Why does Jow Forums idolize such incompetent leaders?
Why does Jow Forums idolize such incompetent leaders?
I guess we have to finish his work
BREAKING: Hitler was a tranny with one testicle and liked to fuck his dog!
>Why does Jow Forums idolize such incompetent leaders?
Because they are losers themselves and identify and sympathize with other losers
Checked those digits proof
Pack it up boys Hitler was Canadian
No, it's a fact. Kitler was a stupid imbecil, and anyone and everyone that supports him is a incel cuck.
Im a Nationalist and I unironically agree with this. Hitler made shit choices for his country strategically speaking and now they are so cucked they will be gone in 70 years
KEK, father Adolf turned a country the size of Texas into a world super power, if not for him we never would have made it to the moon
Still someone required the combined might of the allies and Russia to bring down.
Hehehe big nose spotted
What have you done
>conquered the entire western European continent in a matter of months
Therefore no one cares faggot
That's still your opinion asshat
No one cares about your shit and what you have to say
im going back to Jow Forums, one thread is enough to make me rage at the goddamned autism, i hope you all go to hell
Hitler mistake was not making a deal with the jew.
The nazis were so incopentent it took half the world to take them down even though germany was completely impoverish 10 years prior.
Every think you ever hear about the Nazi and Hitler from the media has been a lie.
Imagine being so hated people still unearth your corpse 80 years later just to spread rumors about you.
Ok and? Are they going to write an article about how Alexander the Great has Tourettes syndrome and constantly masterbated? Honk honk
OK take a hike to North Korea!
If an incompetent and lazy leader of a clown government was able to fight the entire world and almost win, how stupid were the rest of the world?