More and more young boys are giving up on society. The formula used to be, get educated, fall in love, get married...

More and more young boys are giving up on society. The formula used to be, get educated, fall in love, get married, buy house, have children, retire and hopefully leave the world a better place.
We aren't seeing this development anymore, is it because of videogames and pornography? How can we make sure boys are actually growing up into men and partaking in society?

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Education has become indoctrination and women have become a meme. I have 2 ex wives and nothing tires me of women more than dealing with them.

It's the economy, retard.

Women are retarded

Don’t raise them playing video games. Teach them skills at a young age. Christianity. Fight against everything that society has become.

Educate yourself you squint

Return to natural hierarchy

Sorry! My bad!

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where I live women are disgusted by circa 75% of men, they dont even talk to them they ignore them
being ingored leads to isolation and fleeing reality behaviours its not that men dont want love or a family we are just not good enough for most women, which demoralises us and lead us to isolaion in the first place

Every single time

Young gentlemen please take it from a 50 something old fart enjoy your lives, your video games, food, booze, porn, and whatever else makes you happy. The roastie is not the prize you guys are. If she’s interested make her WORK FOR IT (i.e. shit test her). If you can successfully exclude any cluster b / bipolar bitches that come your way your life will be, for the most part, continual happiness. Loneliness, suck ass jobs, and hard times come and go. Allowing a bitch to sink her claws fully into you is the closest thing to a walking death you can experience in this world.

Go to Work Bitches.

You want all the power? Take it. We will raise the kids and fuck around at home all day. While you work all day.