Brit/pol/ - Vote Remain, Get SNP edition

>Iran oil tanker: Gibraltar orders release of Grace 1

>Salisbury Novichok attack poisoned second officer, Met confirms

>Under-fire Home Secretary Priti Patel lashes out at Labour's Dianne Abbott for 'playing politics with knife crime‘

>'Devoted' dad stabbed by screwdriver outside Greggs named

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Should all be done within the next 10 years.


>Man stabbed outside Home Office in central London


>Brexit: Corbyn plans to call no-confidence vote to defeat no-deal


were they not good enough for you m8

positivity thread

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nothing personal kid

I'm not beady

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Negativity (realism) thread

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doubt corbyn will do shit now if he wont be the one in control,

i remember reading a study that depressed people have more realistic views on life

remain tribe bad

leave tribe good

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Emotion transmitted
Emotion received
Music in the abstract
Elemental empathy
A change of synergy
Music making contact

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I've been wanting to quit my job for a few years now, and tomorrow my boss's last day in the office before he's away for two weeks. In the past I've always encouraged myself to quit at this point, and feel like shit waiting for two weeks to say I'm resigning - I know I'll feel the same tomorrow if I don't quite.

Any advice? Needless to say I'm a beta indecisive sperg, but honestly I think I'd be ok working retail for the foreseeable future as long as I can find a new job within 1-2 months.

Do you think this is do-able?

he was never going to do shit anyway, rumour on the mill was at least 20 Labour MPs in Leave areas weren't going to back his VoNC anyway. He's just posturing. We're leaving on the 31st of Oct, everyone is slowly getting it. Even the calls from the Peoples Vote have quietened down. It's done lad, home stretch now.

Jow Forums is becoming boring for me now lads

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I hear redit has a lively politics discussion sub, which is very tolerant and respects free-speech.

Tell him he's a cunt and leave, it's not hard.

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You've been drinking too much of it


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>he hasn’t taken the bloomer or Aragorn pill

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same, reddit is memed here but the quality of discussion is unironically substantially higher thanks to good moderation

try tumblr

Just got back from a nightwalk lads.

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Why do you feel bad about not resigning?
Why do you feel bad about resigning?

Steady on there. It'll happen the next day after never.

Is Nige just taking the piss now lads?

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How many punters did you get?

Why did you pretend to drink three bottles of corona?

I subscribe to the umberto eco view that noels a poet and liams a town crier and that to me has always been a perfect combination

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It’s not that, Reddit is gamma male central. I just don’t seem to interested in the depressing themes Jow Forums repeats day in day out. Despair is apart of the system, and Jow Forums eats it up unknowingly. What’s worse is that they don’t ever have a solution or when they do it’s so unrealistic that it just gets laughed at.

You're from Sainsburys aren't you?

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it's desperados or westons
tonight i also have a bvttle of franziskaner

>going on reddit

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He's a good guy, so no.

I feel about about not resigning because I have moral conflict about what the company does. On the one hand I criticize modern technology (not to Ted-tier degree), but on the other hand I work full-time doing something similar to what I'm criticizing.

I feel bad about resigning because it's a small company, and I've been there several years so I feel bad dropping that on my boss while he's on a family vacation and has to take time out to organize my replacement.

Big C

Noel And Liam Gallagher took the bloomer pill before it was a thing

Well let him have his holiday then you selfish prick.

But you must understand that the blackpill is the only pill worth taking, because it doesn't get better lad. It only gets worse. You can meme about 'kicking them out' all you want, but the truth is the odds are insurmountable. They've let in too many. It's a race to the bottom now lad.

They won't miss you.

Why are you such a liar?

Based Cumming calling out the bbc kikes

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you mean censorship.

>raging homo
one of these statements is incorrect

I’ve swallowed the black pill it took me to dark place which then lead to a greater appreciation of life, your background, your nation, the mythology of your nation, the people around you, their personalities, ignoring the spiteful mutants around you.
Life is good.
There is always hope. Pic related

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>I feel about about not resigning because I have moral conflict about what the company does. On the one hand I criticize modern technology (not to Ted-tier degree), but on the other hand I work full-time doing something similar to what I'm criticizing.

I think it's very normal to feel like that and it's something no-one ever discusses. Something artists should be picking up but anyone with the artistic skill connections and gall will be in the same position probably...
Very few jobs would allow the luxury of feeling morally correct, try and think of one, park ranger? living like varg?
I think if it was morally sound there would be another explanation for the tugging feeling in your heart, maybe.

>I feel bad about resigning because it's a small company, and I've been there several years so I feel bad dropping that on my boss while he's on a family vacation and has to take time out to organize my replacement.
Rock and a hard place, if you respect your boss i'd at least stick around until he gets back
but you don't owe him anything


You can't live your life around other people. It'll just make you miserable.

the joos won, its over

not much to be positive about

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go fuck a dog, chang

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the aragornpill is flawed. the theodenpill is the true pill.

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You gonna be a victim about it or try and change it? What little you can do now will have an effect in the future.


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>high quality content
>everyone just says the same thing and nods their head in agreement because dissent = hate speech

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If you must go to work tomorrow
Well if I were you I wouldn't bother
For there are brighter sides to life
And I should know because I've seen them
But not very often

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become an ascetic monk
starve yourself
deny the will to life

Even theoden knew Aragorn lead the way.

Morrissey's gay as well

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i remember some woman pranged into a car, and instead of owning up, decided to prang into even more cars and generally cause mayhem
or she might have been a shoplifter.
but basically, she went nuts after other customers tried to detain her.

Echo chamber is a nonsense word. You know what else is an “echo chamber”?
A family, a community, a nation.
They all say the same things and function just fine. It’s the quality within that matters.

Thanks. I think I'll have to make a decision by tomorrow noon, otherwise wait another two weeks. It's so strange being older and realizing nobody is going to step in and point you in the right direction, and that there is so much grey area in life. I feel like I should take the risk and that I'll look back and feel like it was a good decision, on the other hand I remember being unemployed for months after uni, and remember my mother being unemployed for a long time and how frustrated and demoralized she spending hours each day applying for minimum wage jobs.

Still less of a fag than you.

his music is shite as well

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lmao, enjoy the diversity and enrichment Londonistan police, KEK

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low quality paint memes desu

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you listen to grime

Why are you such a liar?

kek i remember seeing this a few christmases ago but never understood what it was about.

ahh yes, multiculturalism, where cultures bring their ethnic wars to completely different countries

Who cares let them kill each other

>you're gay lol
cmon lad, you're more mature than that

i didn't say you were gay, i said you were a massive fag, ok?

i know exactly what you mean
you realise that everyone you ever spoke to or spent time with has no meaningful substance
when it comes down to it no-one will take your hand or give you a lift up
on the contrary they'll see you failing and think 'fuck you, don't want to see it, don't want to hear it'

i'm don't lie that much


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what a fucking larp. i bet you listen to sabaton unironically

hope i don't spill my autism at the war weekend desu

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order from the iron maiden
get the islands back

Pretty much. I have enough money to pay my rent for at least six months quite comfortably, but with my lack of qualifications I know it'll be very hard to find a job that pays more than £20k in that time, in my area. But really, I feel like I'd be ok with spending a couple of years renting somewhere cheapish (350-500 a month) and working maybe 30 hours minimum wage a month. I've reached a point where I think I'd be content with a quiet little routine like that, not much money but enough free time to read a lot - my only real hobby.

Why don’t you fuck off to >Jow Forums with that Tim meme instead of forcing it here?

well, you're an arsehole, ok?

>paying the jews mortgage for him
live with your parents for a few years and save up the deposit, thats what I did. If your parents love you they'll let you live rent free if you cover your food costs.

>don’t ever have a solution
people are depressed becuase their doesnt seem to be one your mong

get some more qualifications lad
don't be ground down
also read neil gaimans norse mythology it's bretty good

I love how tim gets seej's knickers in a twist

eat shit

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>posting more and more depressing shit everyday will bring one

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i've done you in paddy. change your nappy.


You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

Attached: Dinner making with Hero Bear today ... Pictures by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented uly 20 (628x889, 1.17M)

based i think

Can't, no dad and my mum shares a house with her partner. Unfortunate, but probably good for me as I'm a bit of a mummy's boy.

What qualifications?

someone post some music

battle of pelennor fields is true kino