Glowing intensifies

>was OP that made this Tarrant mail related thread
>next day internet starts going slow
>Check server i'm being routed through by my isp (now 'xtreme networks')
>Find out it is located less than 1KM from GCSB headquarters, but many 100's of KM away from where i live
>mfw can only watch youtube in 480p because govt thinks i'm an extremist.
>mfw can only run one pornhub tab at a time.

What do i do frens? i can't fucking stand this slow internet!

Attached: glow.png (776x739, 405K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Call the ISP and complain about slow internet.

Ring the glownigger cops and tell them you're Rusty Shackleford and you know who they are and what they're doing

currently on hold.

pretty sure NZ already has a rusty shackleford.

Attached: lj-nzherald-co-nz-17-mins-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern-met-32714475.png (500x572, 80K)

>What do i do frens?
Idk, maybe try not to seem to be a threat?! I once was routed through a city just outside DC for months for no known reason, and the company that takes care of it now was attacked during the 2016 election by the DHS. I don't think I am any type of threat, but if you were writing him, then you certainly might be on a list. Or it's just routing and systems being weird after an update. Restart your shit, router, cpu, phone, modem, ect..

no need for me to call anymore, a mere 5 minutes after making this post, my server has been changed again. Glow niggers in Wellington, please don't fuck with my internet, watch it all you want but keep it fast ok!

Attached: server.png (302x474, 17K)

i didn't write him, i simply made a post that linked back to a NZ media article talking about the letter, another user, presumably the receiver of the letter posted up the photos of the letter on my threat.


Can the government actually do this. I spread the letter and info on brenton and my internet is slow today

Attached: 57875.jpg (225x224, 7K)