what if the jews were the goodies?
Bump for knowledge
Like onionsjew?
yeah uh, i don't think so....
Can't really think of one good thing they have done and there are still plenty of them so it isn't a matter of were either.
If jews were the goodies, how come after 70 years of jewish control, the world is fucked?
< The Jews want to erase this
Don't worry, they're not.
It's actually Whites who are the baddies. Whitoids pretend that everyone hates Jews but in reality Persians, Chinese, Indians, Turks, etc got along with them just fine. Jews are used as scapegoats in the same way that White men are to the Left - both are high IQ groups who are attacked for their success by ressentful people. ANY group in positions of power can be blamed for all kinds of shit, and Whitoids have exploited this mechanism to no end in regards to the Jews, and ironically are now experiencing it themselves with all this talk about 'white privilege'. Jews have lived in India for over two millenia without being any trouble, and the same happened in China, where they are deeply respected. It's time for whitoids to understand that Jews are great people.
maybe they just need a little more time. We should give them another 100 years, just to be sure
Check out this idf outsourcing
They are if you’re Jewish.
go back to bunkerchan
Don't like
It’s really not likely. I’ve never seen subversive, slander, thievery, betrayal, degeneracy, and disgust be considered good and that’s all Jews roll around in
>what if the jews were the goodies?
If you're not a Jew, and have ever met a Jew, you would know that this is not possible even in theory.
What's the picture for anyway? Most of you are atheists who despise Christianity
prove him wrong faggot, jews own everything
What is everyone's obsession with Jews? Whether they are behind anything or not you are making yourselves out to be no better than them by playing the "victim card". Oh no white genocide blah blah the Jews are ruining everything blah blah. Shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining on a fucking internet forum.
Can be explained by their high IQ, just like the success of Whites
interest free loans, probably
Sometimes I worry that the Jews actually are the chosen people and that's why they are so successful.
Go to sleep, user. You have a had a long day.
You reported me for being a bot? You fucking faggot
if jews are good i dont wanna be right
you mean..everyone has been wrong 109 plus 6 million times?
I wonder how many pre-written scripts and talking points they have saved.
Don't worry, into the ovens Jew go
So be left.
It’s 6 gorillion. Don’t undersell it.
Same here.
Also blows my mind away when i think that the father of arabs, Ismael, was another son of abraham and was promised things too by God and then centuries later appears mohammed...
Its weird
The jews no longer exist. The people who claim to be jews, but are not, are literal demons meant to add strife to this world in order to test you as a human. They were given this assignment by God. They know not what they do. You are meant to learn how to overcome this.
Do not be angry at them unless a righteous anger is warranted. They were tasked with this by your and their God. Simply understand why they do what they do and what you need to do to counteract their tricks to raise a healthy family. Your wife and your children will make their own choices, there is, in truth, nothing you can do except raise your children under the banner of truth. Once they, meaning your sons especially, reach the age of majority you can do nothing to stop their bad decisions. But you can bolster their good. In the end your fight is against you, not the demons. The demons exist to help you learn that your fight is never against an exterior opponent, but rather, an inner opponent. The earthly demons are only meant here to help you identify your own spiritual demons. That's what this existence is meant for. Without the abhorrent earthly demons you could never identify your own inner demons and excoriate them from your own soul. The "jews" are evil but they are evil only guide you into conquering the only evil that really holds you back, and that's the evil within your own soul.
The bolshevik revolution alone disproves this, nevermind all the baby eating and sacrificing.
This is something I don't think Jow Forums has quite considered:
Jew magik works. It really works. It works because their mystical teachings are correct and based on the true nature of the world. The Star of David is formed of the seed of life. Jewish mysticism knows that geometry is sacred, hence all the masonic connections.
Learn jew magik, then realise it's just extended hermetics.
Identify your own inner demons. They are ALWAYS given assistance from the earthly demons. Find out what the earthly demons offer, find out how they offer it, and find anything in your life that is there because of those earthly demons. Liquor? Porn? Bad food? Whatever degenerate choice you have made can superficially be traced back to earthly demons, or "jews." But your own willingness to succumb to those demonic tricks lies within your own inner demonic possession. Conquer yourself. It's what we're here to learn. If something in your life is controlled by "jews" then cut it off. That's your salvation.
Guys, what if Hitler was right about everything?
It works, yes. But that doesn't mean it's right. They have what they have because it's been given to them to subvert us. Yes, it was given to them by our own Father. Do not ever believe that you can switch your own destiny with theirs. You are not here for that. You are here to be opposed by them and their magic. Your natural strength is more than enough to counteract their magic. You will never have what they have. That is not nor will it ever be your place to have it. That is not the spiritual order. Your reason for existence is to learn WHY that is the case.
I'm a drunk asshole that has learned what it all means but don't yet have the self discipline to make it happen for myself. But i will give utter truth to those who will hear.
They worship a deity that demands blood sacrifice from the genitals of infants.
So probly not DESU senpai.
>You reported me for being a bot? You fucking faggot
The hell? I didn't report you man
He was the penultimate jewish trick.
And yes, i know what penultimate means. The ultimate jewish trick will be what they call the messiah. That's a paradox because they called jesus the messiah. He is and was the messiah but they also called him messiah. That means they took the christ and made him into the anti-christ. Literally both the alpha and the omega. The demons tricked us all. It's up to us to free ourselves by recognizing who and what our messiah really is. It's not jesus. But he's a part of it. He's also a hindrance if you allow it.
The pic was from lgbt pride in Poland i think. Some kid walked up with cross and 20 police men stopped him from getting anywhere near close.
Yes. People who claim to be jewish, but are not, are literal demons. Calling these people jews only hurts your own inner struggle to free yourself from these demons
I know, it was breddy based
Well you better hope they aren't, because that would employ there's someone who's doing worse things, and the Jews, as awful as they are, are the only thing standing in this worse group's way. And that would be absolutely terrifying, like some sort of full-blown lovecraftian enemy. (Tbh if there is already a real-life artificial super-intelligence, then this could be the case irl, which is why we have to ensure that the kikes never create such a thing)
I love how/pol/ always claims it wants the truth but proves time and again it can't handle it.
That would have been nice.