You got a loicence for that flag?

Which one of you guys is this?

Attached: 15E7A104-919B-4EC3-938B-21AA024469E9.jpg (1536x1837, 1005K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Arrested for owning a flag
Based dystopia

Attached: 1565820056502.png (645x773, 11K)

Meanwhile, in Europe, you can fly the ISIS flag with no problems whatsoever.

Attached: european isis supporter.jpg (876x493, 70K)

Could be worse. At least you're not speaking German.

No free speech in his own country. Wales belongs to aliens now.

And the faggot flags fly every year in my town

Don’t worry they will all he speaking New German

Attached: 0B91ADE4-4BDD-4855-BF3D-7242C30F04E1.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Hey that's my house!

Color and shape of symbols crime. Jolly good. White girls being raped by muslims, jolly good!
I think the U.K. is worse than Africa.