Get off Jow Forums, specifically pol
this place is absolutely fucking terrible for your mental health
listen, this whole race/demographic problem will be solved by genetic programming
we will have high IQ, purple-eyed, golden haired children if u so select
the technology will come soon
don't spend your one and only life getting angry about bullshit politics that you know are already rigged
go out and make relationships
go lift a weight, go fucking run
pic related is us, a fucking tiny spec in this endless universe
don't waste this one millisecond of existence on this shit
save your fucking life and leave this place
Get off Jow Forums, specifically pol
go fuck yourself kike faggot
Fuck off kike.
Thanks for saying this OP. I've been thinking it for a while but haven't had the will power to actually quit. This place is addictive and I have to stop. I'm going back to The Daily Wire. Just facts, just news, no BS. This place is crazy.
I’m quite comfortable here you double nigger
You lead the way
go fuck yourself kike faggot
good man
your hatred for Jews has literally ruined your life and ability to think or analyze politics
>go socialize with normalfags goy
>don't you want to be a normalfag?
Why would I waste a millisecond of existence dealing with dumb fuck monkeys?
ok I didnt even mention Jews anywhere
your mind is too far gone
this thread wasnt for you
continue to stew in the hatred that consumed your life
eh ive tried its too boring
nothing else interests you besides politics?
i've read literally hundreds of political and philosophical books over the years from the most hardened Marxists to fascist leaders to analyzing national socialist speeches to Henry Ford, Hannah Arendt, frankfurt school writers, christian theologians, and the list goes on. It's the fucking Jews. No amount of lies and propaganda against the subject will change the fact that the "Jewish question" is a real problem in the world and they continue to plague the world to this day. Zionists, liberals, Marxists, socialists, atheists, orthodox. It doesnt matter. Im siding with the wisdom of my ancestors
i do plenty of shit irl and have a few hobbies but when i dont feel like doing anything its fun to come here and shitpost i actually hate "politics" and think its all fuckin gay
thank you
You think it's bad in here? It's even worse out there.
You can't leave faggot. There is no asking the machines to put you back in the matrix
Thanks man, i came here yesterday, at the beginning i was like what the fuck is going on here, but the hours pasted and i stayed here. You're right, don't want to be addicted, it's just a mass of racists supremacists incels autistic little arm pussies. Enough time wasted here. I'm leaving. Again man thank you for this good piqûre de rappel.