Why are social outcasts always the ones embracing white nationalism...

Why are social outcasts always the ones embracing white nationalism? Why is it never the chads/popular kids/successful people?

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Because social retardation leads to racism and extremism.

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Good looking people don't harm others. Ugly people will do everything to put you down or try to destroy you in some way to feel better about themselves.
Daily Reminder To Never Trust Ugly People.

>Why are social outcasts always the ones embracing white nationalism?
And how do you know that? Do you have a single shred of evidence supporting your shitty unfounded hypothesis? Or are you just a fucking asshole talking shit?

>Good looking people don't harm others.
Tell that to the women killed by Ted Bundy...

Better yet ugly people should be punished to so they know not to be extremists.

Funny, I have found it to be the opposite.

I think what it is is that the social outcasts are willing to REVEAL their predilection for white nationalism whereas more affluent and popular people who feel the same way don't admit it because they have more to lose.

I've never been socially ostracized but I hate you fuckers explain that. In fact whiny losers like you always looking for pity and a handout were the losers around me.
People like (You).

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