Infant IQ

What the fuck is this moron on about? Is he saying that the news about the market is fake? How can someone be this stupid? What the fuck? Walmart and indicator of how good the US is doing? Walmart most of whose products are made in fucking China which he is waging a trade war on? What the fuck is this retard babbling about?

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I swear literal chimps are smarter than this boomer cunt. I still can't believe this is a real tweet...

He appointed an Israeli citizen to head the NSA
That should tell you everything you need to know. Also, the democrats who hate everything he does were ok with this.

I get all that bro, but this is next level retardation. Like, what the fuck is he even trying to say? It's like fucking brain is melting.

>the news about the market is fake
fake news is fake?
(((they're))) gaslighting

>meme flag jealous of our economy
Anyone else notice the meme flag posts get dumber every day?

>t.never learned to read

imagine pretending to be confused that the President said "hey Wal-Mart's doing well, that's good for the US economy"
like you just can't understand the leap of logic he made there

imagine actually pretending to think like that

Federal reserve is the keystone user.

They are doing everything they can to make Trump look bad, hence the 100 point increase in interest rates a couple months ago. The fed is currently refusing to lower rates to improve the economy as well.

They are desperately clinging to their last shreds of power and influence.

fuck this fag, I am gonna sell my US stocks this cunts making his market volatile as fuck. I did wanna invest in the US but it's honestly not worth it cunt is fucking up my portfolio so badly. Does he not realise he is pushing the world towards the fucking chinks? trade wars backfiring hard on this fucking kike.

He's effectively trolling you.

>towards the fucking chinks
Literally no.
I'm "in the biz" and manufacturing of all types is shifting out of China. They are still the biggest player by far, but companies are shifting production as I type.

Go shill elsewhere, 85 IQ subhuman.

ok fuck this guy

They eat the bait like candy. Every fucking time. You would figure they would eventually catch on...

You finally came up for air from that bbc to tell us this?
>and you thought that we would care

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This guy is a shill. Everyone who knows the basics of an economy knows why.

We need to find out more of these trump cultists shills. Its getting really bad.

>when billionaires absorb more wealth from everyone, america wins!
>muh 4d chess gais!

Based wal Marty is selling scads of Chinese lynryd skynerd shirts for $4! Maga !

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this. i know it's anecdotal, but I do work for a sporting goods company that made everything in china. A big chunk of their mid-year report was detailing to shareholders how they are shopping elsewhere in SEA. So not like they are bringing jobs back home, but they most certainly are exiting China.

Everywhere I look business is slamming and jobs are advertised on the front page of the paper.

>But muh inverted yield curve

I've been through S&L crisis, ditcom bust, and 2008 recession. Know how many times the experts predicted it?

Not fucking once.

And in 2008 they spent a year fucking hiding it.

So believe the fake news or your own lying eyes.

I work in aluminum products mostly manufactured in China. The business emails are all monitored by the Chicoms so they're always carefully worded. For example if you ask them about something if it's illegal there they always reply like 'Facebook is not legal in the PRC." Despite this you can get a sense of how the employees are doing right now they are very scared because their emails are super strict and patriotic.

the working poor store is doing well, so that means everything is great

that store exists for the sole purpose of allowing the growing underclass to maintain the illusion of a middle class lifestyle

Who? The director is from Minnesota

I’m convinced Trump just doesn’t give a shit anymore and wants to make sure this nation crashes and burns. I voted for him solely because of his anti-immigration stance and he’s done fuck all.

Sure is 8gag in here

make walmart great again lmao

>pushing the world to chinks
Except the world realizes that the US can put in sanctions against china and absolutely fuck them. Companies are seeing this and moving production out of china.

Trump is better than you in every single possible way, and it's just killing you.
Thanks for the salt mine.

Hey guys, OP here

Attached: 77284555398.jpg (338x450, 20K)

Bored? why not checkk this cool server, it has the hottest lewds of traps and females!

discord gg/faUV4A

Friendly reminder that Wal-Mart makes hundreds of millions from EBT. The US is literally funneling money to China.

A company that sells 100% chinese goods is an indicator of how well the us is doing. oof

Trumpniggers love wallmart

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JA75 IS90 MAP0 97AG M91M

>Praising Walmart as a "great indicator" or anything remotely positive

What a fucking retard.

wall street is laughing at this bafoon

based economic bubble, give you guys 5 years max till the next recession.

No, he understands that markets aren't operating based on logic and haven't been for decades. They operate on emotion and belief. If investors and the public believe the economy is doing well then they function under that belief. Public opinion can drive stock market rallies.

It's called economic morale.

He's setting up his fall guy. He knows the economy is fucked and is about to tank so he somehow, however retardedly, wants to blame someone else. People buy his "fake news" line so often he thinks it'll work again. Just keep calling him out on it.