More and more young boys are giving up on society. The formula used to be, get educated, fall in love, get married...

More and more young boys are giving up on society. The formula used to be, get educated, fall in love, get married, buy house, have children, retire and hopefully leave the world a better place.
We aren't seeing this development anymore, is it because of videogames and pornography? How can we make sure boys are actually growing up into men and partaking in society?

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Education has become indoctrination and women have become a meme. I have 2 ex wives and nothing tires me of women more than dealing with them.

It's the economy, retard.

Women are retarded

Don’t raise them playing video games. Teach them skills at a young age. Christianity. Fight against everything that society has become.

Educate yourself you squint

Return to natural hierarchy

Sorry! My bad!

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where I live women are disgusted by circa 75% of men, they dont even talk to them they ignore them
being ingored leads to isolation and fleeing reality behaviours its not that men dont want love or a family we are just not good enough for most women, which demoralises us and lead us to isolaion in the first place

Every single time

Young gentlemen please take it from a 50 something old fart enjoy your lives, your video games, food, booze, porn, and whatever else makes you happy. The roastie is not the prize you guys are. If she’s interested make her WORK FOR IT (i.e. shit test her). If you can successfully exclude any cluster b / bipolar bitches that come your way your life will be, for the most part, continual happiness. Loneliness, suck ass jobs, and hard times come and go. Allowing a bitch to sink her claws fully into you is the closest thing to a walking death you can experience in this world.

Go to Work Bitches.

You want all the power? Take it. We will raise the kids and fuck around at home all day. While you work all day.

Blaming men and entertainment is proof your brainlet ass is incapable of fixing anything. Women want men who are financially solvent, which often means a good education and a well paying job. I can't even blame them for that, it's not like it's a bad idea to shoot for nice things. But wages are stagnant, college is egregiously expensive, the housing market is a fucking travesty, and most 20-30 year olds have debt to their eyeballs or are avoiding large purchases exactly to not get in massive debt. I'm not starting a family until I have my shit in order, things are hard enough now just taking care of myself. You can either fix this by forcing women back into a more subservient role, which good fucking luck there now that they've gotten a taste of independence, or society needs to adjust to these new times and unfuck these economic systems. Personally I'm all for the boomercide that would fix everything, but I understand it's unrealistic as well.

Change the marriage laws or watch civilization burn desu, I’m just sticking around for the Space Force at this point

My plan is to get rich and knock up some young woman at 50

These threads always feel like the gloating of some thinktank about a successful rout of the world a large.


Who the fuck is going to be scared of you when you’re 65? Your daughter is going to date the biggest nog just to spite your geriatric ass

real world sucks that's why

Wooooo! I'm part of the problem! Suck it everyone who said I was a good kid.

This. Until they dekike marriage laws and family courts and the like, fuck marriage. I'm not putting my everything at risk for some roastie who can, and almost definitely will divorce me for no reason. That's not to say that I don't date or just fuck around. I do have a girlfriend at the moment, and fortunately my state has no common law marriage laws so I can keep her around as long as I want without having to worry (I've been with her for seven years). She's asked me about marriage more than once, but I just laughed at her and moved on to another subject.

As it stands, marriage is for cucks and betas, and I guess faggots. Feel free to date, have a girlfriend or three, but do not get married.

I'm unfit to reproduce. Being of European stock isn't enough to make up for a bloodline riddled with mental illness and substance abuse.

It's because of woman's liberation and the death of the patriarchy. You can't marry a good woman anymore for two reasons:
1: There are few good women anymore. There aren't enough of them for all the millionaire chads, let alone any for Joe Normie
2: Real marriage doesn't exist in the West anymore. There isn't a single person in the West who is actually, truly married and hasn't been for decades, probably closer to a century.

I can’t be bothered

>Elects a literally Drama Queen as PM for the sole purpose of legalizing weed
>Economy crashes
You dog fucking Snow Mexicans deserve any and everything coming to you under your upcoming Islamic Caliphate...enjoy your tarrifs, Greg Chang al-Baghdi Chopra

>get married, buy house, have children, retire and hopefully leave the world a better place.

Doing those things drastically make the world a worse place though. One child alone does unimaginable damage to the environment

I love how it’s our fault that we decided to not give a fuck after years of everyone saying that everything is our fucking fault.
>”white males are the worst thing on the planet omg toxic omgeee”
>”women aren’t getting chads to give them kids because white males are so lazy and childish omgee”
Maybe we are doing other things because you can’t just take care of yourself and be a good housewife. It’s not hard just make food and fuck enough.

Feels good being a neet especially with classic wow right around the corner

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People don't actually believe this. You can tell because the people who tell you this are in favour of massive foreign aid to Africa which bloats their population, and are then in favour of importing those Africans to their own country where the higher standard of living ensures that they will consume even more than they would in Africa.

It's an impossible situation. The Jews have made it so the is no reward (a loving wife) for hard work, and attacking them requires unity which seems impossible. A major happening that breaks the system is the only way put.

>is it because of videogames and pornography?
I'm switching between playing my survival multiplayer game and looking at porn. I fucking love it.

If more white men grew a nutsack and learn that women want to be bent over and raped (it's literally a part of their primal drive) we wouldn't have this fucking issue in the first place.

I thought all the based boomers were dead?

>My marriage was finalized in 13 months
>A coworker I let stay at my apartment for less than 3 months caused me drama/bullshit that took just under 2.5 years to totally clear
Had kids with neither, thank god, but really things are getting stupid

I quit my job last week to prepare for wow classic launch. Not a single fuck is given.

This but I'm 25 and I know it even if the pain of being alone right now hurts it's better than cluster B trainwrecks.

Based old timer giving solid life advice. I dodged that bullet by a hair. Thank you for your wisdom based Boomer.

There's more to life than pussy

Alliance or Horde? Answer wisely.

Based and redpilled. My plan as well.

>push technology as the #1 consumer good
>be surprised when people use technology

>We aren't seeing this development anymore, is it because of videogames and pornography?
fall in love
get married
buy house
have children
Hint: three of those cost money, a lot usually. On top of that there is too much risk a woman or myself will change the outlook of the relationship later, on causing a disaster and tons of money spent.

Gaming too much gets boring and most people stop doing it at some point. Only a few get too hooked. I wouldn't worry about it. Social media is a much bigger cancer

Lok Tar Ogar my nigger.

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What game maybe I'll give it a go?

No it’s because women can get divorced whenever it’s convenient and steal half a man’s wealth on the way out the door, along with the kids, to go fuck someone else. And men don’t wanna put up with that shit anymore.

I'm 26. Every male coworker I've told about my plans to remain single for life has tried to convince me otherwise. That if I just have sex, my whole perspective will change.

What incentive is there to get married and have kids?

I'll enjoy killing you mud hut niggers

Based. I would play too if I had a good PC. Maybe one day.

We're not in control of our lives. It's like a get rich quick scheme system. You think you can apply some kind of strategy, but you can't. Every behaviour has been premeditated by the system and commodified. You are the commodity. Your life is the commodity. Your drive to procreate and live in a house has been valued and factored in. Participation makes you the bitch.

Dropping out is the best option until we are allowed to be men again

VPN poster with SHIT pasta

>We aren't seeing this development anymore, is it because of videogames and pornography? How can we make sure boys are actually growing up into men and partaking in society?
The perceived value of getting married and participating in society has to be greater than that of sitting around getting drunk/high and playing games.

The role that women are playing in this is the whole demanding better of men while not providing better themselves. And this isn't to say that they're wrong in demanding more. No one wants to be with someone whose biggest ambition is scoring some good weed and has worse hygiene habits than a pig in a factory farm, but the problem is a lot of people don't see value in bothering with that, no matter if they're right or wrong.

It's popular to try to heap blame on one side or the other, but in reality both sides are failing each other.

That won't happen until the white race is near extinct and the brown horde turns to Jerusalem.

>is it because of videogames and pornography?
No, it's because of 1 post by this ID threads that have been discussed to death.

>1 post
sage & report
also women should learn to take responsibility and get some self reflection

Playing video games and fucking bar sluts is way less stressful

t. Boomer

love doesn't exist for millenial women, only money and people thinking they're cool

Yeah but blow jobs are only good from Jewish or French Canadian chicks and anal well that’s where shit comes from so I don’t really see what else...

>muh world
Literally nobody gives a shit about you and neither do you individualist whore roastie.

This thread will reach the bump limit as usual.

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post blue waffle and there will be an end to this horror.


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Dude, fuck you, and fuck that article. This shit pisses me off almost as much as MGTOW.
-social media
-the most extreme political division we've seen since the 60s
-boomer economics/housing crisis
And, then dumb shits like you want to blame video games, as if our fathers and grandfathers didn't grow up watching the boob tube throughout most of their free time.
This is the kind of clickbait designed to trick idiots into thinking that an expansive societal ill has a mundane, "nothing to see hear" cause.

Did my time with women, liars, cheaters, manipulators all of them. Even the 'good' ones will lie to your fucking face because thats just how they are programmed.

Pro White flyering of Virginia Tech happens this Fall. At every home game and any time you feel like it, you distribute pro white literature/symbols anywhere you feel like on the VT campus or the town of Blacksburg, VA.

Blend in by wearing VT clothing or the colors maroon and orange (Hokie Team colors.) Leave literature anywhere someone will see it and be aware that cameras and glow niggers infest the town and campus. So make note of them and place pro white stuff out of view of them. Or wear a disguise that covers your face. Your call. All white men look the same to Jews and White Social Justice Warriors. They go berserk with grief, range, hate, fear and sorrow when they can't figure out who is doing something pro white. (The University can lose its Fed Bucks if they can't figure it out. Lol!) So have fun and go fierce on them. Anti Whites and Jews deserve to die. Defying them is the least you can do.

Absolutely based boomer


TLDR they made an app for dick (tinder)...why the FUCK did they do this? Like, it’s always been easy to be a slut but now sluts don’t even need to hang out at fucking bars, they just sit at home and order dick to the front door like pizza. This one chick I met was on tinder, cute little thing only a few months out of a 4 year marriage (22 y/o) her body count was 45. Steve Jobs deserves to burn in hell for eternity

Women have all become vapid whores or feminists with retarded views. Why would any self respecting man want to father children with them? Without decent women to motivate young men to want to start a family with there is no reason to want to start a family. Who wants a kid with a stupid bitch when they are likely to leave and stick you child support while they whore it up.

I hope you quit a shitty wageslave job and not an actual good job that could have been a career, user

Because my 30-35 hours per week pay cant afford me a house or children, and im too lazy to find a second job to somehow fit in between my random work schedule.. And the pay is so low that Id rather spend it on my life than some single mother looking for a roof over their head. Id love to have kids though. Maybe one day. I just dont want to ever scrap by, or live paycheck to paycheck, it scares me. the 80/20 tinder thing really tells me all I need to about women.

Their Fathers & Mothers Sold them Out.

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Get a better job faggot