I once once far right but then I accrued thousands in medical debt due to a pre-existing condition. After watching Joe Rogan's interview, I'm unequivocally with Bernie now. We need a revolution now.
I once once far right but then I accrued thousands in medical debt due to a pre-existing condition...
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I agree a lot more with Bernie than I did three years ago. Fuck corporate profit.
Do you hear the people sing!
>muh SJW snowflakes they mad because of microagressions kek such weenies
>a black man took a knee at a football game. What an outrage!
>Startucks, a private company, chose to write Happy Holidays in their coffee cups. Outrage!
Political leaning has nothing to do with your retarded hospital system
It does when one party repeatedly stands in the way of reform.
you're only left because you're ignorant. allow me to turn you right again. the reason why costs are so high is because regulations artificially choke the supply. also, the cost is high because youre basically subsidizing poor nigs and spics who show up to receive service and never pay.
who am i kidding, you were never on the right to begin with. if you were you would have known this. the ACTUAL solutions to the problem are right wing.
>I deserve medical care merely because I exist
both parties are standing in the way, because deregulation would solve the VAST majority of the problems, and neither side EVER mentions it.