Are they somehow a gateway to hell?
inb4 deleted
Are they somehow a gateway to hell?
inb4 deleted
Why do faggot Jannies do this? Do they think we can actually talk about this shit on other boards like /x/ or so on? We'd get banned, not pruned.
Anything related to the Jews in inherently political, because those fat nosed fucks are everywhere in politics and use their religion to inform their decisions.
what the fuck jannies
All black cube symbolism is saturn worship. Saturn/Kronos/Moloch.
thanks for the quick redpill
There is one of a lot of big corporation's hidden satanic and masonic symbolism. Anyone got that pic?
Because of the black ceramic artifact.. the OOPA. In possession of the Illuminati. Stuff written on it that no one can read.
There are DNA-like molecules in the ancient monolith.
Muslims created a black cube in Mecca thinking it would lure the ancients back.
The cube is a 3d representation of our universe and Jews worship the demiurge who is the architect of our universe
The illuminati, freemasons, and other occult sects do as well
There's also the connection or relationship to Lucifer, Prometheus, mithra, the serpent in eden, and other 'enlightening' mythological characters
Cargo cult. Makes sense