Attached: 1565906270402.jpg (750x818, 503K)
Adrian Davis
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Xavier Butler
Absolutely nothing will happen to her. Screencap this.
Logan Wright
checked and screenshitted
Kayden Jenkins
I wonder if that book is a signal or something. That’s interesting to bring out into the public when you know someone will spot yoh
Lucas Campbell
why hasn't she been arrested?
Lucas Moore
She could be deflecting from Mossad, or implying that Epstein was CIA. Whatever.
You ever heard of Jeffrey Alan Lash?
Oliver Martin
Jackson Collins
Cool Wine Aunts don't get arrested, nerd.
Nathan Clark
Shes at In n out burger on ventura blvd near universal studios hollywood.
Henry Clark
She has already sold the demons out
Thomas Lewis
How far is Epstein's place from White Sands?
Noah Morgan
Okay, I think we're done here.
Ayden Allen
Xavier Wright
clearly not anymore now. what use would it even be to confront her even if you saw her in public?
Angel Butler
Nobody knows where she is. She is British so she is probably in europe somewhere hiding. She will "commit suicide" probably if she comes out.
Liam Martin
yeah, cuz shes already dead
Connor Young
This was a staged photo op to condition normies to think she's c eye a
Jonathan Phillips
She knows the deal, stay off the radar and keep her mouth shut and she gets to live.
Jacob Murphy
>look goy, shes reading a book about CIA operatives dying!
>Epstein was clearly an American CIA asset, not Mossad!
Kevin Wilson
Brandon Nelson
said absolutely nobody.
Ryder Lee
Apparently he got the slap on the wrist the first time he was sent to prison because he was a CIA informant according to someone who worked on the case.
William Cox
She has British and French citizenship. Most likely she's in France because no extradition. She'll be the next Polanski.
Cooper King
Let her know we know and when the boog pops off she’ll have nowhere to hide
Bentley Miller
Someone? Who?
All I know is that Alex Acosta admitted he was told "we don't want him" by "WHOMEVER". we don't really know officially one way or the other but all epsteins important financial ties are tied of mossad. This is proven.
Kevin Wilson
Ryan Ortiz
nobody would know where she was or recognize her driving by. as the canuck said it was staged obviously. someone tipped off a reporter to where and when she was. obviously.
Levi Williams
Nothing should happen to her. People have sex, grow up
Michael Moore
Wyatt Torres
this looks nothing like her lol.
you really think this bitch would just sit in the middle of a crowded in-and-out