I would tell you because of rights and our Constitution but as a Trumptard Im sure you dont belive in rights, Come on, how could you and still support this fucktard
Jackson Green
Demonrats are sick in the head. Just got home from the bank, told the nice young teller girl to keep the change (over 38 cents!). Thinken of giving this here pay check to help Jehovah's land, Amen.
--Colton Hoss, WWG1WEMAGA
Angel Martinez
>you dont belive in rights No rights for non-citizens. Why do you care more for others and your own?
Zion Don is a joke, and if you still support him, you ARE the swamp.
Samuel Martinez
Benjamin Watson
Fuck Trump.
Jayden Turner
News flash retard, not only are they US citizens they are elected House Representatives and believe in FREE SPEECH to boycott Israel
Ilhan Omar recently proposed a resolution to boycott Israel the resolution would reel back current U.S. law that prohibits boycotting Israel and would affirm everyday Americans the right to boycott the country.
Jackson Harris
This. A boycott is a form of speech. It sicken me to see our government so Zogged that it restricts our free speech to protect a criminal regime.
Also, Tlaib has family in the west bank. Family reunification?
Nicholas Jackson
Semites detected
Jordan Ross
Alright, I'm glad that Jow Forums is finally coming around and embracing Israel.
>if Trump was this pro-Israel all along, why did so many people on the right who claim to dislike Israel vote Trump? same reason us gun owners did, and we got fucked over, but it sure as fuck wont happen again
How many Israeli citizens or dual-citizens has trump brought into his team?
Mason Cruz
Trump is 100% right and anyone who isn't an edgy cringelord will agree with him... It's time Omar and AOC and the whole 'squad' show some dignity and apologize.
I'm sure I'll take some flack for this on nu/pol/ but you should understand a few things before you start running your mouth:
Israel is our greatest ally for the following reasons:
>1. Israel has long been and remains one of the most important players in the region - for its national security, for its foreign relations, as well as for its international image.
>2. Our citizens benefit from the vast majority of the services in that country which are rendered to their citizens.
>3. We have a great partnership with a great partner, and even though they are different countries, we share our values
>4. Israel has demonstrated that it does not compromise upon core commitments it makes to its people.
>5. Israel shows that it is capable of becoming both a constructive and reliable partner of our country.
Trump is the first anti white president. King kike
Jack Carter
Noah Ramirez
“Oh yes goyim. Please. Keep supporting orange man. He’s the only one who will save you from the big scary liberals and the big scary Mexicans coming to invade your country! Yes goy, keep giving us money! Good job! Now everyone who disrespects Israel is a terrorist! Very good goyim! Yes, give up your guns to the orange man. Anyone who disagrees with orange man is a commie gun-grabbing tranny libtard and should automatically be silenced. Yes goy, keep watching feminist rekt compilation and conservative news”