G'day lads

>Jacinta Arndt BTFO!

>New Zealand nigger kill an Aussie and steal his Hiace

>Man made climate bullshit SHUT DOWN!

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Have you lads swallowed the gympill yet?

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I read that that fat neckbeard autist who killed Eurydice Dixon had a "long-term girlfriend".

That is a good meme but men shouldn't be vain and shouldn't spend their time admiring themselves in the mirror. If you don't get strong and fit through your normal lifestyle then you need to change your lifestyle. Gym culture is not something I respect.

That's some pufta shit m8.

Boomers must be banned from politics.

maoris are so violent and dangerous..
very unpredictable too, because they can seem relaxed and 'chilled out' moments before snapping and brutally murdering someone.

why exactly are we importing these animals into australia still?

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We did free movement with NZ thinking they were a civilised white country like us but all their maoris and pacific islanders unexpectedly came across.

>longterm GF
= fucktard never replaced the pillow in his wank-Daki

>but all their maoris and pacific islanders unexpectedly came across.
>Implying that wasn't the plan all along

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Nsw cunt in campervan with Canadian GF killed by two nutjobs in Canadia
Vic cunt in campervan with Canadian GF killed by nutjob in UnZud
>never go camping with a Canadian chick

i had one big ugly black maori cunt brag to me at a garage sale that she is claiming the dole in australia and NZ at the same time.

they absolutely need to all be kicked out.
one of the most greedy, dirty, dumb and violent races on earth.

they literally all stink like rotten fish, hot garbage and cat shit too.
i have literally had to stop myself from dry heaving while passing by them in the street.

The chick killed in Canada was from the USA.

You should have got her name or licence plate and reported her to cenno.

>i had one big ugly black maori cunt brag to me at a garage sale that she is claiming the dole in australia and NZ at the same time.
I hope you reported her

implying they would do jack shit.

you missed the part where i said she was non-white.

Our commonwealth brothers are turning against us
You know what needs to be done

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>you missed the part where i said she was non-white.

You are being a bit silly now mate.

Friendly reminder that Australia has de facto marriage also known as common law marriage, despite common belief common law marriage being a legal marriage doesn't exist in other Anglo nations, never has, in Australia the person is in a de facto marriage if they've lived together for a year, if you split you're entitled to any property, inheritance, superannuation or any other asset, at in certain cases spusal maintenance. you're entitled to the other persons assets even if you had them before the marriage, a interesting fact is that in Australia you can be both in a traditional marriage and a de facto marriage to separate people, meaning polygamy is legal in Australia

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Today is rest day. Ion Fury just came out so I'm going to get comfy and cleanse the futuristic streets of (I'm assuming) Melbourne.

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What the hell is there to do in Melbourne this weekend?

Someone sold you a dud gympill mate go look up "choke documentary" on youtube

Who hurt you?

The Honks are planning a bank run

Trying to decide if I want to drink tonight or not. Knocked off better part of a bottle of whisky last night so I probably shouldn’t.

Gracie is a faggot. I knocked him out years ago.

He robbed the world of one of its greatest comedic minds.

>Ion Fury
get butt fucked by a somalian psycho like every other red blooded melbourne male

I think you just use that meme as an excuse to pedopost


wew lad

Doubt it

Ngl I'm Maori (I took only European genes from me mum tho) and I'm not ashamed of my heritage but yes, 99% of maori's are indeed niggers.

It's amazing how feminists have completely made people believe that being attracted to or fucking anyone under 18 is paeddophilia even though 16 is the age of consent in every state and territory except South Australia and Tasmania where it's 17, I guess you will start saying liking girls in their 20's is paedophilia soon too at the rate feminists are going against celebrities the likes of DiCaprio for only dating 20 somethings

Fully mature women are better than 16 year olds at everything and the only reason a sane individual would consider a 16 year old is if there were no fully mature women.
Again, you posted pedo shit and it's probably because you're a sick fuck.

What's the difference between the two?
What if I'm married to my wife under God and one believe in (((legal))) marriage?

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16 year olds are post pubescent, so physically they are fully mature, would you rather men have sex with women in their 40's who rely on cosmetic surgery to look young and are unable to reproduce

You're the one sexualizing her, mate.
Its apparent from your post you lack an understanding of the English language as pedophilia refers to pre-pubescent children.

No offence mate but you need to go back to New Zealand.

You posted pedo shit and are now playing pilpul.

Low quality b8 m8

Are you 20 years old or something?

>>New Zealand nigger kill an Aussie and steal his Hiace
robbing, raping, and murdering tourists is part of the local economy in NZ. They hate when that fact comes to light in the media

Doesn't matter what age I am, 16 is post pubescent and the age of consent in Australia except for South Australia and Tasmania, I don't know why you're trying to say something that is both the legal age of consent and the age of physical maturity is 'paedophilia' which is an attraction to someone who is prepubescent, but I guess you're just a kike shill

really considering doing this or just sticking with my cardio routine and adding conditioning. Don't really want to pay money to lift heavy things.

Also, reminder you have to cultivate your mind and learn new skills.

we lost one of the greats that night just so an autist could use her as a cum rag

You posted memes that only a pedo or a true retard would post.

The reason men fuck 16 year olds is because 15 year olds are illegal.

Okay, I'll bite. What part of the meme exactly makes it "phedophilic"?

Anyone else work with Indians? Is it just me or are Indians lazy as fuck?

Because he's either a shill or bought into the feminist rhetoric that 16 year olds are children

The only reason a sane individual would consider a 16 year old is if there are no fully mature, graduated women.
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at by posting that. Are you you trying to justify the pedo or is it a shitpost?

Who do you work for? You are a liar through and through

I see now, you're a merinonigger, only explanation as to why you can't understand that 16 is fully mature as they are post pubescent

Or maybe there are no female demographics unavailable to me

The only reason there are age of consent laws is that older women know younger women have a far higher SMV and they hate the competition

I guess that's why you choose women who have hit the wall and aren't fertile, makes sense, I mean why choose a woman who is at their peak attractiveness and fertile?

>there are no female demographics unavailable to me
I knew you liked kids
Yup. He's here for the demoralization
>older women know younger women have a far higher SMV and they hate the competition
Its funny because its true

I had a good relationship with an older man while I was a teenager. (F). Don't regret it.

Hi Milo

>11 posts by this seething old roastie
Go squat on a cock and fuck off forever

They are high schoolers. They cannot vote so they have no voice. They cannot move at the same pace as a citizen because they don't drive. They don't participate in the market so their trading is controlled. They don't have private residence as a legal individual.
There is nothing mature about them.

You will argue that it's fine to snipe the ones who are within the law and loose in the public space. That is very ironic.

Their body is ready for breeding and that's the only thing that matters with respect to putting benis in vagina.

How fucking based is Melbourne!
I love niggers!

I work in tech. One guy I work with does this every day
>turns up at 9am for a 8:30am start
>gets to his desk then immediately goes back out for a coffee with everyone who started work early
>has multiple smokos leading up to lunch
>takes an hour for lunch instead of 30minutes
>only takes the easy tickets
>watches YouTube on his phone while working on tickets to drag them out as long as possible
>more smokos in the afternoon and chit chat in the kitchen
>3pm Fridays he's out the door by 2pm
On average I'd say he does 30 minutes of work each day.

>They cannot vote so they have no voice.
Vast majority of Australians are completely ignorant of politics or have terrible politics which is why we're in the position we are in this country, so I don't see why being able to vote would matter, especially given it's only a 2 year wait if they're 16
>They cannot move at the same pace as a citizen because they don't drive
Not all "mature" Australians drive, there's public transportation and you can drive at 16 on your L's, you can teach them to drive and become a fully licensed driver
>They don't participate in the market so their trading is controlled
16 year olds can get jobs, they also are on Austudy if they're still at school, nevertheless women entering the workforce was a detriment to society as it effectively halved the working wage and resulted in the demographic decline of the west as women chose work over family
>They don't have private residence as a legal individual.
57% of men aged 18-29 still live with their parents, 54% of women aged 18-29 still live at home with their parents, your point is moot

That behavior degenerates public culture

Frankly there should be no such thing as age of consent and instead everyone should be chemically castrated from puberty until they pass a test proving they are physically AND mentally responsible to reproduce

>I can find white genes morally
well then

You wanting women to prefer work over a family is degenerate and the excuse governments of the west use to import millions of shitskins into our country because we must always have (((economic growth)))

Please don't shitpost

what's the point of even having security guards

yep that's pretty consistent with the ones I've worked with. One guy used to hide in the toilets till his phone went flat.. then he'd come back and charge it and go again

Really outing yourself as a merinonigger now


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Based, imagine putting in effort for Goldberg IT Services when you can just do the minimum.

Triggered Trannies

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Based Australians needed to Defend Diversity!

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better cook the man some fucking eggs!
The Trannies.

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i have heard some americans refer to maori and islanders as honorary aryan.

but remember that once were warriors is an extremely accurate representation of them.
pretty much every maori kid is getting assaulted by their father and fucked by their uncles on a daily basis.

post tits

Did you ever want to hear Moonman ft Dr Peterstein? Now thanks to the magic of deepfakes you can! Enjoy

>lgbt is still this asspained
get rekt

sad actually, never known any Maori's. Plenty of Tongans and Samoans though. Most Americans love Aussies and Kiwi's in general, I've met quite a few of your countrymen here on vacation. Good people, down to earth. I hope to visit someday.

There are actually quite a few based Maoris who uphold the noble savage trope and are bro tier, I met quite a few when I lived in NZ and they were absolute top tier for minorities and I wouldn't mind sharing a country if they were all like that. Unfortunately those Maori are in the minority thanks to American gangsta rap culture fucking their shit up.

>work in the public service
>thanks for your tax money btw wagies
>somehow my department has avoided the tannyisation of everything
>forgot that I filled in HR forms that I was transgender when I started (lol)
>get dragged into a meeting today
>it's a tranny meeting to talk about making gender neutral bathrooms
>they want customer facing staff to wear badges asking for people to tell them their pronouns
>already don't have enough staff toilets
>they want to cannibalise existing toilets to turn them into gender neutral shitters since there's no room to add an infinite number of gender specific toilets
>mentioned giving badges or something to staff who had done 'Ally Training'
>a bunch of other crazy shit came up
>end the meeting by complaining about white people
I honestly wish I'd recorded it because it was the most insane shit I've heard people talk about. Worst of all they're wasting tax payer money and actually are making this happen. From the way some of the women in there were laughing I could tell they were super uncomfortable with it all but no one would say anything about it

Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck faggots

God bless all true anons

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Fucking based

>i have heard some americans refer to maori and islanders as honorary aryan.
How times have changed


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I cringe every time I read shit like this, because I know it to be true. We export the very worst parts of American Culture, and its become normalized seemingly everywhere. It fills me with a certain amount of rage, and shame.

>>they want customer facing staff to wear badges asking for people to tell them their pronouns

It's not just the nigger gang culture fucking shit up, although that certainly is partly to blame. The destruction of the family is much worse along with the drug culture and shit tier law enforcement.

lots of white normies take to it like ducks to water i lost so much respect for a lot of my mates when they went nig it's not your fault brah

its not america or americans, rap music was invented by subversive marxists and jews.

natural american culture like guns and muscle cars is based, i would be glad to see american tanks invading australia to forcibly implement traditional american centric western culture.

I agree, I talk shit about Christianity on here all the time. But the truth is, my country was better in just about every way when most people believed in something. It's a strange paradox that I struggle greatly with.

It's coming. Believe me. They even highlighted that type of thing as being easily achievable because it doesn't cost much money / doesn't need planning like a bathroom redesign