Daddy buying Greenland

>President Donald Trump has on multiple occasions brought up buying Greenland from the Danish government and the White House counsel's office has looked into the possibility, two sources told CNN on Thursday.

Based daddy is buying fertile, green land for us out of his own pocket so we can expand our MAGA!
I love him so much, I'd suck his cock if he asked. No homo, just pure ameriman patriotism.
Love you daddy emperor! :x

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Maybe he can get them to pay with a lego wall. The useless cunt.

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It might require in-ground heaters and an atrium but I'll grow a fucking redwood there.

I need a QRD on Greenland. What's under the ice?

Zinc, lead, gold, and oil.

In short, the stuff of empires.

Greenland is a frozen hellhole unsuited for niggers like you.
Iceland is the green one.

The entrance to the hollow earth

kek greenland is named as such deceptively... by the guy who was trying to get people to hear the name and then come settle there because in reality it's a frozen shithole. this is something you learn in third grade but maybe trump will be the first one in history to take the bait

yea right after he builds a wall that mexico pays for

>Greenland is believed by some geologists to have some of the world’s largest remaining oil resources.

Interesting. 110 Billion barrels just in the sea around Greenland...


*clears throat*

4 trillion USD in gold
250 free F35’s with free maintenance and updates
Our flag on the Moon and on Mars

When these have been done you will get the Island

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Here is my counter offer.

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Does your country have any benefit to retaining denmark? Do you make a profit? Helps your naval power?

MSM distraction campaign

What is Eppstein



no it's a strain on their tiny economy. They will cuck to Daddy and then we will begin warming it up and create the ethnostate. asian waifus will require a special license only to those who have already created 4 white humans and Jesus will be on the flag

He really does have the wettest brain of them all

It will never happen. All Danish politicians are laughing at this. The Greenlanders don't want it either. They love being Denmark's little cucks - cause we provide them a good welfare state, unlike what the US would ever be capable of.

Greenland could literally be hundreds of trillions of dollars worth. It's 2.2 million sq km. There are ridiculous amounts of natural ressources up there.

>t. a brain with many many wrinkles
The danish people won't even consider it ironically. If Trump is visiting Denmark to discuss buying Greenland, he will have wasted his time.

This. It's hilarious how deluded the mutts are. It won't happen in a million years. Not even remotely, haha.

How is it possible for an American president to THIS retarded?

>Blocks your path

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isn't that what everyone said about Trump getting elected? this guy will cuck to Trump, he looks like like a pedo

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Good thing he's not in charge anymore

Imagine Denmark trying to stop the US from doing anything.

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Fuck yourself, that is Jesus you are talking about. And if you weren't a retarded inbred nigger you will know the wall has been built and paid for by Spicixico

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If you think america will go to war with Denmark just to have a 51th state where the sun never shines, you are severely handicapped.

Say hello to the UN, NATO and EU, and maybe even Russia and China just because they get an opportunity to fuck up their biggest enemy.

>someone's bitter no one wants to buy them

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Kek. He's not in charge anymore though. Now, we got another cuck, a woman. But it's not gonna happen. All Danish politicians are fucking laughing their asses off at this suggestion.

I mean we could always get it by other means, blackmailing your leader, offering monetary rewards if the citizens of Greenland bring it to a vote and vote to voluntarily join the US. Whats Denmark going to do to stop it? Deploy its vast political capital? Its fierce and strong fighting force?

I mean, I don't care either way. But realistically the United States of America could launch a full invasion of Greenland and militarily occupy it and Denmark plus the rest of the world wouldn't do a fucking thing. I mean sure, there would be recriminations, proposed sanctions, saber rattling. But it would all end up as nothing. We offer to much in trade and money, military power and political capital to be an enemy. Not saying we should, nor do I realistically want Greenland, just stating reality. Short of going full World War 3 the US can pretty much get away with anything it wants at the end of the day. We could declare our southern border a military zone and shoot illegals and refugees trying to pass in, we'd get condemnations, we'd suffer civil unrest, but at the end of it all nothing would change, nothing could realistically stop us because no one really can.

Le wut? Greenland isn't for sale. Never has been, never will be. It's Danish.

>when you glow harder than the fucking sun

Now you're being retarded. It's never gonna fucking happen.

All your base are belong to us

And trust me, you'd get almost all the world against you if you invaded Greenland. The EU, UN and NATO, plus Russia and China would probably see their chance to fuck up their biggest enemy. The US would be fucked over in a week.

I dont want it to happen friend, im just saying. If it did nothing could realistically stop us. No grand coalition would form to block us. Because its Greenland, and Denmark and I mean who gives a fuck? Especially when they could be making money instead of intervening

We've gone to war over far less than 110+ Billion barrels of oil.

kys jew


who the fuck writes shit threads like this?
i dont care if you're joking OP, you cringey bastard, fucking kill yourself.

I'll give you one of these and the certainty that I won't be building McDonalds or missile batteries there.

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>Said the mutt, shilling for the invasion and thus dooming of yet another white country, with the hardest little erection he can muster

why did you call yourselves after dough and jelly? also why aren't you called denmarkians? these 2 facts alone disqualify you from owning our soon to be state.

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Shitloads of resources that Murica needs to stay afloat for another decade. And good luck getting the Danes to sell. It's a goldmine and everyone knows it. Only way Trump is getting his hands on it is if he decides to "free" Greenland.

Bring it.

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Why dont you guys develop it? Or do something useful with it?

>bunch of drunk eskimo's voting red every election
can't we just nuke the dumbfucks already?

>assuming you're white

you brainlets are amusing.

Do you think he might be buying it for someone for hanukkah?

Are you delusional? You honestly think any nation on Earth would go to war over it? The EU, UN, and Nato are going to go to war with the US over it? Ok lets talk.

A grand alliance is formed, heres your problems. You're military might is on average below the necessary amount of not only soldiers, but more importantly, arms, and materials to wage a full blown war. You're naval and air forces are sub standard, mothballed for years in most cases with admittedly a few exceptions. But most importantly. You have almost 0 projection power. You can not, and would not be able to move troops and supplies to engage enemies with anything other then 0% enemy interference. Going along with that the United States Navy would contest any action. Also to bring up, the vast majority of military spending for Nato is US based, we pay you to outfit your troops, to create bullets, rifles, tanks, and so on for your own men. Obviously this would stop. The reality is the forces of Europe with rare exception are completely toothless IN Europe much less outside of Europe. You have no real military stockpile, no real troop numbers, aging or nonexistent armored and air forces. Also take into account the vast majority of European societies detest war and the military in general.

You couldn't really do anything, and thats the point of my original post. Neither would Russia or China, they lack the range and the logistical support to do anything. So short of full on WW3 nuclear exchange nothing could be done.

Checked, but no, we need to colonize it properly.

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Hell the USCG could take Greenland all on its own and nobody could stop them.

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>European societies detest war and the military in general.

Trump is a fucking lunatic and so are his "masters".

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Yup. Taking it by force is such a ludicrous idea. And what kind of moral high-ground would the US have after that? Americans can annex foreign territories by right of conquest, but China can't annex a few barren islands? Russia can't annex Crimea? It would set a hell of a precedent for nations with a chip on their shoulder worldwide. Annex Greenland? Hello war between Pakistan and India. Hello war between China and Taiwan. Hello war between Russia and most of the former soviet republics.
When even the self-proclaimed world police decides to act like a schoolyard bully, what exactly is gonna stop others from acting the same?


Literally invading an EU, UN and NATO member's soverign soil. Good luck with that. Not even going to read your garbage.

Chain up every wypipo and sail them to Greenland

Maybe we should conscript all our Muslim immigrants. You didn't stand a chance in Iraq after all.

>> Thinks the next world war will be with munitions

Keep that 20c thinking going user

Well, and that is exactly the plan for world war because their child rape operations are in jeopardy.

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It's not an invasion if it was American ice to begin with. You are occupiers and will be expunged by any means necessary from our ice.

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No, but it would destabilise the world something fierce. 19th century imperialism would without a doubt become the norm again if the supposed leader of the free world decides to fuck over another of its kind. Maybe Russia would decide they want Alaska back.

the danes send out some special forces guys to walk over it every year as part of their claim. Dunno if you fatasses could manage that.

We won Iraq their oil is going to Israel


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>Say hello to the UN, NATO and EU

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I don't think they would be of much use in the arctic.

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East Germans are not human beings

Pay attention, Jow Forums.

This might be your one and only shot at subverting an entire country into an ethnostate.

Keep dreaming, you and the rest of the euro fags need us when Russia and China decide to ass fuck Europe in WW3. Also we have a military base there already, and what is the reward for defending 56k people on ice?

The USCG-SOF are the most elite special forces on the planet. Good luck.

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Absolute operators.

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he learnt from the best. Roy Cohn invented the blackmailing of vips and politicians. But he also sent some israeli spies to death row...

tipp: watch the hbo tv series Angels In America... it's about Roy Cohn life and death.. played by Al Pacino... written by Tony Kushner (Kushner? Where do I know this name from, hmm...)

According to the young pope, god.

Im not saying its going to happen or it should, I don't even want Greenland. I was simply responding to someone who was absolutely delusional that somehow Denmark or even the entirety of the EU could do anything about it if it could happen. I mean give Europe 20 years of buildup and war footing then yeah sure, thats dangerous. But right now? No way. For the record I like Denmark and I like my fellows from Europe here. We're all in the same boat and any war between us would just be another generation of whites fed into the grinder while the blacks replace us.
Also yes it would, it would fuck up the entire world, because as you say it would be an ok for land grabbing Imperialism being good to go again. Thank you Sven.

A shitload of methane gas

NATO alliance.
Denmark helping in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Is Denmark supposed to seek nuclear weapons now? Is that how things work these days?

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Texas by itself has a bigger economy than Russia.

Was that supposed to be a veiled threat of some kind, Sven?

they just want Santas shop in Greenland, nothing else. Trump want to have complete control of all Christmas presents.
But don't worry, we got Nissebanden to take out those americants

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Please Denmark for the sake of world peace just give it to them. Give them your country while you are at it too. Appeasement always works.

>not having a nuclear arsenal

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Your rite cuz the wall is built in our hearts only TRUE AMERICANS can see it!

Imagine being proud of suppressing the last bastion of the white race

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No, It's just what would happen if land-grabbing becomes internationally acceptable. At least Russia would have some kind of tangible claim on it, which is more than can be said of the US and Greenland.

So... what signal are you sending to North Korea? Syria? Iran? Etc.? To seek nuclear weapons or not to seek them?

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We will just take it in exchange for defense of Denmark against Russia when they ultimately have to push into Europe to compensate for their demographic implosion.

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Come on hans, the only places left for mineral exploitation are the ones presently encased in ice. Think.



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>Helping in Afghanistan and Iraq
Parked 2 F-16 in Kyrgystan, and a whole 7 lives b/w 2003-2007 in Iraq.

BFFs 4EVAH!!11!!!

Is... that part of the terms of the NATO alliance? And our help in Afghanistan and Iraq?

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>denmarks contribution to NATO

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Toll paid.

I don't mean take by force I mean offered to the US along with other things to defend it. And yes this would be after NATO is gone. The Britts have offered things such as ports in the past.

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hhnnnngh girthy daddy

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Americans are delusional, might be time we switched over to Russia and China to defeat the american menace