Did he do anything against anyone's will?
Did he do anything against anyone's will?
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If Epstein wasn't a Jew, Jow Forums would praise him, especially after reading about Epstein's obsession with eugenics.
but he is a jew tho
underage girls cannot consent so yes. now that they are older they all do not consent
That's not really the issue, imho.
Children are impressionable well into their teens. They probably thought they had it made by being Epstein's prostitutes. Yachts, secluded islands, private jets, a life of excess guaranteed.
He took advantage of children. That's what the problem is, and that's why statutory rape is a thing.
just god
he fucked white girls in their prime, something many of us will probably never get to do.. pretty based
He was involved in child trafficking so yes.
>underage girls cannot consent
What is "underage"?
>He took advantage of children
define what the term "children" means to you
>What is "underage"?
It's defined by each state.
Oh so if they are underage, they can't consent. But it's entirely dependent on what the state law says? So if a state says 18 is the age, then under 18 cannot consent. But move one state over, where it's 16, and yes she can consent.
Hmmm.. do laws make morality?
>Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.
>The convicted pedophile also told his lawyers that the neck injuries he suffered in an earlier incident at the Metropolitan Correctional Center were inflicted by his hulking, ex-cop cellmate, which led the lawyers to request that he be taken off a suicide watch, according to a source familiar with Epstein’s case
Speaking of underage AHEM
Pretty sure his suicide was against his will
disgusting kikes. you will get the rope
>Did he do anything against anyone's will?
Yes, he forced young girls into sex with himself and others.
Evil man.
>/pol is one person
Fuck off pedos
Words have meaning, fag. We're all someone's child, technically.
What is "child"? Is it under a certain age?
Is a "child" the same today as it was 100+ years ago when age of consent laws weren't really a thing?
>he forced young girls into sex
Nice, thanks
The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting
I always thought this story sounded a little sensationalized. But Jow Forums ate it up without question because it "proved" the narrative further.
The thing is mate, is that it's fact.
Children can't consent, pedo
this user knows
Is "trust me bro" the source?
Yeah, a lot of rape.
It's just about time for you to move up in the world, pedo.
Face it, he was the Boss.
He spent his entire life in fresh untainted and well trained pussy. He was basically a Pharaoh who didn’t have to do any of the pageantry.
You niggas just jelly.
They were on an island in the middle of nowhere, or in another country and the pressure is on them. They're being told that they owe this for what they're being given, that it's rude not to be nice to their host, that he's been so generous in giving them a holiday, taking them on a plane, giving them gifts. You don't want to be rude do you?
Children are vulnerable to that kind of pressure, adults too often.
It's duress, so yes, he forced them to have sex.
Also, underage.
17 is actually legal in many countries but you could still fairly easily make a cafe for duress which would make it rape. There's an obvious power imbalance when a 50yo man has a 17yo girl on his private island where literally everyone works for him and she can't even leave without having to beg him to fly her to the USA. So how much choice does she really have?
>Did he do anything against anyone's will?
murdered hundreds of teenagers