Lads... she's a feminist, has piercings and talks about astrology all the time. She likes me and we have been on a couple of dates. Do I dive in and try to convert her, or is she a goner?
Dating conundrum
wife her
put baby inside
you're welcome
She's cute. If she has enough good qualities to outweigh the bad then fucking go for it.
wrong board you retarded huehue, you're looking for /soc/ or some shit.
something about dicks and sticking them in crazy
I can assure you feminism is probably the last thing on her mind. She heard some media figures talking about how women need to do this and that and she nodded her head. Every woman is a "feminist" in this regard if you get my drift. The real ones are few.
Do you like spending time with her?
If yes, then spend time with her and take it step by step.
Do you not like spending time with her?
If not, then don't waste your time.
Is the source of your conundrum that this potential gf conflicts with your Jow Forums larping?
If yes, then it's time to leave this site. Seriously, this gay board is officially fucking with your brain and making you romantically dysfunctional.
How immensely retarded do you have to be to post the actual photograh of a woman you're in contact with on here
You could easily doxx yourself this way
sounds great can i fuck her after you get married and she gets bored with you
Worth a shot.
Would be SO hot if she didn't have the piercings.
Find any girl and women who is nice to you. If she is fat and ugly help her get skinny and pretty.
Put some work into it.
Yeah I cringed, I hope hes not that retarded. Hope she still likes you after finding out you're a KkKNaZiKkK
It's too early to tell. She's sweet, thoughtful and takes her time to think about things.
Who cares? 90% of the other threads are kiked slide shit.
Yeah, this would be the 7th crazy chick I date.
I don't know, she seemed fairly outspoken about being anti-Bolsonaro.
I don't think anyone cares that much, but if so, go for it. This would be one of the least weird things I could tell her about.
Yeah. I also don't know if she has any hidden tattoos, but I think she would have mentioned them by now.
This is how I do by default, but after so many tries with different women, it gets all so tiresome.
You don't need to exactly like your partner and vice versa. She can be the Ying to your Yang (2020).
I usually hate retarded women with piercing but they don't take up her face at least. And she at least doesn't have ugly gauges in her ears like the ugly retards we all know
Take her for a long fucking drive and camping. Commence red pilling. See how she handles it.
I see danger signs. Try to straighten her out regardless of where you take the relationship.
post "her" benis
>7th crazy chick
I guess dodging a bullet 7 times just isn't enough.
just hit and quit it. Why does Jow Forums require to breed with a roastie? In the long run, she wont be valuable.
She is fun to hang out with but I fear this will change after we try something more serious. It would certainly NOT be the first time I find a crazy chameleon of a chick. At least the feminist redflag is apparent, but then again, women are easily manipulated. I have dated a feminist before and managed to crack in some redpills, and turned the others who were already somewhat redpilled into racists. One even became a full blown fascist.
I just want a family, honestly. Preferably white. I don't do the whole casual degeneracy.
Sorry, lads, no benis to be posted. She's a girl (female).
She's pretty fit, too, as opposed to the obese feminists walking around.
Pump and dump is your solution.
It's the man's job to redpill the woman. She has been indoctrinated since birth by leftist give her a chance and GO SLOW. DO NOT let your autism take the best of you and show her your powerlevel straight away.
She is top tier on looks, if she has a good moral compass and isn't a roastie you can work on politics later.
I have some experience with this, my fiancé was leftist as fuck when I met her and now she is the exact opposite.
Godspeed user.
You must redpill her as a social duty but, for you sake, dump her. She's too far gone already. Her feminism will come back in stressful situation. She'll leave you when you need her the most.
Não é o meu primeiro rodeio, anão. Eu entendo bem como é esconder o powerlevel até o momento certo, e ser cirurgicamente preciso no conta-gotas de redpills. Eu acho que o maior problema é que eu estou cansado de fazer isso toda vez que eu conheço uma mulher remotamente decente. Tem sempre algo a ser trabalhado, algo a ser refinado, sem a certeza de que ela vai virar uma louca desvarrida e ir embora.
>She'll leave you when you need her the most.
That's what I fear most. I feel too tired to try again and see the entire project go downhill.
Women aren't poltical entities. Just put your dick in it and forget about it
I believe the whole pump and dump culture is why the west is in this shape.
Então n tenha isso em mente. Apenas deixe as coisas fluirem.
Seu objetivo primeiro é ter uma mulher, dps ter uma esposa e até lá vai ter tempo suficiente para isso.
Relaxe cara. Estabeleça suas prioridades. Pelo menos foi oq funcionou pra mim
1 - fazer ela feliz
2 - se ela tiver um coração mínimamente bom ela vai querer retribuir
3 - aos poucos e dps de um tempo juntos inserir como vc pensa e daí é correr pro abraço.
4 - lembre-se o redpill é sempre voluntário e para ter uma senpaiília vc só precisa de uma esposa fiel e que vai honrar vc e seus filhos.
It's so fucking telling to see western men from several nationalities shilling for one night stand culture...
You fucking degenerates. This is what enables feminism and roasties. The moment you all act like sluts you have no moral right to want a virgin wife and a traditional family, you'll get exactly what you deserve, a woman so used up and loose that fucking her will feel like putting your dick inside a glass of warm water.
Suponho que você esteja certo. Não custa nada tentar mais uma vez. Só tenho o meu sonho de ter uma senpaiília a ganhar, e isso é o suficiente. Slow and steady.
came to post exactly that.
Yeah. Feminist girls are freaky and she will bend to your views with time.
All women in modern society are feminists, and the amount of re-education possible is directly proportional to how head over heels she is with you. Disclaimer, women can't ever be like us polfags, their brains are wired differently.
That's degeneracy, and it really comes down to how much of that is reverseable and how much of the damage is done, as well as how much you are willing to tolerate.
Ultimately you need to decide for yourself.
Also pic related
She's a goner but atleast you can fuck her good.
Pois é cara.
Óbvio que é bom ter uma mulher redpilada, mas se n der paciência, elas não foram feitas para a política e cá entre nós, qualquer realização política está léguas abaixo das realizações que ela poderia ter como mãe.
No fim das contas tudo que vc pode exigir dela é fidelidade, amor e cumplicidade. O resto é bônus.
Boa sorte cara e vamos popular o mundo com criancinhas de olhos azuis criadas em F A M Í L I A S (filtro de merda) nucleares.
She talks about astrology so at least she's not a total nihilist. Nihilism is truly the point of no return for these people — the last pitstop before total degeneracy. She's not beyond saving. Just tread carefully and redpill in small doses
Politics is below the duties of motherhood.
The job of a woman is to be faithful, caring and honorable, by doing this and raising her large white family well she will accomplish more than even the most redpilled woman on the face of the earth.
Run and dont look back bro, she already has 3 strikes.
>She likes me
sorry user something not right in the eyes with this one
>Do I dive in and try to convert her, or is she a goner?
So, umm, user, she’s taken miles of filthy stinky cock, swallowed jizz from scab covered niggers, and, and... evidently talks to Brazilians.
She’s “dead whore walking... dead whore walking here..”
The idea that you can "fix" another person is inherently flawed and a waste of your time that could be better spent finding an actual decent partner, and this is coming from someone whose "quality" dating pool is about as expansive as a fucking thimbleful of water.
She is a quintessential white brazilian user ofc she talks to brazilians.
Plz don't tell me you fell for the meme that there are no white brazilians.
Also, unless he's sure that she's a roastie she deserves a shot.
Alright. Fair play.
Here’s my honest advice:
It’s all or nothing user. There is no gray area... lay down the law when the chemistry is new and she’s very malleable. Once married it’s still 200% possible, but those first 18 months of cockslsaving her are your best hope to move the needle quick and make everyone’s life easier in the future.
Godspeed fren.
Sage in all fields.
>You're in a sharblue thread.
And you don't even know it...
>talks about astrology all the time
Astrology is absolute BS. Don't expect her to be a critical thinker.
fuck her and leave.
redpill her subliminally
Put babies in her you monkey fucker. That's all the red-pilling a woman needs if she's half sane. If not just be ready to move and change your name. Also, it's okay to abandon kids if the mother is a total wack job and the state supports her in wacking you over the head.
lmao women are so dumb you have to brainwash them to keep them from destroying your nations its like living with rattlesnakes
That's a man
Piercings can be cute though, which ones does she have?
Also convert her, it's not hard
>we have nothing on common and I'm too retarded to meet someone that isn't a whore
Why don't you try to find someone that isn't mentally broken and has the same views as you instead of trying to change someone?
Put it in her nickel slot.
Then never call her back.
women imprint on the people they spend time with. this is why men with sisters have an easy time, because their gf's become friends with the sister-in-law and it's a big happy family.