Hey glownigger whatcha doing?
Hey glownigger whatcha doing?
Brody Campbell
Jeremiah Martin
What is a glownigger?
Ethan Thomas
A nigger that glows
Chase James
Well you see user, one time a particularly autistic user started sperging out about "CIA glowniggers". Even though that user genuinely looked retarded, other anons began using the term unironically to seriously accuse anons that disagreed with them of supposedly being part of the CIA or other spying/influencing organizations/operations.
Adrian Mitchell
Lucas Rogers
Leo Sullivan
spotted the glownigger
Carson Sanchez
Office work
Ayden Williams
>t. Nigger who glows
Benjamin Morris
See? I wasn't really disagreeing with the OP user but his autismo supremo kicked in and he think it's either ironically or unironically fucking hilarious to accuse me of shilling.