Based Lyme disease wiping out whyte people

us Asians are immune

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Other urls found in this thread: disease&rfv1=&rfv2=&rfv3=&diag=08881

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Just use long sleeved shirts, boots and pants when you move outside lol

>us Asians are immune
for real?

Lyme disease is more common among Asians. disease&rfv1=&rfv2=&rfv3=&diag=08881

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>BITTEN: The Secret History of Lyme Disease
>by Kris Newby

what does it do to you? and how did it get out of a lab and into a bunch of ticks? or was it always designed to be spread by ticks? and who the fuck would think that was a good idea?

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>us Asians are immune

it's literally the opposite

Yeah, I’ve always heard of Lyme desease but never what it actually is.

It’s a sexually transmitted desiese with no cure that mimics syphelis

I'd rather see Ebola used as a war weapon. A world war.

it's transmitted by ticks you tard

it's like syphilis? is there a cure??

Is this the faggot that blames Nazis?

Lymes sucks, being on Eastern long island deer ticks are everywhere. I have had it, it really is debilitating.

Lived in eastern LI most of my life. I didn't get it, but my mom did.

it is one you idiot lol

Got it from a tick bite when I was 12. Got to stage two, it mainly fucked with my joints and memory. Other people get fucked bad by it though, especially if it went untreated for a while. I just hurt when it rains, and have to work hard to convert things to long term memory.

protip: you STILL have it...

Take a wild guess who would think it’s a good idea. Starts with a J

You know what they say,
"When life gives you lime disease, grab some lemons and make yourself a sprite"

Lyme sufferer here. Shit makes you super fatigued and brainfogged. I had to drop out of school because of it, and now I'm on a hardcore dose of antibiotics that they give to people with LEPROSY.


Just take some Naltrexone, but don’t tell anyone.

Lucky, I fish and hunt and always find a few...just get into the habit of checking for them.

I haven't had a symptom come back in 12 years now. Think I'm good doctor faggot.

ends in a Q?

4th year medical student here. The retards in this thread piss me off so let me clear this up: there is no such thing as chronic lyme disease if you get treated with antibiotics.

Lyme disease is an infection by a spirochete (bacterium) called Borrelia bergdorfori
Yeah yeah, hold your horses. Its transmitted by a specific kind of tic, namely Ixodes. The tick has to be attached for some time to transmit the bug from its GI tract. Off the top of my head I dont recall, but it's definitely over 24 hrs. You'd probably notice a tic in that time, but even if you didnt, lyme disease is CURED by a short course of doxycycline. Chronic infections are rare because you notice the special rash it causes, or facial palsy, heart block or arthritis bring you to the doctor, where the same short course of medicine kills them all.

There is no chronic Lyme after the infection is treated, unless you got encephalitis that just fucked your shit up from going months ignoring the many symptoms or not having access to any health care.

If you have any further questions feel free to google it faggots. Dont read mommy blogs or bullshit forums inhabited by hypochondriacs with OCD.

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so it's actually good for blacks that they don't go hiking and aren't into outdoor nature activities

I'm not sure if I love or hate Lyme

Chronic lyme disease literally does not exist.

Come to think of it I've never seen a single nigger on a hiking trip, even to a popular area.

Sure thats what they tell you in med school...

But borellia persistence has been demonstrated in vitro, in mouse and primate models, after Doxycycline treatment.

I find it hard to believe that humans would be an exception here.

I've had a tick 3 times in my life and all 3 times it was on the back of my neck, so this advice is useless.

Research Plum Island, which lies at the east end of Long Island and just a short hop from Connecticut, it was founded as a biological weapons research facility by glowniggers and Paperclip scientists. Ground zero for Lyme disease in the US.

I'm white, got lyme in 3rd grade, I was sick for around a month straight but survived.

Tip: If you get bit by a tick, place it in a bag and freeze it. Labs can test the tick to see if it was positive for lyme.

also get to a doctor fast if you see this, lyme creates a bullseye pattern

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What’s the most common vector of Lyme disease? Ticks. What are ticks? Animals.

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It's called Lyme because that's where it was first found in Connecticut. Just so happens it's 9 miles from an island known as a government animal testing laboratory where animals were kept in open air pens.

And apparently an actual scientist on the project fessed up. It's more than some half baked internet conspiracy theory . Lymes disease is a bioweapon meant to be deployed by dispersing infected ticks over enemy territory. Once bitten, the sluggish unresponsive enemy soldiers would be pushovers.

The whole idea is completely idiotic because the point of a weapon is to be able to control it but life doesn't work like that. As GWB said, "“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

Is this lyme?
I had it for over a year and it hasn't gotten any bigger

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Lyme Disease is a bacterial disease. The Bacteria look like curly fries and basically infect your spine, forming biofilm paste to protect themselves. Like most dangerous bacteria they produce a neurotoxin.
I don't know the exact symptoms, but it can cause shit like hot flashes and sudden dizziness, basically weird neurological shit.

The reason it's so bad is because even if you fuck it up with anti-biotics it's almost like the bacteria never really get entirely killed off and continue to exist in the body, though Chronic Lymes is one of those things that's suppressed.

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Your sure is not lupus?

If you developed sepsis, and I treated you, would some of the bacteria persist in your body? Yes they would. Would you be sick? No.

"Persistence" means nothing. Maybe in some small, genetically predisposed group there are neurological sequelae of a former serious lyme infection. But the inconsistent, waffling symtomatology pushed by nonmedical professionals and lack of objective clinical or laboratory signs suggests a huge component is the real epidemic here: illness anxiety among people with access to the internet and other people with illness anxiety worrying about somatic symptoms.

Canadian? God I hope so.

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard! If it's curable let a tick bite you? Chronic lyme is real!

Can someone explain why these retards can never write the word "white" ?

Lyme disease isn’t fatal, that post on the other hand is pure cancer.

Lyme disease is curable. Its the other diseases ticks carry that are far more scary.

it can be spread sexually from infected

what they got you on mate

I'm white and conservative
Piss off migapede

Lmao I'm sure your incoherent screaming will convince everyone

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Good for el blackos and thus bad for the rest of us.

if its been a year, I highly doubt it. The symptoms get pretty severe if you dont get treated.

based japs finally going with their world war 2 plan by wiping out ameriswines using biological weapons

The side effects of most prescriptions sold by big pharma are scarier and more dangerous than Lyme disease.

Saying/using “lymes” makes you sound like a retard.

UK biological weapon, techincally allied bioweapon
RESEARCH operation paperclip you no reading name calling fucks.
not afraid to tell it how it is, I didnt make it.

I got Rocky Mountain fever and legit would rather be dead.

Treat everything you wear with permethrin. No problem

That's what I thought pussy.


I hope you get lyme disease and the doctor doesn't let you get more than 4 weeks of antibiotics

what happened to you?

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You didn't think at all, actually.

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I have a friend who has Chronic Lyme. For some reason research in it is often ignored in the states but focused on in europe which is probably why you are so cucked on the subject.

The main reason you deny it is because you can't find the bacteria anymore, but obviously this doesn't rule out the long term damage caused their neurotoxin or perhaps incredibly shitty attempts at finding reminiscent cultures of it.
Amerigolem doctors probably never even scour enough of the spine to find the pockets of biofilm.

Yes if you're Asian just run into the bushes naked it's fun.

The issue with Lyme is that these persister colonies will repopulate and reinfect.

I'll put this in terms that a doctor will understand. With Lyme you need to look at it like tuberculosis.

You probably aren't aware of this, but every lab that has it's hand in tuberculosis research is looking into Lyme now... I wonder why that is...

Change is coming, but you doctors are just a little slow to catch on... like usual.

you would know it

>300,000 people contract lyme disease after eating Subway - Eat Fresh(tm), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese-owned food brands
>"just wear a shirt haha"

No wonder whites are on the decline.

I know what you're trying to say but I wouldn't put it past the Jehovah's Witnesses either.

Any “doctor” who say Chronic Lyme disease is a “idiot lie” is a comped glowfaggot who faves judgement from an angry God and faces the eternal vowels of Hell for covering for clownop fuckery.

it royaly fucked my troop leader up. he would shake and twitch all the fucking time. his hand would spasm and drum things. he was a scientist so i dont see him not getting treatment. it just destroyed the man

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>us Asians are immune
This is some pretty cruel maliciously inspired trolling OP. You're gonna carry that weight.

It feels like you have severe rheumatoid arthritis, fever, nausea, and weakness for extended periods of time. Kind of like having the flu for years at a time.

There was an article not too long ago called "weaponizing ticks" that explained how the Pentagon was trying to turn them into disease transport mechanisms. So they either escaped or were released from a facility

>asians are immune

>literally one of the most common diseases in China

10/10 bait

You can cure lyne disease with a 72hr dry fast like no fucking problem. If you’re lean of course. If you’re a fatass lyme is the least of your problems and you should stop fucking eating until you’re lean and then dry fast, the autophagy in your body on a lean dry fast is so fucking insane you can cure damn near anything

keep making poo jokes user

Get bit by a tick and let us know if that dry fast worked.

dirty little secret time: 10-15% of whites are immune to HIV

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No dude that's an extra nipple.

The condescending tone of you uneducated dweebs telling someone 4 months from a medical degree (and background in microbiology) is just hilarious.

It's always "do your research, dont you see the connection??? All the secret labs are covering it up!!!"

Protip, if those bacterial populations did that, you'd get - disseminated lyme disease. Which is obvious as fuck and you'd have objective serology titers and signs of infection. People with "chronic lyme" do not. Its fibromyalgia 2.0.

This isnt a bioweapon; pilgrims fucking got lyme and described it in 17th century.

>lyme isn't chronic
Fuck off you medschool cuck, they lied to you because they have no interest in finding a cure and are uninterested in the potential liability in treating it because the insurance companies are cracking down on it.

good read but she only scratches the surface.

>okay guys we finally finished our biological weapon
>NOW what do we use to spread it
>"maybe something that flies like mosquitoes"
>"maybe something that can get in houses at least, like a spider?"
>"what about slow moving ticks only found in deep forested areas, like the wilderness where theres few people and when there is people they usually dress to be safe from ticks?"

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Fibromyalgia is not real. It's a made up disease. When doctors don't know wtf if is wrong with you they diagnose you with fibro or say you're suffering from depression.

If your model is wrong, then of course you won't even be able to acknowledge the possibility of chronic lyme.

And way to go trying to paint me as a conspiracy theorist. I suppose John's Hopkins and Harvard Medical school is full of conspiracy nuts too right? That's why they are actively doing research on chronic lyme?

did any of you listen to what I said? while you were fucking around with rockets and the secret space program we literally took the biomedical nazi scientists and co-developed diseases as weapons.
are you all bots, am I real?

Not always. About 20% of people don't get the bullseye rash.

For all the dumb young faggots that never been outside:

Not all ticks have Lyme disease.
You have around 24hours to remove a tick with Lyme disease before you are infected.
If infected you will have a very large rash
There are emergency medicine that can help you or clear the disease before it gets worse

TLDR; check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>where are rebels most likely to hide?
>what are troop movements?
>what was the 70's?
>what were militias?

Maybe, but for normies it's irrefutable and detailed evidence. Huge pill

Show my their publications fucker. Let me see what the prestigious Mayo clinic has to say about chronic lyme.

I bet you're gonna link me a misunderstood article on late stage lyme and wont even be able to appreciate how stupid you look.

Talked to an old well traveled prospector who told me about this a few days ago and now Jow Forums is talking about it

What the fuck


nigger if it was made, it was leaked by accident via a tick, they sure as fuck didnt CHOOSE a tick

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Med school students are the biggest bootlickers on the planet. Lyme isnt just borellia burgderfori, there are many different bacteria and viruses that can come from a single tick but its only called Lyme if BB is found also.
So how do you cure a virus with antibiotics? explique seebooplay

btw count yourself lucky if you get 4 weeks of antibiotics. the vast majority of cucktors prescribe 2 weeks

I have noticed/removed ticks like after 2-3 days long-marching, sometimes even longer because I haven't noticed them. I'm glad I live in an Lyme-free (mostly) area compared to others.