When the white men put their differences aside and work together there's nothing they can't accomplish

When the white men put their differences aside and work together there's nothing they can't accomplish. liveleak.com/view?t=9GJEh_1565477054

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Sucker punching is nigger tier

Niggers deserve no quarter

fuck off Moshe

Jews deserve no quarter

Fixed. We shouldn't be cruel to animals.

It was a sucker punch but who cares he was asking for it.
The guy in the pink shirt is fucking based. Didn't say a single word just took out the trash.

How the teacher only intervenes until the nigger is on the floor?

He's probably afraid of the nigger.

Shit... I've never been more erect

Fucking based. Waits for the nigger to attack an injured man and then fucks him up. Beautiful.

Fuck, cant believe you americans survive public school

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Spitting on/pushing some guy with a fucked up hand that clearly didn't want anything to do with him warrants it. Guy was a nigger and deserved to get knocked out.

What a useless teacher letting the nigger be a nog and only stepping in after the chimpout. Teachers like that is why kids snap

But being a nigger and trying to fight someone half your size isnt?

Hey...it's time to stfu. You're little nigger got punished.

It's not cruel to put down a rabid animal.

Thankfully my dad is redpilled and we moved to a cracker jack school district when I was in 3rd grade.

Teachers aren't allowed to do anything. If the teacher touches the precious nigger, he will be on the news that evening as a racist, lose his job etc..


Trust the plan and stuff



The teacher was in the room, watching all this and afraid to do anything. LMAO AT AMERICANS.

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its easy if you're not poor or if you live out of the city

no spics or niggers

> respecting niggers shitting and spitting in your vicinity.
Nigger tier desu.

>teacher steps in as soon as black is wrangled
Yep reminds me of highschool

niggers are nigger tier. who gives a fuck what you do with them

It's unbelievable there was even a teacher there at all, most classrooms in the US are not like this.

How is it cruel to put down a rampaging ape? Did you fall for the DMT meme? What the fuck are you smoking?

the rules have changed

How long was the teacher gonna wait before stepping in? Seemed like he didn't give a fuck till the black kid was down. Probably only concerned about a lawsuit from his black parents. People in roles of authority that act this shitty are the main issue and need to be shot.

>most classrooms in the US are not like this.
You lying senile old boomer fuck.

Fucking black people dude

Sucker punching someone who doesn't deserve it is trash tier.

But this dude just had a physical altercation with the kid, then spit on him, and was then about to do more, all while running his mouth.

At that point you're within your rights to sucker punch the guy and end the situation. This wasn't running up to some old man on the street and decking him, this was ending a situation fast before it escalated, and also putting a bully in his place.

Everything changed when the fire nation attacked

Defended the weak, goblin slayer.

That was great.
Today OP was not a faggot, and earnrd his >(You)

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We’re a majority non white nation. Did you expect the teacher to step in and fight off his master?

boomers are traitors to our race and pussies all around. always disrespect your elders.

There's nothing they can do, they so much as touch the person on camera and they will lose their job and possibly face charges. That is why they call cops for anything now, to cover their ass.

What school did you go to?? Amish ones??

what a worthless nigger loving teacher. do not send your kids to public school. ever.

>being this much of an ignorant boomer
i hope your kids rob you blind when you enter the nursing home you stupid fuck

Another stalwart thread created by media matter shills trying to defame and derail the MAGA movement anyway they can. This pathetic ROLCON initiative is weak and transparent. He easiest way to spot these stalwart agents is to take notice of 3 things. The first and glaringly obvious trait of a stalwart agent is there disdain for the nation state of Israel, secondly there infatuation with using cheesy monickers for there adversary I.E “Zion Don” or “Kike”. Last but not least, their lack of empathy and dark disconnected humor. These aren’t people we’re dealing with folks they’re DEMONS.

Put him out cold with a left too.



>nursing home
it's a retirement community!

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I seen an Irish teacher pick up and headbutt a guy in my school. Although now that phone cameras are a thing I doubt it would happen 2bh.

All is fair in war


There is no such thing as honor, or trying to be the higher man or whatever when it comes to shitskins. Use their techniques, they work.

18 year old zoomer fresh out of highschool here. My local highschool in the suburbs of South Florida are like this and can you guess the racial demographics of the school?

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White unity warms my heart.
Nigger got btfo

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i feel sorry for you

Teacher runs in to break it up only after the nig gets dropped.
I guarantee you if the white kid was getting stomped he wouldn't do shit.

They’re not black or people. Stop perpetuating a lie.
How long ago did you go to school for that to have been possible? Or are the Irish still that Irish over there? Big if true.

>public school

I'm so sorry but now at least you know exactly who to stay the fuck away from

>a-at least I have my chivalry

More like sand nation.

ooh THAT is a good one. THAT is goin in the nog folder

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Sup nigger.

This it the game you play so you live by your rules. Every nigger deserves to be jumped and robbed and your women raped and thrown in a dumpster.

Well, atleast I’m out of highschool but now I’m a NEET and have no idea what to do with my life.
Agreed. I believe Miami has more kikes than Cali at this point but not Jew York just yet. We all know what needs to be done. I just hope my generation can step up to the challenge when the time comes.

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>muh sucker punch
honor is for men, not niggers

abolishing apartheid was probably the biggest mistake the US ever made
nice happy ending non the less

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This, I hold no respect for anyone based on their age alone and I show them no quarter based on race.

Niggers invented the knockout game, whites will perfect it

Par for the course

Teachers are natural born cucks.

Its the cuckold profession. So naturally beta men put in beta rules and now teachers are just straight up powerless.

Dude, I went to a majority black school when the town was 50% white 50% black The white kids went to private schools.

I remember being in high school telling my dad let's move.

As I got older though. I don't hate it so much; because you end up getting better street smarts and the ability to realize situations better. But, the lack of my type of girls I saw it in high school was bad though.


Shut the fuck up you stupid, stupid boomer.

Don’t feed the kike (You)s.

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No that would be the 1965 immigration act. Or whomever opened the doors to jews. To be fair that would be hard as jews are naturally incognito mode. That's how I know christkike god is not real or not worthy of worship. Only a monster of a god would create an enemy that can look just like you and one of your people.

This. If the majority of white men were like him things would be so much better here.


There are still heroes among us.
I bet this nigger has done this week in to week out Terrorizing other students being a pest.
Of course he picks the kid who is smaller than him and has an injury but he didn't know this one had a protector, a friend, an ally in wait.
Not again. Not again was this bubble lipped baboon going to prey on his classmates. Not today. He was going to teach him a lesson he won't see coming.
Good on that kid I hope nothing but good things come his way in life.


Yeah you must be SE Florida. *spits*


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shut up faggot go be gay somewhere else.


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Perfect for use on niggers then. Fuck them

Don’t feed the kike (You)s and maybe it will get bored and go away.

love how the only time the bald headed fag teacher intervenes is to save the darkie.

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So is attacking someone with a busted hand.

You're free now, son.
Do what ever you can to never go back to an institution over run with "them".
t. Fellow Florida Man

Gulf coast is best coast.

Lots of rich boomers to grift from.

Will do, fellow Florida man. Maybe I’ll make the news one day and have the honorable title of Florida Man.

>stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters
>the silence is your answer

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If only they didn’t cause the problem in the first place...

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that subhuman hit his head on the table on the way down

he is a good little goy. Doesn't want to lose his job for being RACIST.
I like how alone we are, nobody in any position to aide will lend any hand to us.
Reminder to buy guns and ammo, the state is not obligated to defend your life.

Oh nooo. What's the worst that could happen he loses his remaining IQ points and goes negative?

>a cracker jack school district
No surprise that American schools are sponsored by junk food companies.

Nothing gets my dick harder than watching a nigger get the shit kicked out of him or shot to death. Great thread.

>Teacher: Devonntray are you alright?
>Devonntray: "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side."

Why the fuck did the teacher do absolutely nothing to prevent that ? He only intervenes after a fight begins yet its so obvious that it was going to escalate?? What the fuck is that bullshit.

Also that book boy with the sucker punch was based as fuck.


in the face

Went to a catholic middle and elementary school, but a public high school. Was weird seeing my first black person in a class room setting as a 14 year old.

Fuck other whites, I got mine