Greetings everyone. I have an annoucement to make

Greetings everyone. I have an annoucement to make.

Make yourselves at home

Attached: 1551192772167.jpg (1200x1200, 111K)

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Sure, I sit here don't mind me

Cozy thread OP, nice place you got here. You must have hired someone to keep this place so clean!

Quiet everyone! Let's hear the frog out

Why yes, im waiting for frogs anouncement quietly how did you know?

Attached: GIGACHADNOFF.jpg (1213x1003, 274K)


The whole squad is here..

Attached: 1563886852541.jpg (960x608, 72K)

Hello my friend

Attached: B8FDE8FA-0AAB-468E-82A3-A9EBE637F57F.jpg (249x248, 15K)

ahh ahh ahh
No speeches until I've finished my beverage cousin!

Attached: 1494490484395.png (300x250, 19K)

Please sit down, i prepared some refreshments for you. I'm waiting for the rest of you guys to come. I already see a few jannies timidly lurking in the background, please sit down too.

Attached: 1530123308297.jpg (511x671, 33K)