what exactly is a "white nationalist"?
What exactly is a "white nationalist"?
Other urls found in this thread:
any white American who owns an American flag
Any white person who disagrees with a democrat.
white people who like white people
any non-brainwashed white person
You own a gun. You disagree with dems about gun confiscation. That is a red flag.
Anybody who protects the constitution and of light skeen cola
You. You are the white nationalist.
Anyone to the right of karl marx
a nationalist whos white. a black nationalist is ideology identical. the "white" part here is descriptive of the person, not the kind of nationalist. but in the USA "white" has become a slur. so by placing "white" in front of any ideology, they link it to racism and white supremacists.
tldr--> there is no natoin called white. its just a nationalist whos white.
Your banned
You are white and believe that the interests of the US are more important than other countries.
News/social media wants to conflate the word to mean or have equal meaning to white supremacists. Fuck these people for trying to warp language. They repeat shit constantly because it's a simple brain wash technique.
People who are white and not enthusiastic about the genocide of their people.
White and living in the US obviously.
Anydody that can be triggered by Betsy Ross is obviously racist.
I digress
Post s link you fucking faggot
Basically this. Our country is in a really bad way, right now.
hahaha you pussy ass crackers are pussies!!
we be rolling over you lil dicklet cowards
get fucked by black BVLLS, just like your women LOVE
Someone who wants there to be a country which is majority white.
All white people basically. Anyone can be a white nationalist in the eyes of the government, and that being said, what’s wrong with white nationalism if it’s just a thought process alone like black nationalism? Isn’t this stepping all over the first amendment?
a white that doesn't hate themself
It's 2019. Neck yourself you white piece of trailer trash.
I hope someone has some juicy secrets of Kamala. Now would be the time to expose her hard.
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world
A white person who cares about their race over the nation, America white nationalists are cringe because they care about their country and muh freedom over race.
>Trump endorses red flag gun grab bills.
>Trump adds "Anti-Semitism Czar" Elan Carr to his team, orders him to build a database of Anti-Semites by spying on Americans. The criteria is based on the government definition of anti-Semitism, which includes spreading conspiracies or even saying Jews killed Jesus is considered criminal and earns you a red flag and adds you to the database.
>Kushner and Ivanka are part of a sect of Judaism that believes each Jew deserves 600 goyim slaves and "Noahide laws" which rejecting is punishable with death.
>Trump vowed to "destroy" anti-Semites multiple times, describes anti-semitism as a "scourge" that needs to be "wiped out."
A step adjacent to "nationalist" in the ideological target staircase.
Race is the nation. The state is not (necessarily) the nation.
A person who lives in Antarctica since its snowy
A white nationalist is a zionist larping as white, while using actual whites as blade runners.
Hot fuck, 1 POST BY THIS ID
Deah white boy, den dey eat dey babay. white boi den eat dembullet. Oh ho Ohh Ho Ho. dam white boi many not bang bang.
>what exactly is a "white nationalist"?
A small group of people being amplified to discredit nationalism as racist
Similar to how Israel deflects criticism by calling it racist
> Anyone to the right of karl marx
When retards talking about things that they don't understand.
If you say "Its okay to be white", you are a white nationalist.
im a native america nationalist my guns are safe neener neener whitey
>if you are white and don't support globalism, you can't own a gun
And so it begins.
And black nationalists?
Will they be in danger of having their personal property confiscated too?
I love white nations and people. You arent going to turn this nation into the shithole you mongrels created in your own lands.
one drop rule, but for whites
well she sucked a mile of dick to get to where she is but I suppose that makes her no worse than any other woman
A buzzword made up by the media to cancel any conservative they don’t like
So this is what racial descrimination feels like.
What a weak and low-test threat.
We can just make our own guns because we're not niggers who can't into measurements.
I'm white, faggot.
Anyone that expresses racial sentiments like the Founding Fathers did.
>openly plot to seize weapons from people for their political opinions, leaving them helpless when you impose your own politics on them against their will
>specifically target who are aware they already have a target painted on their backs and that you intend to treat them very badly once you have power over them
Yes, I'm sure this will lead to fewer mass shootings of shitskins and political assassinations, not more.
Tarrant was right; acceleration is working, and all these dipshits are following the script exactly like he predicted.
What about this faggot
Any White or Latino or Asian person who is a registered Republican is a white nationalist.
Red flag laws completely invalidates the second amendment.
They get to re-write the constitution without challenging the constitution.
owning a fire arm and a rebel flag is sufficient to be categorized as a white nationalist in america
her definition would probably be any registered republican voter which they have records of
Great American Patriot I guess. Uses drugs, kills people, just what Democrats love.
Everyone that doesnt agree with nignogz and left is a white sup. or nationalist
shit just a gadsden flag is enough.
members of white nationalist groups, as designated by the FBI
these politicians need to be reminded of the Oaths they took to protect and uphold the Constitution
Even now the English wikipedia article for leftism unironically insinuates that anything short of Marxism or socialism is not leftism.
You migrated here from Beringia, moron.
It’s plain as day who and what the enemy is.
They will never stop,history shows this never ends well.
It will get far far worse once you can no longer defend yourself.
Fuck this Race baiting Bitch using invented bullshit to disarm America,after this comes Maoist China or Stalinist Russia.
Anyone the left disagrees with
>what exactly is a "white nationalist"?
anyone white
anyone not a globalist
anyone that doesn't vote democrat
A white nationalist,
(according to liberals)
is anyone who likes
The person doesn’t
even have to be white
to be a white nationalist.
Anyone convicted of wrongthink. This should be terrifying to anyone reading it. Thank God its coming from a bona fide 80 IQ retard in Harris.
bill cooper is my sensei
White people who don't check with the nearest nigger before they take any action.
>your banned
i dont have a band. what are you on about?
A white nationalist is anyone kikes and/or kike servants deem subversive to kike interests.
Straight white men
>hurr durr what is an amendment
Stay out of american politics you fucking retard.