How to tell if they’re listening your phone calls?

I'm having suspicion that government is listening for my phone calls. When I’m calling someone after first beep I hear audible click. Long time ago while I was living with people who dealt weed, I’ve had echo while talking, this was probably true back then, but nowadays I don’t care about drugs, nor I’m in contact with those people, however, I’m vocal online about JQ and shit, I talk with my family member in Russian too. Anyone have any info how to spot this shit?

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As a side bump, how do you encrypt calls?

I get a key tone quite often while I'm talking.

don't, bother, you need to have it encrypted on both ends

just use tails and pgp encrypt emails

use pgp

I don't think the Lithuanian government has the resources to monitor your phone calls.

NSA monitors foreigners

Signal was said to be such an app but despite the encryption it still used the api with which fb listened to people.

start talking in code words. use pepe, kek, hotdogs, pizza, throw in a celeb now and then i suggest tom brady

They monitor anyone who uses USA based communications, that means gmail, fb, instagram, twitter, discord, skype, whatsapp, etc for sure. Let alone Windows 10.

Tails is that Linux os right? I thought it hadn't been updated in a long time? I don't quite understand how pgp works but I've been trying to learn to set it up for a while now. Know any good explanations?

Aliens are gathering information about you bruh, you better stay up at night!

I was about to ask how retarded you are to think that governments still use analog wiretaps on fully digital mobile networks, but then I noticed your flag.

Facebook practically listens to everyone though

They used to just turn it on and off to prove a point back in 2012ish. Not that I was that interesting, but perhaps part of a random piolet program. It was one of several that went by the name of "Smurfs" ect..Had to work out the kinks or wanted me to know.

How do you know this?

I'd just keep doing what I'm doing and maintain basic security.

If you get too paranoid about that stuff, it'll drive you mad.

every call made on any network anywhere in the world is intercepted, recorded and cataloged.
this massive database of intercepted communications is then sifted through automatically by program for trigger words and phrases.
Any flagged data is then cataloged and reviewed by agents.
bet ya balls if there is anything in your communications that is an Indictable offense the NSA will pass it along to your countries law enforcement.

>How do you know this?
You can't be serious. It's old news.

OП, ты cильнo cпaлилcя. He знaю кaк y вac в Литвe, нo y нac в PФ мoжнo выключить пepeaдpecaцию вызoвoв.
Бoлee тoгo ecть мнoгo cпocoбoв yзнaть этo. Ищи инфopмaцию в интepнeтe

>I'm worried my communications are under surveillance
>I know, I'll post about it on a Tibetan Cavediving subreddit that's probably owned by the fbi

Take your meds you fucking idiot

Citation needed

>I’m vocal online about JQ
So are millions of other people. You're not that special, sweetie.

do you even own a fucking phone shitdick?

whats really fucked is sometimes when I post something really juicy that I know will trgger the old foreskin munchers, I see my phone light up. I wonder if they have somehow planted some malware to activate my camera like they are taking pics to prove who is posting. Probably too late to put tape over the front facing camera now, but if that hasn't happened to you yet I would cover your camera facing you for sure. I"m not joking about this. It happens so much its starting to freak me out that I'm getting v& soon

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Antipsychotic pills would do wonders

No one has ever gotten v& for shit posting on Jow Forums you schizo

I said citation needed

Just talk about that big white power jihadist alliance meeting in a specific location tomorrow to discuss blowing up city hall with your mates, go there and wait to be arrested

NSA monitors EVERYONE user. They record it all and look for keywords then build an instant map of all your contacts and their contacts to see if you belong to any divisive group.

It's easy man, during the phonecall with anyone ask them for patience and understanding and then shout "fuck CIA niggers", and if a third party joins the call calling you a racist anti-semite you know your line has been tapped.

Everything is fucking tapped in realtime. It is called the patriot act and they had congressional hearings in which it was stated that the NSA collects meta data.....translation...all data.

Everything on your smartphone is being recorded. C'mon man this is basic stuff. You can't even step up a smartphone without having a google account. They don't even hide the fact that they are recording. It's in the terms and conditions.

Only Jews and their Golem care what people say about the JQ. Liberals only pretend to care. But deep down they hate the kike.

i wonder if they have a way to scan mail and read what is inside yet?

It's easy, they have AI that are always listening to your phone calls .

You are being listened to if you use a phone.

Use carrier pigeons.

The Jews are desperate to get laws passed restricting any speech against them as a group...meanwhile they push the Evil White Patriarchy narrative 24/7 along with white supremacy. Ahhh to be a hypocritical Jew. Feels good to be gangster.

I had strange experience too on mobile phones. Sometimes it's like the audio you hear when in your house someonelse pick up the phone in another room amd start listening. Other times I hear my own echo during the call, and another time was like, at the end if a call, the word I said were send back to me (like a delayed conversation with myself on the same phone).

My uncle tried to take the iphone his kids got him apart "to take out those commie chink bugs" he broke it imediately.

Wanna bet?

You can start by throwing away that spyphone, and acquiring a dumbphone. Atl east they would have fewer options to spy on you.

Very based. They're quite cheap and easy to care for as well. Ideally you want them to have one place they get fed and one place they rest. So they can go back and forth between you and your comrade with messages.

Older than nintendo playing cards.

My phone is listening. Started the gym again and every advert on youtube is now about the gym. Kinda scary lads.

Dumb phones still have internet, still have mirophone, gps, tower signals and robocalls.

GPS bruv.

>microphone permissions enabled
>doesn't matter anyway
yes, we're listening

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How do you fuckin NOt know this? I mean its gotten to a point where self signed server and client SSL certificates are more encrypted than certicates signed by a (((Trusted Certificate Authority))). Oh and your Amazon alexa and your Google Home they are listening too or did you just had another realization now?

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Not all have internet and gps, like I said, fewer options to spy on you.

Dude...they don’t literally “tap” a phone line like that where you hear an analog “click” and then some guys sit around a tape recorder listening in real-time with headphones like in the movies. Physical phone lines aren’t even a thing like that anymore, not really. Anything would be collected and accessed any time after it even happened, seamlessly, and with a computer.

The only way to avoid it is to not even use a phone at all, which is why Al Qaeda used bike messengers and carrier pigeons to communicate sensitive information.

unless it is 2g it won't matter.

is 2g still available anywhere?

There is a scene from the movie Manhunter from the 80s in which the FBI has a machined that could see through one kind of ink that scratched out words written in another kind of ink. Basically they can see right through paper and see the ink. Kind of like an x-ray. They probably developed printer ink to be specifically easy to read through paper. That is why I write everything in semen.

A finn would know kek

Every mobile phone sold in the US since the mid 90s has GPS in it by law. You cannot avoid the digital jew.