It seems that we are all operating under the assumption that this man, who is connected to some of the worlds most powerful, wealthy, and influential people is actually deceased?
How can we be certain-beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt-that he’s actually dead? We cannot be certain, it seems. Are we then justified in out belief that he is dead? How do we know this other than from what the various media outlets, which are all owned by individuals/corporations, feed us? Isn’t it already been proven that the media cannot be trusted?
Is it more reasonable to assume and believe that he actually is dead and that he isn’t being harbored? Remember, his being dead allows him to evade being tried and brought to “justice”. Now the attention shifts to his associates since he’s out of the picture. I’m not so sure anything damning will be brought to light if they are brought in for questioning and or tried.
notice the propaganda creation is to create a belief that he is dead. Which is working / has worked. Very, very few people believe he is alive and the notion that he might be alive is never covered by any news media outlet. People don't actually care if the elite murder their own as most people understand even though the elite try to appear good, they are evil. What people would actually get mad and riot over is if the elite can rape children and be satanists and get away with it and the entire structure of justice is just a LARP for them that they don't have to play by and is only designed to keep peasants and the poor in their place.
You always need to question how an idea or movement is being propagated. Is there open discussion of all sides or are there only 1 or 2 sides and others are being submerged or ignored in order to guide and direct the tone of the propaganda.
Unfortunately, most people aren't smart enough and haven't had enough working hours examining the nature of news stores in general. You will find that most if not all news stories are edited in order to fit into a propaganda shaped hole if not outright fabricated.
Parker Cox
at this point, what difference does it make? assume trial conviction, if your preferred outcome = death penalty, he's dead. evidence in is hand of prosecutors. only question is are prosecutors corrupt?
Caleb Hill
prosecutors work for the state or with the state in most cases is the state corrupt?
Liam Gomez
I like you..
But seriously, i’m glad others see the possibility of his being alive. If you watch the miami herald expose of his 2008 trial and “conviction”, where he more or less evaded justice (e.g. he had a wing of the prison to himself and could come and go to his office), why is it so farfetched to think that his “death” was staged?
Again, i must emphasize, we are talking about a wealthy and well connected man who may even be tied to intelligence agencies. Who would be better positioned to fake their death and evade justice than Epstein?
Anthony Ortiz
Go watch the mini documentary the miami herald did about his 2008 “conviction and sentencing” and you tell me whether officials working for the state are corrupt or not.
Aiden Phillips
Evan Collins
Jaxson Hall
Shut the fuck up you retarded fagbot. He's in witness protection, everyone with a fucking brain knows that. Hes been evacuated to somewhere safe so they can compile a list of every dem, hollywood elite, foreign royal and jew that he entertained. Now stfu about it before you ruin Q's plan.
Christian Bell
He was supposed to be preserved via cryonics, which means he will respawn in the future. He will glide in onto a pile of lolis.
It's a case where the possibility can't be eliminated entirely, but I don't think it's likely, it was in many peoples best interest that he perished.
Far easier to just kill him rather than some elaborate escape plan.
Now these types of things can go on unnoticed again, he'd become a face for it since 08 basically, I'm sure he's been a lingering annoyance since then.
Robert Lee
The alternative is complete isolation from mankind, given how his face has been seen by atleast half the world. Its not impossible, just improbable they would leave loose ends like that just wondering the globe.
Kayden Rogers
Its just interesting. If the idea that he is dead is a media ploy, then the result of believing is that we turn our attention to speculating about how he died, how he was able to commit suicide, whether there were lapses in the protocol on the side of the jail and guards, whether he was murdered and if he was, by whom?
Then ultimately, once you’ve bought into the idea that he’a dead, you then go looking towards those who he was connected with. Jeffrey epstein, the man himself, then fades into the background and becomes nothing more than a spectre.
That being said, he could very well be dead. I’m just trying to leave open the possibility that he may not be. I’m not necessarily putting will my eggs and focus into that particular basket.
Isaac Adams
every news article, every word and sentence is filtered through biased channels. Syntax, grammar, and especially headlines are ALL filtered through these channels. Every bit of news people read is pushed by biased mediators to grab attention while ignoring other perspectives or details.
If you want to get the normies mad, unironically show them he won the powerball lotto and that it's a long running Jewish money laundering scheme. They will feel cheated and angry I guarantee it. Fucking children should obviously cause more outrage, but they weren't buying those a couple of days a week for decades.
Lincoln Stewart
>at this point, what difference does it make? Hilldawg is that you?
Hunter Hughes
I’m sure he wouldn’t be allowed to roam freely; not without significant plastic surgery and or a makeover. That being said, remember, he is connected to some of the worlds most powerful and influential people. He had his own private jets and helicopters and imagine the people he knows have them too. He could easily live at some royal or wealthy persons property and travel from place to place via private air travel without detection by the public. Furthermore, if the whole elite sex thing is real, then he would be valuable in still facilitating that for these depraved elites.
Tyler Gonzalez
Thomas Taylor
a healthy dose of skepticism is good, but if you make the burden of proof difficult enough then we can't even prove that reality is real
maybe you're stuck in the The Matrix
Grayson Wood
Its possible.
Jose Ward
I recognise your shitty hebrew writing style from a few days ago, fuck off already.
>are we then justified in out belief that he is dead? How do we know this other than from what the various media outlets, which are all owned by Without the media, you wouldn't even know this guy existed.
You mega autist thread spamming child - dead or alive, his clique isn't going to be ignored. People leave paper trails wherever they go, and they can't clean them all up, however careful they are.
Kevin Campbell
you cant kill your own else people will stop joining can't leave once you join
Leo Foster
I think the inability to ask or even entertain this question, especially on media outlets, shows how much faith we put and or want to have in this “system” we call our society.
Can we believe, with 100% certainty, that he’s dead and if so, what justifies this belief? Is it true belief?
Cooper Mitchell
he is certainly dead. likely by assassination it makes the most rational sense. why would you bother to spend the awesome capital to replace esptein with a double, smuggle epstein out, bribe all witnesses, and then set epstein up with enough funds to live in the bahamas in luxury his whole life when you could just kill him for a fraction of a fraction of the cost? i mean do you guys think that these people care about each other that much to waste that much money? the instant epstein appeared in public court his coconspirators abandoned him
Benjamin Lewis
I appreciate your contribution but man, you gotta relax. This is why organization will never occur because we have people like you that cannot articulate themselves and conduct themselves in a manner thats productive.
Anyways, i like the point that without the media, we wouldn’t know who epstein is. That being said, the media has to report on certain things. Thats obvious but there is obviously only so much that they can report on and they are limited in the ways in which they can present such and such topics.
Jordan King
Yeah this is certainly the most rational explanation.
I’m just asking questions and i think questions that are altogether warranted. Its not like i’m asking if its possible that epstein was smuggled out of jail by reptilian demons from saturn and that his “body” is a realistic hologram generated by their superior technology.
William Bennett
>Can we believe, with 100% certainty, that he’s dead and if so, what justifies this belief? Can you believe anything with 100% certainty? Maybe you're in The Matrix
Justin Morales
>that cannot articulate themselves and conduct themselves in a manner thats productive. Your writing style is really recognisable, you regularly spew the most inane bullshit, though, and you really should be banned by now.
If you're doubting reality, you need a doctor. If you aren't, then stop making shitty >hurr, I don't know if it's true or not what I do?? threads and think for yourself.
Maybe not but there is such thing as justified true belief. For example, i have justified true belief that i will go to sleep and wake up the next morning because experience tells me so. This has always been the case. Now its possible that i may not wake up the next morning, which is why this is justified true belief and not knowledge or certitude.
With regards to the media outlets and the stories they put out for consumption, we already have seen that the media is prone to error, fabricating, placing things in a false light, etc. So again, i’m asking us to consider the possibility that the stories that the media is feeding us rest upon unstable ground.
And if by “maybe you’re in the matrix” you mean the societal construct we inhabit, then yes its certainly possible. If, however, you mean that all of reality and our experience must be questioned then i would say, a) thats a huge leap to make from what i’m saying. Now if you’re saying that because this “societal matrix” we inhabit is the only reality and that to question anything emanating from it is to question reality itself, then, is you who may be trapped in the matrix.
Oliver Jenkins
We've seen his corpse. He's dead.
Tyler Edwards
I’m trying to generate discussion. You are trying to stifle it, suggesting i should just keep to myself and refrain from discussing and thinking through things with others. What is the purpose of this forum, then, huh?
And i’m supposed to be the saboteur...
Matthew Howard
fuck off, you stalwart shitbag.
Aaron Myers
Yes. Lets focus on my writing style as opposed to the message and substance of what i’m saying...oh wait...
Let me anticipate your next move, “YOU HAVE NO SUBSTANCE”
Now that you’ve reared your head enough and made yourself heard
Why don’t you give us your position on the Epstein issue. What do you think happened/is going to happen? Enlighten us, please. You now have the attention you craved
Oliver Perry
The media has given the public two options: Epstein suicide and Epstein homocide. I bet he's still alive.
Daniel Green
>i have justified true belief that i will go to sleep and wake up the next morning because experience tells me so. I have a justified true belief that prison guards can mostly tell the difference between a live prisoner and a dead one. I mean, they still have to get a doctor to pronounce him dead, but nobody is surprised by the pronouncement. They are standing right there observing the dead body.
I'm just really disappointed in modern conspiracy theories. It's always the same lazy shit "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" when it's actually quite easy to confirm that the thing happened, you just have to talk to one of the people that were there. And if the It Didn't Happen people had a point all the people that were actually there would be like "well yeah it was kinda weird that that new guy from Israel found the body on his first shift then quit the next day." But without any bread crumbs like that just screaming IT DIDNT HAPPEN and then putting forth an unreasonable burden of proof ("I don't believe that there is a dead body because I haven't tasted it, sure I saw a photograph, but I haven't tasted it so I don't know he's really dead") is just dumb.
Nolan Mitchell
He's still alive because he knows how the game is played, murdering him would invite a dead man's switch. What insurance has he taken out for his own life? You're trying to say that he thought he was untouchable and so never took any precautions. I think you're wrong. He's been very loyal to Mossad, they wouldn't kill their own, especially a dirt collector like Epstein who could potentially make their operation known to all
Cooper Thomas
They did seem to shut down the 'switcheroo' theory awfully quickly. Curious.
Levi Robinson
it got shut down because it was retarded.
David Ward
I would try to believe he is alive if the redneck and kike shill brigade weren't trying so hard to push this using the most cringe bullshit ever.
Julian Perez
I understand your point. I’m just leaving open the possibility that its a farce. Once again, this is a man who has already had influential and powerful people come to his aid (back in 2008) to get him from serving any serious sentence for his crimes. That must be remembered and if not, then go watch the mini documentary the miami herald did about his 2008 conviction and sentencing. It was an absolute joke.
I should reiterate, i’m not trying to say he is very much alive. I’m just saying it isn’t an extreme reach to consider that its possible and we should certainly, at the very least, be able to discuss that possibility. That being said, it wouldnMt be productive to crawl down a rabbit hole...
Hudson Edwards
It's too neat. Too quick. That story about him telling prisoners that he felt someone was going to kill him sounds too convenient. Did he approach his lawyers about this threat to his life? Were his lawyers in a position to request that their client be kept safe? Why didn't we immediately here from his lawyers? Where are they? I've read one story about a former lawyer questioning his death, not much about his current lawyers and what they think. They want to make this into a whodunnit that quickly fades out of memory. He's still alive.
Kevin Green
This is more or less what i was trying to communicate in the post below
Easton Richardson
Ok, taken at face value, this is fair. I would not literally bet my life that Epstein is dead because crazy shit DOES occasionally happen, once or twice a century.
But the Manhattan Correctional Center released a statement saying that Epstein was dead from an apparent suicide. Is there any reason (other than fantastical motive) to believe that the prison employees involved in that process, from finding the body to releasing the statement, are either mistaken or deceptive?
David Adams
kys glownigger stating literally every single happening is actually staged, that no one ever dies but is swapped out
Isaac Edwards
Since Planefags noticed his gulf stream having taken a flight to Antarctica on July 23rd, and July 23rd is the same day he allegedly first tried to suicide - it is safe to assume they switched him out then, and its been some patsy sitting in jail since.
James Campbell
Oh here we go. Another saboteur.
WE ARE DISCUSSING THEORIES and Potentialities. Questioning the narrative. My post doesn’t state or claim
Ayden Perez
Post source please
Matthew Lee
You bring up a good point. All things considered normal, i’d say that what you ask is unlikely. However, according to wiki, the manhattan correctional facility is operated by the federal bureau of prisons, which is an arm of the united states department of justice. That leads me to ask two questions:
1) who, if anyone, does Jeffrey Epstei. Have ties to that works for the justice department. If the answer is nobody directly, then i’d ask who he is connected with that may have ties to the Department of Justice, maybe once or twice removed.
2) What agreements/restrictions do the guards and other workers who work at this facility have, especially as it pertains to high profile inmates? Are there non-disclosure agreements or gag orders that are signed? Etc etc.
Ryan Campbell
Posters like this seem to point to the fact that Jow Forums itself is compromised.
All attempts to derail discussion. To cause chaos and confusion and take away from engaging in productive conversation.
Brody Barnes
take your meds. we've seen his corpse.
Asher Green
How can you be sure about anything these days? We've been lied too so many times that I don't blame the people that think everything is a lie. I dont even blame the flat earth types. How can we be sure of anything?
Tyler Cook
>It seems that we are all operating under the assumption Speak for you're self newfag