
Also check
fuck siding with hong kong
fuck siding with the commie chinks
fuck it all
let them all die.
just enjoy it.
ching chongs are RHD
Not Shenzhen, check the road sign on 0:25, it's 元朗 九龙, which are two places in Hong Kong
There are people on this board right now who think China isn't under Jewish influence
>i fucking hate how many chinks are flooding
They very good at flooding in and taking over. They do this in other countries.
>implying capitalism is bad
Because China is practically 1984, you fag. Only the most diehard commie apologists would want China to overrun Hong Kong.
Still one of the only countries not bowing to the jew with strong sense of family and culture and tradition. The government treat their people like dogs though, and we all know what Chinese think of dogs.
Finally, they are going to liberate Hong Kong!
>wanting not to live under insect chink regime is entitlement.
you are as retarded as sjw liberals. you are just supporting chinks only because it makes liberals mad. rly sad and low iq effort.
>Still one of the only countries not bowing to the jew with strong sense of family and culture and tradition.
Are you chinese? because all of these are exact opposite of reality
Correct, but I still think these may be signs in Shenzhen before the border crossing, perhaps around 蛇口。
Execute order 66
We? I would never side with Hong Kong. They should be annexed as normal city of China.
Meanwhile there are mutts on this board that don't think Jews own you, I mean just take a look at your penis, you've been marked.
first of all jews are in chinese politburo and were present during revolution. Second their culture got anihilated by commies, fammily is totaly destroyed where people were murdering own daughters and boys are just means to the end. you are insanely stupid
>Chicoms are redpilled
>Lets side with Miga chinks
wow a random chink on twatter re-reposted a vid that could've been taken anywhere at any time so it clearly proves there is a full scale chinese invasion
social media made you all dumb. kys
>Capitalism isn't bad
There are multiple kinds of capitalism.
Virtuous, constructive capitalism like we had post war was the ideal. You had the boomers, we had the 'Trente Glorieuses'.
You could be an entrepreneur with very little resources, you could create anything, anywhere. Lots of jobs, easy access to any kind of field, banks were lenient and basically handed you money for any project you had. Fuck diplomas, fuck connections, you were the king.
Unfortunately the true, ultimate nature of capitalism is monopoly of resources and production, and financial bubbles. This is where we're at now, where capitalism becomes entirely non-productive, parasitic and predatory.
How is it normal that HK generates so much money without producing anything valuable ?
Hint : It's not. It's a fucking anomaly that won't last for much, as nature and society tend to stabilize.
>Chicoms are redpilled
On what, running over children?
We've got your back, Hong Kong Colony Friend.
The British public support your heroic struggle against Marxist dictatorship.
Then it is suspiciously close, and is heading towards HK. Without any doublt, China is flexing its military force
I support chinks because Hong Kong is China and they can do what they deem necessary. It's not on us to interfere.
You sound like a kike who wants to mingle in others business and spread muh democracy and muh human rights. Fuck that.
except you can clearly see the APCs are WZ-551 on a road with signs that says "HONG KONG" and "KOWLOON" where up until this point the PLA has never threatened to invade HK.
Fucking anglo cunt
Pretty sure we’ll see Chairwoman Lam call for help right before
Quell the jewish coupe
No you're not seeing 九龙, its 九龍. Both are the same word, Kowloon, but 九龍 is traditional script which you will never find on mainland signs.
110% those are HK signs.
>I hate how many chinks-
There's 1.386 billion (2017) of them hahaha
Now that you're about to Brexit maybe you can take 7 million Hong Kong chinks as refugees if PLA occupies the city.
Penis Lending Association
>PLA has never threatened to invade HK
Plz The PLA only liberates, as the name suggests.
>(((The British Empire)))
>(((Anglo Mercantilism)))
>(((We've))) Got your back
I wish this would wake up the entire world about how peaceful protest means jack shit and you gotta be capable of real violence if you want your political goals established. So sick of people with moralist POV getting shocked when materialist reality collides with them
and? PLA has had a base and a standing garrison in HK for at least a decade.
who said it's an emassment of troops? there are only 2 vehicles in the pic
who said it's from recent events and not, say, a year old?
where is the proof?
Think she'll get assassinated as pretext for invasion.
Hong Kong has always been on borrowed time since 1997. China just expedited 2047.
My thoughts and prayers are with Hong Kong.
Good vibes to them
a garrison is troops, not vehicles. also, they are confined to a certain area unless called upon by HK gov, which they have not.
if you watched the video there are at least 15-20 vehicles if not more that the camera doesn't capture. anyway, the signs have traditional chinese on them which all but confirms it's in HK. having PLA WZ-551 in HK is unprecedented and there is no reason to believe it's from a year ago.
The HK government can request help from Beijing it's stated in the Basic Law.
right, I never denied that. I said they can request their help.
>a garrison is troops, not vehicles
proof, please
(((wiki))) says there is a mechanized infantry battalion
>they are confined to a certain area unless called upon by HK gov
proof, please
also, proof the filmed road is outside the aforementioned area
This based frenchie is right. China is basically a Mussolini Fascism government right now. Yet the poltards keep calling it Communist.
Hong kong is a degenerate shit hole that should be glasses.
I hear shipping crates are very effective at
stopping APCs.
Some day in the future, these guys will be patrolling the streets of Vancouver. Fucking hell
Besides right now it's not military, just national guard level forces.
>Chicoms are redpilled
Bullshit, the flow of information is controlled almost entirely by the state. That's part of why they're cracking down on HK, because the chinks don't like them selling all the books they've banned.
yea so on the wiki page it says they only have 6 WZ-551, in the video their are plenty more than 6.
proof they won't leave base?
my dude, you can just read the road signs, they are in english and chinese.
Chinks are the fucking worst, it’s just the muh baste azns and yellow fever faggots that worship them
Glad to see you here, my Britbong Brother.
The foreign nations shall never understand the close bond which unites Britain to her Colonial Children.
We think of them and wish them every blessing, even now they are old and grown up. Britannia wishes all her children to do well and prosper in safety.
God bless Hong Kong, one of the last lights left shining from the British Empire, whose goodness is reflected in the sentiments we have left this marvellous people with.
Fight Communism. Defend Tradition.
God Save the Queen.
Yeah, redpilled by support niggers killing boers and funding anti white movements in the USA for decades, you fucking retard
>Chicoms are redpilled
friendo, the reuters story doesn't say there has always been an outstanding limit on army movements in HK. the opposite of that. just reaffirmed non intervention as stated in basic law, tis all.
nothing here can negate the claim it was filmed earlier or that the APC movement is unrelated to unrest
the number 6 can't be right, no mech brigade has only 6 APCs
If these protesters are really hell bent on throwing off the yoke of Mainland China I hope they've had a decentralized network of people mixing styrofoam and gasoline.
That's still Shenzhen.
I was waiting for the road to give out or the bridge to fall on top of them. I am dissapoint.
i cited, your own wiki link and you claim it's wrong...the article says they claim to stay on base and the video shows PLA APC off base meaning it's not garrison, which is unprecedented. if you gonna cite stuff at least stand by its contents.
Fucking buy guns ammo and gear faggot
>insectoïde language
Checks out
>That's still Shenzhen.
No its not. See
Chink supporting commies deserve the rope
God damn I fucking hate bug people. Mindless fucks
Not Chinese but have lived in both HK and China for 6 years combined. You should get out more.
I personally spend time on reddit telling HK to fight for democracy. I go into detail about how democracy works and win arguements.
All this knowing that they will be mushed into the ground and washed by firehoses down the sewers.
There was a chance for a peaceful transition in 18 years, now that's gone.
The truth is I just fucking hate commies and China. I hope this collapses their country and 1.4 billion people start to think for themselves.
25 years too soon. right now according to the agreement with England, Hong Kong is not ruled by China. Of course England is in such a shit state they won't say or do anything
463,356,353,242 dead gooks
The People's Front of Judea?
Fuck both of them.