Why do white girls fuck dogs?

Why do white girls fuck dogs?

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Because deep down there is a nigger in every dog

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they like fucking animals, explains why theres so many coalburners

So there's always a nigger deep inside a white girl?

This is an excellent question. Aside from all memes and jokes I think it is more then clear that we MUST find a solution to the white woman question. How do we fix them? Can we fix them? Is it time to opt out and actually pursue azn qts?

Can anyone actually explain the psychology of animal lust within in white women?

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back in cavemen days, white women were the ones that raised and bred dogs, there might be a reason why dogs are very hyper sexual with other species compared to wolves, they might have been bred that way

because dogs aren't white

Girls actually have a thing for bestiality. Dogs, horses, lions, tigers. They want to be in control of an animal that could just break their neck in a snap if he wanted to. They get turned on by the thought of it.
Yes, coal burners may also fall into this category

Makes sense

top KEK

I've never known anyone who was dogpilled. Weird fetish.

Hugging is a display of dominance for dogs. People are so fucking stupid that they apply human interaction to everything as universal. Also, I hope mods nuke this shit into orbit. Sage.

The sexual revolution and rampant pornography paired with ideological subversion

why are women almost universally sexually aroused by danger, their immediate danger? Is the idea of controlling a chaotic brute though sex, knowing you are as strong as a twig, just that good?

Inflated self entitlement, over inflated self worth leads the modern girl to reject wast majority of men. Even the chads are rejected because she is always wondering if there is anything better. She rejects everyone so only thing left is dogs.

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Danger usually meant getting raided and raped by vikings

All girls fuck animals

Nah it's almost exclusively a white girl thing

Dogs do get jealous. I’ve seen it. My dog was deeply concerned that I was patting a cat. I could see the pain in its eyes.

one of my dogs bit me for doing just that, it fucking bit me out of jealousy

so when women are in danger their pussy and brain flood with feel goodies in order to abandon their mate and village and survive for the plundering?

In a multicultural society different men than their own trigger their plundered-fuck-mode and they double down on their hatred of their former society and lovers just by the mere presence of a different people?



Your dog is weak

Nah homogeneous shit doesn't do anything. Those women just go on sex vacations. Jamaica has a massive white women sex tourism. Look it up.

If you've researched enough, women fuck everything, pigs, horses, donkeys, and mostly dogs and niggers.

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Why do makakken hate dogs? Are they envious that dogs are more important than shitskins?

Fuck off retard, most are south american

you just solved women bro

Someone should ask Dr Peterson

Women are EVEN Dumber than Niggers!!!

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Moroccans in the Netherlands are not only violent but they are also mentally ill and retarded. How about you go marry your cousin in Morocco, Hassan.

Nope, all the active sites with new amateur content are almost exclusively white girls. Only vintage stuff is mostly south american.

So are you an expat or shitskin

The Jamaica stuff has been in the news numerous times and you would have known about it if you weren't wasting your life in your mom's basement on your online echo chambers.

It wasnt on the news here retard, fuck off with your vpn


Too brain dead to look it up?

it was a complete accident of speculation but it makes perfect sense!

Because women, all women are complete degenerates given the chance.

Hoezo zou ik het opzoeken kanker allochtoon

This. Just choke a bitch and see how much she likes it in bed

Ask your mom.

>implying anyone would watch a nigger fucking a feral nigger
>implying the feral nigger wouldnt bite and bark

>so when women are in danger their pussy and brain flood with feel goodies in order to abandon their mate and village and survive for the plundering?
there's an essay on something like this, it may have been titled "war brides"

Most women are also incredibly into degradation and debasement. Can't get much lower than letting an animal rut on you.

Every woman wants to be dominated. That's why so many stay in abusive relationships. That's why so many rape victims shyly admit they orgasmed during their rape (a lot of women have their 1st PIV orgasms this way and then never again) its why "nice guys" never get the girl.

Women say they want to be treated "nice," its a trap. Gently hit on a girl, get denied.

"Damn baby, I wanna fuck that ass til the sun comes up. Whats yo name?" You'll get her contact info.

They like to project human emotions on every-fucking-thing. That's why they suck at making tough choices and why they suck at politics/big business.

Dogs don't like getting hugged though.


war brides? if you have a link, great, if not ill go look for it, thanks. I really am curious. You notice in America's History that white women have actually gotten more hateful and more treacherous as the non-homogenous population has increased. Simply compare each decade to the last, compare birth rates, divorce rates, # of children, etc. Quite simple.

why do jews suck boys ?

bite it back

The same girls who fuck dogs also burn coal. Also did anyone catch Trump talking about reopening and building new insane asylums to get these people off the streets? Can't happen fast enough

White men/culture in general humanize dogs. And since women are dumb as shit, therefore in a white womens eyes dog dick = human dick. Same with white dudes thing with big dicks, white guys like big dicks because it proves masculinity but then blacks have biggers dicks so by white mens logic, white women go after nigger dicks. It's really simple.


As someone who has seen a lot of beastiality, most of the animal fuckers are South American prostitutes.

Because Tyrone left and white dudes don't want to be their baby daddy, so dogs are all they can get.

>tfw 8ch is kill and there is no more /zoo/ board

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They fuck niggers too, are you surprised?

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Because they are unloyal bitches


Because they don't have any meaningful relationships with other human beings

The girl in the video posted is cute. Not my proudest fap, but hey.

Hey! Stop attacker her! She's wholesome and based. Tucker is the cutest dog in the world.

It's the opposite of control, when a woman is horny she wants to be dominated.
You can go find posts about this from women online. When they are ovulating all they want is to be dominated and fucked.