Well known girl goes to nigger dominated school

>well known girl goes to nigger dominated school
>car gets broken into by niggers
>twice in one week
>make post with pic related
>school has to send out apology letter
>doesn't punish white girl because of 1st amendment
>niggers are going fucking CRAZY

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Based white girl again

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School isn't punishing her because it's within her rights

Nogs btfo

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>it's not even about race

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Holy shit hahaha

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Lol dumb white bitch

>I used it but I wouldn't use it

All backlash and punishment hella deserved. Funny how you pussies like to be racist and act tough but then when the consequences come you shit y'all pants and take everything back.

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Nogs still mad

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Why is it always leafs and memeflags posting this shit? How much pay per post?

They sound saddened that they have to abide by the constitution.

Dude these are just chinese people. Canada is full of them, rest assured the average canadian is not like that. (some are though to be fair)

Because those who work in education hate white people
If these people had their way that white girl would get raped and beaten daily by niggers

Bet you dish it out but can’t take it, bitch

I've heard of chinks getting together in discord and spamming bbc threads because they're mad at white boys stealing that sweet yellow pussy

That’s some funny shit lol


Niggers steal? Are you kidding me? GTFO

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Sure she’s being routinely victimized, but the important thing to focus on here is hat she said the N word.

Look up r/hapas and Eurasian tiger also. Somehow it promotes Asian “masculinity” lmao

The same black bitches complaining she said it are probably the type to say “YEAH BABUH! DAT WHY BIH DESERVE ALL DAT!” When they see social media post of whites getting fucked up.

Holy shit that's embarrassing

Lmao, she apologized. Eat shit white americans.

No one forced her to. Black bitches be assmad because the school didn’t enforce any ramifications lol

The blacks want a lynching they mad when the white people get uppidity and voice opinions. They reminding white people to know their place you aren’t allowed to be on social media unless everyone post begins with how much you love crime & diversity

Fucking based


She only had to for the optics dumbass. Same with the school

thinking a whole 360, lmao

Piss off, irl Spy main

She said nigger and then said “sorry” and got no repercussions
This is the best nigger-saying incident in years

The left despises the constitution and any mechanism that prevents their authoritarian rule

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>culture of inclusion
with niggers running around and smashing car windows in broad daylight it really must be THE university to be this side of the equator

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Niggers deserve to be referred to as such if they're breaking into peoples cars like rampant baboons. She should've posted the niggers faces too so they could get consequences, but black people never did anything so apparently they're immune to punishment

Lmfao if she was going around campus saying racist shit she'd probably get in more trouble. Are these niggers brains so small that they can't understand people have a right to say whatever they want on their private social media? It has nothing to do with the school. Dumb boons

She said "nigga" not "nigger". She also has a wiggerish twitter name.

It’s racist to point out when blacks commit crimes

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>people sympathized with stealing niggers more than a white victim so they tried to make her get kicked out of her college.
Jesus Christ. What is this clown world?

You can clearly see an ‘s’ in her tweet. So it’s either niggas or niggers. And seeing chink boy tweeted ‘she could have saved herself if she used an ‘a’ instead of ‘r’. I’m guessing she said niggers.

They're criminals not nig****, using the n-word is just an excuse for being racist ...

Nigger is the word we Americans use to refer to niggers.

There’s a Chris rock skit I’m thinking of. There’s black people and then there’s niggas

Keep calling niggers on their shit. They simply cannot live in a civilized society

rig the car to explode when the windows are shattered, problem solved.

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Until 2 years from now when she tries to get into a college. Or 4 years after that when she tries to get a job. This shit will follow her in ways that will make regret ever having a social media account at all.

After talking to all those diverse people she's back at hating niggers again.

>no mention of niggers targeting her and vandalizing her property
But lets all get butthurt over the use of a word niggers call each other multiple times a day.
Canada should be range banned.

Niggers gonna nig, though.




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I mean she isn't wrong, fucking niggers man

So many brain washed white traitors. They deserve to be cleansed.

Yeah but they all look alike.

>is fat

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Well this was a little white pill for the day. Thx for this thread user.

>hyphenated last name
wow, who could have seen this coming?

>this is what high school girls look like now
that's a yikes from me lads

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>hate speech isn't free speech
That's where you're wrong, NIGGER.

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Cut them some slack. It's not like they can read the wording of the first amendment to realize there is no distinction of "hate speech."

They just believe what the wypipo who coddle them say.
