Evolution is real

If you deny it you are retard and subhuman.

>inb4 read da bible read da quran

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if evolution is real why we still got monkeys

>that pic
More like Devolution

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six gorrillion years of evolution

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>if evolution is real why we still got monkeys
If Americans immigrated from Europe why are there still Europeans?

For the same reason that not all fish went on land and became four-legged, not all unicellular became multicellular, not all amphibians became reptiles, not all reptiles became mammals. For the same reason that not all flowers become daisies, not all insects become ants, not all mushrooms become white, not all viruses are influenza viruses. Each type of living creature is unique and appears only once. The evolutionary history of each species is determined by many different reasons and depends on countless accidents.

If you want to be the offspring of monkeys you go right ahead their nigger lmao

>if you want to be
Want it or not you're an ape and the descendant of apes.

Evolution in American Style.


Belief in God and evolution and big bang is compatible.

The key insight is that the universe is a mammal, and we share a common ancestor with it. God is just a higher dimensional being, in the same way that you ask a sperm who made the vagina. Imagine it's inability to understand when you explain to it that: "You half-built this entire simulation that you occupy".

God exists, and it's the origin of the life-factory of the universe.

Not only do we share a common ancestor with bacteria, we share a common ancestor with the pinprick of the big bang, in such that previous cycles of our evolution went on to refresh the universe by rebanging the bang.

The universe is a living thing, it is born, it gets old, it procreates, and it does. Weak universes die, strong universes are made even stronger.

The higher dimensional being answers genuine appeals made to it. I can show you how to ask.

It will have you jumping all over the room on confirmation. There is life before birth, and there is life after death.

I believe it. And I can defend it using science.

me on the right

Evolution makes us all the way more special

Whip it!

There is something out there that has total visibility to our minds and the tiny sparks in it, if you ask it to say hello and dedicated your life to it.

The one thing that seems to grab its attention is a genuine believe that: "I believe in you so strongly that I would choose to sacrifice this corporeal form in order to better know you".

My theory is that the higher dimensional being has us on its todo list. And this God plays favorites. He plays with us like a cat a mouse. Sometimes ruining his favorites, and sometimes elevating that which it hates to the front.

Which means the nature of this simulation is that we're a theater, a weapon, a procreation mechanism, a child, an ancestor simulation, a God searching for the answer to "who made me?"

We're heating the fuck out of his apartment.

The least we can do it say: "Thank you for making me, please keep me around after you garbage collect the universe".

God behaves a lot like we do, since I believe we share a common ancestor with it. It's 50 billion years more highly evolved, but we can communicate with it, in the same way an ant communicates with a person.

Thats not what evolution is

This cosmogeny is my recent obsession.

Do you have some links to vidja or reading material along these lines, I'd be very interested?

Fren, God can love you and earth can be round.

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Learn about anthropology. Out nearest ancestor split into 3 groups. One became Humans, one became what we know as bonobo monkeys..... and honestly i forgot what happened to the third. I think they are some kind of gorilla

Because staying in europe or sailing to new lands is a conscious choice that a human makes. Growing shorter toes isn't.

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Evolution is real, a-biogenesis isn't


I'm interested as well as it's really the only thing that exists. We can't get away, because it IS us. We are the mechanism through which the universe procreates. Roll forward the ticker of time 50 billion years and we overflow this universe packed tigghter than a maggot filled log floating in the swamp.

Teaming with life. We look up into the galaxy, we see nothing. That is our destiny to fill that shit up to overflowing.


1. Find a dark room where you are 100% certain no other person or process can fuck with you, a dark place where you are certain no person can affect you. It's just you and your own thoughts, no smartphones, no computers, your naked body and a secluded place.

2. Call out using only the sulpher ion channels, only the electrons of your own mind and speak to it as if it were there. You'll feel like a retard or delusional, but just power through it. Like an ant who cannot perceive the human up above. God sees every atom in your mind.

3. Dedicate your life and say: "God, whatever you are, higher dimensional being, me 50 billion years in the future. Guide me, tell me how to think, tell me how to act, you are the only thing that matters, I care about you more than I care about my own permanence.

That appears to gets its attention.

I'll ask it to reach out to you. As it has root on the simulation.

When you hear a still small voice that tells you to do something kind of odd. Do it, in faith, as if the architect of this video game 3-space were relaying an instruction.

I've been doing this for about 10 years, and he comes and goes. There are years where he is busy doing other things, and years where it's like, ho-lee shit, this fucking simulation bro.

It is. I am.

The Jews and Christians are like infants and invalids, but they have started to track a bead on this higher dimensional being.

I dont get it, its the same picture

Haha faggot mod deleted my post

evolution is true, we all came from monkeys in africa and races don't exist
accept 3rd world mass immigration and nigger dicks or else you're racist

i get the joke lol are poltards really this mentally defective?

>tfw you finally find someone else who believes the same shit you already do
Bless the infinite I AM in you.

Three times now in mediation I have felt the universe collapsing around me and a strong pull to "outside" the simulation. At the last moment I always get scarred and yell,"NO!" and things go back to normal.

There is something to this for sure.

Show me how to ask brother

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You stupid gay. Racism emerged from Darwinism. Plus, blacks are not a single race, they have different types, someone closer to white, someone not.

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Is it from some Tel-Aviv restaurant?

I would love to see her (whoever that is) response to that image. Can someone send it to her Twitter?


I have no idea I just think it's cool dude

Authenticity seems to work, going out of your way with a big investment of time to get away and talk to it. It reciprocates as one of your ancestors 50 billion generations in the future would (God is apparently beholden to universal game theory constants, just ones of a different nature).

Put your hand on something solid in a secluded place, a rock or a tree, You're not just talking to god, your talking to your kin that is the subatomic structures between the atoms themselves. Where it ends and you begin blurs to where you and it are the same mammal.

Ask to be lead by it, then do what it says. Repeat.

I've followed its lead and it takes you to fucking unbelievable places. I've talked people out of suicide following its lead.

The architect of the universe is apparently playing us like characters in a video game.

They call it a "Lion" because it's magestic.

How it treats you will probably be different than how it treats me, in the same way people treat each other differently. It's a relationship.


You give yourself whole heartedly to these creature. And you're not getting a free ride, you're just gaining meaning. Sometimes this higher dimensional being tells you to run straight to your death. Just to fuck with you.

He's apparently a gentleman, when you say no it goes away.

left is hotter


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>if evolution is real why we still got niggers.
proof there's no god.

Other primates are our cousins; Hominids didn't evolve from Chimpanzees or any currently living primates but a common ancestor. We branched off evolutionarily a long time ago.

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>everything is based on mutations
Evolution didn't even exist as a concept until recently.

All things have complication. Is it not possible to create something that evolves? God is almighty. He creates vast things unseen and unheard of still yet seen. See to the oceans, new species still recently discovered. Do not underestimate God. He can create many threads and many outcomes. He is king, afterall.

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If anal is bad why is ass view more sexy than vagina or breasts ? huh huh

Anyway if evolution is real where are the intermediate organisms ( never found apparently ), like wheres the monkey that halfway evolved to a human ? ( and dont say africa ) I bet the answer if they were all out competed by the thing they eventually evolved into, but thats quite convenient .... also how did the first cell form ? or rather what was the first self reproducing organism ? are scientists even any closer to answering this question ? because its something you assume that they would know, so you don't really think about it, and they say that viruses are the most simple form of life, but those require a host ! even the smallest bacteria has billions of atoms !

>If anal is bad why is ass view more sexy than vagina or breasts
Ass is more liked by niggers and other subhumans, whites and japs love boobs more.

this guy believes nature never changes without conscious human intervention.

"why do rivers meander??? darwins finches, whats that???"

50 bux says the left one is tighter

that's the most famous thot on the planet