Is there any hope for Sweden or basically any Western country? Seriously now, religion is on a steep decline...

Is there any hope for Sweden or basically any Western country? Seriously now, religion is on a steep decline, liberalism keeps getting more and more popular, feminism, cultural marxism, bellow replacement level birth rates (except for Israel, other than that the West have bellow replacement lvl birth rates). How do we fix all these issues anons, it all feels so hopeless since it just keeps getting worse and worse

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Religion is for retards.

Forcibly breed every white woman you can get your hands on, and expel the muslim horde.

If you support atheism you are apart of the problem

I want to lay my head between her legs and smell that puss.

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There was never any hope for mankind. Just try to enjoy the decline and wait for the next global cataclysm that resets civilization like it did 11,600 years ago.

Don't sink to the levels of beasts....

She's fucking 14, you goddamn pedo.

even better

>any hope for Sweden

pray that acceleration works

NO, that never works it only makes things waaaay worse

then we're both just living in dying nations. enjoy the decline I guess

Of course not, Sven.
You’re sitting here shitposting on Jow Forums instead of starting a political revolution or breeding ethnically Swedish trads.

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Do you think there is truly no hope? It feels shit to just watch the West die

it's okay, since jews are white, and jews are guaranteed to survive until the day humanity goes extinct, tehre will always be white people
be happy that a small group can at least carry the legacy of your people for eternity, or the closest thing to it

fuck off kike

It feels terrible user, all white girls in Sweden are whores pretty much

girl make my pp hard

>fuck off kike

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It's time for white men to pack up our bags and more to Asia so we can get our harem of thirst yellow women ready for our sperm deposits. It is our destiny.

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he is german. the sight of anything aryan gets him hard

>How do we fix all these issues anons, it all feels so hopeless since it just keeps getting worse and worse
Let natural selection take its course.

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Sometimes things can be hopeless. Just look at countries like Brazil, how the hell can they get out of the racial mess they're in?

I kind of look at you Swedes like the dodos, maladaptive to the kind of world we live in. Hungarians on the other hand...

And? Teenagers aren't kids, faggot

You atheists are so cute.

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swedes are subhuman trash.
Genocide through rape is in order.

Do you think Canada can get a good leader or do you think you guys are stuck with guys like Trudeau?

How are you any better if your raping women?

>can get a good leader

No no no, your average Canadian is way to apathetic to support a leader that's wants real change. My country is completely hopeless. Maybe once the Chinese take over they can fix things.

That sucks to hear man, my country is also kinda hopeless

There's no way out anymore. We'll mix more and see what will happen. It's not like being human was a success anyway...

but Jews are more like related to shitskins since they come from the Middle East, they aren't white they just play pretend

I'm afraid the only solution is to round up all the attractive Swedish women and impregnate them with Canadian warrior seed.
We were kangs

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Band together with like minded people and form a counter culture. Gain traction, people play follow the leader so if your groups new lifestyle has appeal your numbers will grow. For what its worth it seems to be a city phenomenon. Get out of the city and find a way to tap into the economy of the city.

People outside of the cities tend to be filthy social democrats though

Asha Logos is a lad

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