If you want to know if a swede is redpilled or not, you ask him what these are called

If you want to know if a swede is redpilled or not, you ask him what these are called.

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what are these called?

Svenskebuller :D

and? tell us

circle lamingtons

It's gonna be shitty if / when warosu and desuarchive go down bros

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Another legendary 4/pede/ post. Bravo.

are those niggerballs? I remember Sweden had doughnut holes called niggerballs

mudslime oysters

Ha, good post OP.

And what are these called?

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are those nigger toes?



Is this a Jow Forums patisserie thread?

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so you tell me, swedes liked eating nigger balls along. explains a lot

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we have "nigger heads" tetes de negre in france, sadly no one makes them anymore

In Brazil we call those "negrinhos". As in, little niggers.

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Holy shit I guessed nigger balls and I was right.
We have something similar in america.

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its lost in translation so jokes on you, i guess.

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eat that shit

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>swedes liked eating nigger balls along
underrated post

Knulla Ballz

Dogshit rolled in cat litter. Like most Swedish food.