Hasnt been photographed in 3 years.
Reading this book at a paparazzi hot spot in LA.
I think she wants us all to know.
So the CIA is a pedophile ring?
part of the cia is.
Welcome to Jow Forums you're here forever.
She dies on the 18th. She appears to be out of babies blood anyway.
Shouldn't she be in jail waiting trial ? She be accused of sex trafficking and is a flight risk
Fucking arrest the bitch! What the fuck?! If we can't have Epstein because he's "dead," she's the next best thing. Fuck this bullshit.
stupid whore
pedophile walking the streets with no concern
Goddammit im not even 30 minutes away from that shithole REEEEE
>part of the cia is.
>child indentured agency?
>Finders Cult
>Franklin Cover Up
Do your own research before sounding like a moron faggoy.
How autistic do you have to be inorder to recognize someone like this out in public when they havnt even been seen for 3 years?
She's there to be photographed. The person who took the picture was probably contacted to be there.
What is the fucking angle here? Just arrest her, tf is going on?
True. How else could you know book. She’s posing. This is “staged”
thunberg level
>paparazzi hot spot in LA
She’s got Epstein’s blackmail.
Is the title of a book meant to be a threat?
Like, "I will spill the beans about secret CIA deaths if you glowies come after me?"
>CIA was running a honeypot
>Bill Clinton was using it knowing damn well what it was but, like Hillary, thought he ran the world and it was his honeypot he could do what he wanted
top kek, don't doubt it for a second. In fact he probably used it to lure other people into it, thinking it was safe because the President was doing it. That really is fucking genius, he was doing it for the good of the country, bless that man.
Children In Agony
She's clearly bait. Maybe even for us. So who benefits most from her coming up for air?
It's so fucking disgusting knowing that her involvement in orgies and other sex acts was a constant and consistent thing in somebody's reality.
Like, there are people out there, probably many who have already died, that were all too familiar with her horrible jewish pussy and everything else.
Also whats the significance of the in-n-out burger?
>Finders Cult
I've heard a little about this one but I can't find a lot of data linking it with CIA. You have any videos or reading to share?
Not going to lie would have made a decent emperor
That's more 1st President Bush
She likes shitty burgers
So the Feds want to indite this bitch but will not send out a National BOLO, National Most Wanted pic, or use the multi-trillion dollar spy system that uses cell phones, humit, social media background pics, background video pics, and more to find this Bitch (key to it all with Epstein). It's almost like they want her to get away...
No, no. let's let her shitpost from a fucking In-N-Out burger LMAO.
Gosh I feel safe. Maybe we should create the National Food Chain Security Office (NFCSO) to hunt down fuckers the other Alphabet Clowns can't seem to catch who eat at fast food places.....
She does. She's been trying to save face for a long time, following libel suits, blocking release of documents etc. She's a selfish bitch everything she does she does to further her goals. Her goal is to stay afloat
Inb4 Imagine the smell
>She appears to be out of baby blood anyway.
holy shit this
she's gone from normal midage female socialite to full on Yiddish great grandmother makushing you on Hanukkah
They inscribe biblical passages on their cups. Could be a subversive thing.
Fuck off, leaf.
So shes blackmailing the C~isforcat~aye~Ayyyyylmao?
CIA should be called mossad
>He thinks pedophile ring is the worst thing the CIA is doing
The Franklin Cover up should be the starting point for all new frenz.
it became obvious to even 1980s normies that the ABCs and the govt are leading pedo rings and will either send anyone to prison forever or just straight up blow up your plane no matter who you are for trying to leak it
The USA funds the Mossad through military aid. Come on, you should know this by now.
first or second day here?
If she's CIA, she wouldn't be caught dead reading that book. If she's in another organization, she might. Just saying.
>they inscribe bible passages on their cups.
do the fags and sjws know this cause they all seem to love this overhyped greasey shit
vegas here
Don’t slam the door on your way out
Of course this is near Hollywood
3640 Cahuenga Blvd W
Los Angeles, CA 90068
United States
Her dad was Mossad and kbg and mi6
If she was smart she has a copy of it all. That prosecutor that gave him a deal said someone told him Epstein is above his pay grade. Wouldn't be a big leap of faith he ran a government honey pot. Rush also looked at his money 500 million would not allow his life style. And no one has a clue to how he made it.
do you still try to leave one in a while?
you're telling me this bitch was right down the street from me. wtf who else is hiding out here
There's around 7k mostly white sex slaves in *Israel right now.
fyi anons I did not post this photo. it was a ghislaine info image. why is it trump now. wtf.
Oh god, I thought that user was just shitposting.
No, these Honeypots aren't traps. It's not like you go to Epstein's mansion, rape a kid, thinking you'll get away with it, only to be surprised when he blackmails you.
You go to Epstein's mansion and rape a kid *knowing* you'll be blackmailed, because that blackmail will give power brokers the confidence in you to fast track you into top positions.
better delete this post for your own good goyim
bahaha, ghislaine can handle all the shitposting up until the point the memes or edited photos start popping up.. then she takes control
high resolution picture
Blood in
Blood out
Now be a good boy
Book she wasn't reading until she struck a pose
>probably called in the tip to media herself
She wants to pin the blame on the CIA.
She's interviewing for a job at CIA.
>I think she wants us all to know.
Or she wants us to think it's so simple.
>Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.
>The convicted pedophile also told his lawyers that the neck injuries he suffered in an earlier incident at the Metropolitan Correctional Center were inflicted by his hulking, ex-cop cellmate, which led the lawyers to request that he be taken off a suicide watch, according to a source familiar with Epstein’s case
CIA + Mossad
They used this to blackmail politicians and men of influence. The US government is compromised.
Jews put their dicks in and out of ameriburgers' asses.
Something eerily familiar with this & when Kate Spade suicided.
damn the cia dont fukken care...posting her out in public was to calm down the doubt but this only increase my doubt they are gonna kill her soon
Two phones, and two sodas on the table, yet it says she's there alone? What kind of sloppy job is this?
I also love the poetry of this picture, people ignorantly sitting around stuffing burgers into their apathetic beings while a pedophile satanic cunt sit in their midst.
The absolute state of the modern world.
6 months to a year she will be dead...MI6 have orders from the queens husband to kill her on sight...
my guess is mossad, but they have to share blackmail dirt with cia and mi6.
like they want some khazar milker GILF
let me try again...
“The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives.”
is she taunting the cia or leaving messages to the cia
Mossad probably piloted the project but this operation was so big and was in the US so it required CIA oversight no doubt. I figured it would be CIA and not FBI since the CIA is international and I think the FBI might be the good guys.
the ring mean something
I know what you mean. Mossad is why I cant get gf
She’s always had a great rack. No wonder daddy passed her around to his friends. Probably how she got her appetite for little girls. She was a play thing as well.
No amount of trying to send the world secret messages is going to help her. Even if she stands up and testifies in front of a microphone, it's not going to work. You kind of lose all credibility when you get to her level of evil crimes, and by all credibility I mean 100%. For any real justice to occur here we are all better off to just sentence each and every one of them to death and then figure things out on our own after they've passed. That's what they just did with Epstein. It works. This process will continue. The pertinent names that we've all been discussing over the past few years will pop up over and over as each one of them dies. These pizzagate deathy-deaths will continue to be thread gold. Our rewards. She knows she is done too. there's no way she doesn't have the intelligence quotient to realize that it's 100% over for her. This book thing is just a joke. She would have been better off to get "caught" reading one of Epstein's Amazon sex bondage training manuals. That would have shown some backbone and moxie.
based upon its behavior, fbi is probably just a domestic front organization for the cia. kek.
The Maxwell-Mossad connection makes me wonder.
Did Jeffrey Epstein blackmail individuals for monetary aid to Israel... or did he blackmail an entire nation?
anons have described the ring as being a wrench that's been bent into a ring.
was the purchase of Greenland a distraction for maxwell
Is that young Adolf ?
it's a way to talk to certain people when you know you're being watched/monitored.
she's sending a message to her cohorts, who are also aware of the lingo.
Shut the fuck up ((Epshbevg)))
Its heavily jew. she is hiding out with her co ethnics, praying to avoid prison.
this appearance is very much on purpose
>paparazzi not credited
>they don't say that the picture is from august 12
is the paparazzi scared he might get suicided ?
maybe it's staged
this would explain:
very true
A comforting read after a personal tragedy
Customer rating 5.0/5.0
August 15, 2019 By G. Maxwell
15 out of 15 found this helpful
A good friend of mine died recently under very tragic circumstances. Some of us saw it coming for quite a while but it was still a huge shock when it finally happened. I picked up this book at the advice of a friend and absolutely couldn't put it down. I'd read it walking the dog, getting fast food, or even just lounging around the house. It helped me realized that my friend really believed in something, and that giving your life for the CIA, NSA, FBI, Mossad, or other intelligence agency is truly a higher calling and not something to mourn. A wholehearted recommendation.
everything and I mean everything is wrong with this picture...obvious is too obvious but why so obvious why the cell phone under the book the ring the black cars everywhere the perfect angle for a head shot in the back ground
Damn that’s a good shitpost
She's mossad
He was CIA asset
g-guys this isn't real r-right?