Why aren't we supporting attractive women who can get the conservative agenda out there and convert zoomer boys and girls?
They're the best chance we've got.
It proves that being conservative is white, beautiful, and inclusive of women!
Why aren't we supporting attractive women who can get the conservative agenda out there and convert zoomer boys and...
Adam Hernandez
Kayden Mitchell
>that thing
Also women are not important.
Adrian Young
Whiter than you gypsyfuck
Evan Sanders
This is how tradthot e-celbs and their white knight came into existence you mong.
Jack Cooper
because as soon as there is one there is shills saying stuff like this
and then if she gets popular it turns into a giant mess because the shill know how powerful it is to have beautiful women on our side. Tomi Lahren is pretty great desu
Eli Peterson
>Whiter than you gypsyfuck
Brandon Reed
>Tomi Lahren
>right wing
Mason Rogers
She is literally jewish.
Kevin Kelly
>why aren’t we supporting
Send your own shekels to the latest ethot.
Benjamin Long
This. Its time for eastern european nazi reich