Do you still support President Donald Trump?

Do you still support President Donald Trump?

Attached: trump.jpg (250x250, 22K)


Attached: TRUMP ZIONISM 81.jpg (1305x922, 180K)




Almost checked.

My support is sinking fast and I likely wont vote for him again, but if I see a wall (or a decent start to one) I would consider it. If I see a Clinton go to jail or any dissolution of the deep state as a result of Epstein I'll 10000% vote for him

Yeah sure I guess. He’s still creating an ocean of liberal tears every day which is fun

more than ever

He's been the best accelerationist President we could have asked for. I support him in that sense. I hope he is re-elected, though it won't matter as much as his first victory.
Trump is heating up the fire by pissing off both Left and Right.

>I likely wont vote for him again
fuck off