Don’t you think we need to make it harder to get guns Jow Forums?

Don’t you think we need to make it harder to get guns Jow Forums?

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>cold pills

just take some pills and stick them in the freezer that shit aint hard to get

No, we need to make it easier to get cold pills.


I've never had to pass a background check for cold pills.

It’s truly amazing how retarded Twitter is

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Make it harder to get pills. More people OD on pills than die in mass shootings

Pretty sure meth kills more people than ar15s do, faggot

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Cold pills need to be easier to get

Where's the constitutional amendment that guarantees cold pills?

>Its harder to make meth than buy guns.

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holy fuck

David Hogg is a bigger man then most. Hes got the courage to stand up against the NRA and gun violence. Hope he runs for office one day.

>taking cold pills
What a pussy bitchcunt


Fuqqin slay qween'd!

he's right, we should use the ar-15s to round up the big pharma owners.

Whoever wrote this has never bought an AR and is a stupid faggot.

This kid is such an attention seeking little fag. "Hey I can't get these cold pills, i should compare this to guns to get some likes on twitter"

Every household in a free country should own a high caliber rifle, and even the children should be trained to operate it. It's the last line of defense against tyranny.
Now, carrying a gun to the grocery store, using them as sport, hunting ducks, or collecting items, that's just stupid. Even using them to fight crime or as a crime deterrence is debatable. Weapons are tools of freedom, not toys.

Weak b8

I can make a shotgun with $6 worth of steelpipe and box of shells from walmart. I don't think i could easily manufacture sudafed.


To be fair, the founders never would have guessed the government would ban medicines since at that time it had never been done before, whereas governments had practiced disarmament throughout history.
Drugs being illegal is actually far stranger than guns/arms.
The government has no place in banning any goods or services, and the US government is not granted the authority to ban any goods or services, be it guns, drugs, or hooking.

>I need the cold medicine behind the counter
>that stuff on the shelf isn’t good enough
>i need that strong shit heh
>you know, for my cold heh

no, getting guns is hard

Faggots are mad they can't buy their meth cooking gay orgy fuel and poppers at the same store without going in a database. That's it. I think the gun thing is secondary on this one.

Too many people see our rights as being granted to us by government, and not a restriction of government. Eventually the subversives will get their way when enough people are newspeaked into forgetting the meanings of everything.

I bought cold medicine for a meth guy one time. It was really easy

Any popular libshit tweet you see has a bot farm behind it

AR-15 is not high caliber.

Somebody hold my milk!

Yes, shoot all meth heads.


>believing those numbers under comments/ideos/etc on websites are real

We need to ban thot pussy.

>right to own arms
>right to make meth
Bit of a difference bet Hogg needs a lot of sudafed

I've never had to wait a week to by Nyquil or pharmaceutical sudafed.

I doubt he'll respond.

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Anytime a 'white' is against guns or white people... it's always a jewish person. REEEE

I hope he ends up just like JFK.

>any popular libshit tweet you see has a bot farm behind it

Try explaining that to your average norm and you'll be disappointed

I love you Wayne

u think this is joke?

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I don't recall filling out an ATF form and getting a background check buying cold medicine. But I'm not a leftist so my body isn't disease ridden so I haven't bought medicine lately.

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Where is the US gov's right to ban guns or drugs?
The US Constitution does not grant that authority to them. It is left to the states and the people.

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I don't get the attitude that is buttmad over people having guns. They are like women. They just accept and amplify what the kikes on TV tell them. They are the same faggots that express communist sympathies or at least Marx-lite yet Marxist literature is even more redpilled than Rousseau on the militia question. What happened to leftists who thought it was a duty for every single citizen to own and know how to operate a firearm? Old school Marxist literature is even more autistically pro-gun than modern republicucks.

lol. How many death threats did this kid say he got? 6 million?

You need to fill out a form 4473 and pass a background check to buy gold pills?

little bit.

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What’s a cold pill? Is it a pill in the fridge?

Never underestimate the amount of bored losers who make politics their religion.

On Facebook, they just post shit to tag groups and like 30-100,000 retards from New York and California mobilize. Midwestern SJWs have nothing better to do so you see them pop up.

Maybe don't walk into CVS with a hole-ridden shirt that proudly proclaims in big black letters "I'M ADDICTED TO METH" and they won't bitch about you buying cold medicine.

The assault rifle 15 (can fire 15 bullets a second) is a weapon of war. Nobody needs that and nobody needs a 100 bullet clip. People do need robitussin sometimes.

Pseudoephedrine pills must be kept behind the counter, and to buy them you need to show ID and you go onto a list.
Dextromethophan pills often require ID, but that's usually up to the discretion of the retailer.
Guns require background checks, waiting periods, etc, but only when bought from a dealer. The laws aren't really comparable, but overall buying guns is way harder than buying decongestants.

David Hogg is a fucking assclown, nobody likes him.

He has a good point.

Break up the monopoly power of (((doctors))). I'm perfectly capable of writing my own scripts.

Also, propylhexedrine, which is damn near the same as amphetamine in its effects, is completely OTC in the US, and you probably won't even get ID'd for it.

When the fuck have they sold an auto AR15, you stupid fuck? Last time I checked, there ain't auto shit after the 80s

I will contend that the 2nd amendment is functionally void without a well-regulated militia. It's what the right to bear arms is 'for' after all. The question of gun ownership is basically a point of irrelevance in the modern political context. The general militia is the foundation of political freedom, especially insofar the republican form of government is concerned. Even communists agree. The question of gun ownership in the modern political context is absolutely a red herring. Take our guns, don't take our guns, it doesn't really matter at this point. It's just another matter of 'choice' to keep the retards satisfied with a feeling of political involvement/efficacy.

and if its black its scarier..

people get ascared of black guns..

No, we need to make it easier to get cold pills. That was nanny-state bullshit from the start.

I don't give a fuck if Cletus is using it to cook meth and sell it to useless junkies, just sell me fucking sudafed without hassle.
The Phenylephrine that they replaced it with in the OTC shit is confirmed placebo, completely fucking useless for decongestion.

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This is why the little faggot got shelved and silenced. Because he's a fucking idiot.

Hope he gets the same shit as RFK

Kek, little faggot is trying to robotrip and can't score any triple Cs so he's throwing a tantrum.

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Troll and guy who feed troll.

The militia is all able bodied men
"Well regulated" in this context means they are sufficiently armed and practiced in the use of said arms.
Standing armies are literally unconstitutional
This isn't a debate, it's a brainwashing and you're on the wrong side.

Weak bait or just fucking retarded. Choose one.

Then you don't live in the Midwest. Sudafed is strictly tracked. That shit is like gold, only meth instead

You're fucking stupid. We make drugs with it, we don't take the shit

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>"The right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed."
>"The right of the people"
>"The people"
Militias are irrelevant to the main purpose of 2nd amendment.

both require a photo identification card that proves that you are at least 18 years of age
getting a gun requires background checks and a wait period
the only background check you're getting for cold pills is if you're a tweaker that is known by the pharmacist
both cold pills and guns can be acquired illegally
in other words, mr. hogg here tried grabbing a few packs of coricidin so him and his buddies could robotrip for the night and got denied and now he wants to do the liberal thing and equate his struggle to guns

Again, to be fair, there is some substance to the attack on black guns.
"Black" means polymer, which means light weight. Battle rifles are wholly different in design that hunting rifles. They're shorter, lightweight, and have pistol grips that allow them to be more effective in foxholes, bunkers, or in buildings. They're better for battle, hands down. Though the AK platform which used wood also fits this bill.
The point is, an AR is a little easier to kill with(if you're not a trained marksman) than a long rifle or even an early battle rifle like the Garand.

That's why police and military use them. They're effective against enemies. And that's why jews and government want them banned. They're effective against the goons these sociopaths want to use to enslave the world's populace. An ayyy arrr fivdeen :DDDD isn't black and built the way it is just for a cosmetic change.

>You need to get a background check any time you buy cold medicine

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Confirmed for dirty tweeker

>harder to get cold pills than an ar-15
purchase of a firearm requires atf paperwork and a felony check and can take an hour or more.
cold pills are right there on the shelf everywhere.
fuck all liberals.
they sell


That fucking edge lmao

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under rated


The irony. he has the right to bear "arms" but chooses to look like a twink.

I'm sure her pussy handles just as many loads.


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Still no background check, plus in order to reach the "oh fuq he making drugs" level it takes more than you rightly should consume. Otherwise buy the non pseudoephedrine stuff.

Is cold pills a euphemism for bullets?

Because criminals will have guns with or without gun control. Criminals will victimize the innocent with guns. Guns deter crime.

>Neo took the cold pill

As someone who has bought both, this is simply not true. He doesnt even mention that there is a bit of a price difference between the two

Don't worry, that pesky second amendment will be a thing of the past very soon.

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No, easier.

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>cold pills cost $800
>guns are in grocery stores

Actually, if you buy privately, no checks are legally required. Only from dealers.
However, selling any product with pseudoephedrine without recording the purchase and the name of the purchaser is a federal crime.
Technically, he's right. But in practice, he's full of shit, because finding someone who will sell you an AR without paperwork will require some pretty substantial work on your end and a lot of $$$.

Sudalize legafed

This is why I'm not voting for that clown a second time.

kys degenerate

>cold pills

Thats a load of shit
You know what a AR-15 costs compared to cold pills.

No I think we need to make it easier to get cold pills! Shit, I better get to the pharmacy right away, how am I going to get my dayquil without a background check and a waiting period!

I'd straw an AR tonight if I could find a "non"-felon who wanted one. Would only add on about $100. Wouldn't fuck with handguns though.

because you're a schizo, one of the only anons that isn't user. CRINGE