Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.
What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:
>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need. >Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." >To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said. marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD >Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD >To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people. gommies.gom/fug/ gommies.gom/starve/
----------------------------------------- Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." So what does that actually look like? Ancap paradise with no laws? Cave people hunting and gathering? How do we get past the inevitable centralization of power to the state? Help me visualize this because your copy paste thread is light on the details. Also if you posted links from less obviously biased sites I could take it more seriously. From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. So why do I care so much about my neighbor and why does he care about me?
Hunter Moore
Marx was pro-((central banking)). When he talked about workers revolting, did he not realize the factory owners they'd be killing would all have names ending in -Stein, -witz, etc?
Daniel Clark
Communism is only for the poor and dumb who have given their soul to the devil.
It's about giving your body and function to government, total submission of choice. That's communism look at them all ready to be told what to do. Each one of them believes in fictional concepts about market values and new structures that don't apply to this modern age, they create utopian in their mind because they picture humans as having no souls, as being unable to make choices.
Communism is evil.
Christopher Clark
William Evans
How the fuck are we supposed to know? Do you think a peasant in feudal England could imagine what todays world would look like. Marx only saw it as the natural conclusion that classes and the state would wither away progressively, just as they've already done through history. >Also if you posted links from less obviously biased sites I could take it more seriously. They're not biased they're just PDF versions of what various Marxist writers have written. marxists.org doesn't contain any of their own opinions >From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. This principle only applies once there is such an abundance of goods that this wouldn't be a problem. During the first stage of socialism the principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work" applies.
marxists want a world where everybody is perfectly altruistic and willing to sacrifice their time and energy producing shit for people with no guaranteed compensation
Brody Foster
Can't you say the same about anarcho-capitalism? Who's going to give you compensation when they own all the land anyway?
Kevin Lopez
It looks like some people went into this communism thread and got mad enough to post. Almost like they don't want marxism discussed. Almost like they have an interest in keeping private property private. Interesting.
Carter Miller
Create the damn software that will organize the production and redistribute the products. Me and Mises we bet in the book "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" that you don't even know how the socialist economy should work.
Joseph Thompson
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people. gommies.gom/fug/gommies.gom/starve/
Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
Evan Watson
we are starting some cybersocialism groups actually, and some comrades are recreating and expanding on linear programming planning algorithms. Our starting point is usually the proposals from Cockshott, the theories of Standford beer, Viktor Glushkov, etc.