Hey Jow Forums, newfag here. I’m currently trying to red pill my girlfriend but at times it’s frustrating...

Hey Jow Forums, newfag here. I’m currently trying to red pill my girlfriend but at times it’s frustrating. Any advice for a sort of “red pill plan”?

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Like communism, nazism is retarded. That's the only redpill you need.


Thomas Sowell articles are a decent starting point.

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Yeah my politics have gone through a lot of revision over the past year. I’m passed the meme of nazism, but national socialism seems to make sense to me. To paraphrase Murdoch Murdoch “sure I might be wrong, but this is what makes sense to me”.

Be a man. Be straightforward, assertive, but also comforting if she doesn't take it well. It's really that easy. Think of how you asked her out, and how it came naturally and easy.

However, there is the very real risk that she, sensing her man has stepped out of the herd and therefore put future offspring in danger, she'll report you to the dictatorship and you'll lose everything you have, because whites have no rights in reality and dissidents are at the complete mercy of the system.
Good luck and Godspeed, though. Hope it goes well for your sake and out races sake.

>having a 'girlfriend' in current year
The minute you become an inconvenience to her is the minute you become a metoo victim.

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Roger that, thanks for the help.