>be part of an allegedly gang that takes women and sells them in Italy for prostitution
>have worked as a forklift operator,a construction worker,a metal scavenger and recycle,mechanic,a fake cab driver
>be friends with the local chief of police that immediately retired along side the wife the moment the case reached the news
>everyone is afraid of you and the clan you are part of so nobody talks
>the police doesnt try to stop the murder even if the victim calls from your phone and is in the house
>they wait for the next day to do anything
>put the police on a wild goose chase after they capture you in your massive house and backyard along side the nearby fields to find evidence of your murder
>one of the victims phone used yesterday to get out of the Whatsapp group but the police cant track the phone and location even though you told them you destroyed the phone
>burn the bodies of victims in a barrel, the last one only a bunch of teeth were found but the jewelry didnt melt
And there is much more insane things happening in this case.What do you think guys is this a deliberate slowdown to make the criminal group escape and clear all the evidence or is just plain stupidity?
Romania general
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self bump
Your country is an uncivilized, corrupt shithole. More at 11.
Well thats your problem should had never decided to choose that place.
execute the entire gang, and everyone affiliated with them
as both an example, and to avenge the awful murder of that poor girl
Well that would be nice and all but the problem is that they are infiltrated very deep in the judiciary system and even parliament.So its not going to happen any time soon.
Allowing mafia organizations to flourish is sign of a weak government and fractured society
bro, what the fuck is happening in romania?
surely people want to do something about this
what's the talk around this like atm?
people must be incredibly disgruntled with the system - romanians were willing to kill their communist dictator, surely they can do something about this too
>bro, what the fuck is happening in romania?
Organized crime and I mean real organized crime not the likes of some small clans acting though.
>surely people want to do something about this
They are just angry on social media more than that nothing is going to happen.
>what's the talk around this like atm?
To no longer trust the police and change the current geo location system that was blocked by the big companies because it would cost the a lot of money to implement.
>people must be incredibly disgruntled with the system - romanians were willing to kill their communist dictator, surely they can do something about this too
The revolution was done at a political level it had nothing to do with the people
Please stop sending your gypsies here, good day