He announces he wants to "buy" fucking Greenland like he's Thomas Jefferson doing the Louisiana Purchase.
I'm so deeply exhausted and disgusted by this fat prick and the never ending rollercoaster of idiocy that leaps out of his administration.
He announces he wants to "buy" fucking Greenland like he's Thomas Jefferson doing the Louisiana Purchase.
I'm so deeply exhausted and disgusted by this fat prick and the never ending rollercoaster of idiocy that leaps out of his administration.
Greenland will be the ethnostate fren. TrUsT tHe pLaN
>rabid hate rant triggered by literally nothing but an interesting idea.
This is why everyone says you have TDS.
This is actually brilliant, and basically you're just fucking stupid. If we buy Greenland, we can send all of the shitskins there, without technically deporting them.
Schizo skipped his daily meds session.
I want to believe.
Remember to dilate, tranny
pay debt first
Whats wrong with purchasing new land? Dont you want america to grow and prosper? Why do you hate America?
nobody would want to live there
can't even create a wheatfield to solemnly walk through
No he's right.
All leftists hate america. It is antithetical to their ideals of collectivism.
The public needs stupid shit to talk about...gotta keep those eyes off of Epstein some how.
Look how many fucking Greenland threads you have going on. They thought the fake Tarrant shit would be enough to keep people occupied (and would detract normies from checking out Jow Forums)
That runs too far into the 4D chess category. This guy is just a demented old moron and no one has any idea what he doing besides stroking his ego 24-7 I'm fucking sick of it
Gloria en excelcius dip
>interesting idea
Go and live in Antarctica retard
>I don't want Greenland cuties to wife up
You don't understand what's happening, do you?
I prefer the 4D chess scenario..it is less frightening than the idea that the white house is occupied by a demented boomer
Imagine how retarded you're gonna feel when we own Greenland.
You're obviously new here but we've known about and been digging on Epstein for literally over a decade. What are we supposed to do instead? We are just waiting for more info to come out.
If we don't the chinks will and you know it you commie shill.
Sage. He didn’t announce it, it was reported by sources. No (you) for you.
>He announces
Please show me the announcement, thanks.
Im deeply disgusted by your idiocy, unless you can show me that. Then I feel like a massive faggot, and take back calling you a massive faggot.
Thanks pal
Yeah, Trump is over.
In a related story:
Sounds like you need to lay off boofing farts.
That would be so fucking hilarious. Just give spics who show up at the border a flight to Greenland. top kek
Here, these will help you get the sand out
>obviously new here
>digging on Epstein
now very well it seems as every link he had with Trump is ignored...especially since 2016
>Trump can't buy Greenland
>Jefferson bought Louisiana
>I'm mad and will literally put these two concepts in the same sentence
The us has wanted to have Greenland for decades we have huge air basses in Greenland
It commands a global strategic position, kys you are a fucking dumb faggot
them crusty coochie swipes
There are over 110 Billion barrels of oil just in the seafloor surrounding greenland. Who knows how much is under the ice...
We've invaded shit holes over much less.
you sound triggered. Trump could just invade, nobody would stop him. What's cheaper than free?
Also imagine all the glacial water we can bottle and sell once the nuclear ice drills are activated.
Fucking Tuckler
Get out of the way..TRUMP TRAIN coming thru!
>all the retard history failures ITT
Everyone from private citizens, to nations, kingdoms and empires have purchased large swathes of land from one another for thousands of years.
Why is this a strange concept?
Nobody cares what you think unless you live in Greenland.
Fuckin moron, we already have a military agreement no holds barred with Greenland, it's not a bad idea if it can be done, he's entertaining the idea.
That's pristine land, boyo. Le hem have California, move up to Greenland and start a new colony.
Orange man is bad
>Yeah, Trump is over.
Source? I don't see any Dem contender capable of beating Trump and his unbreakable base.
Pretty sure it was 'sources.'
He's a one term boomer president.
All the kids born after 9/11 are voting in 2020
Women have grown to hate his divisiveness
No wall
Retarded tweets instead of the issues
He's an ass
>Buy Greenland
>Acquire Denmark as part of the deal
>Invade Sweden
>Rescue the natives from invasion
turn your tv off then, idiot
>i dont like things the president does
good for you
Hail Trump!
If he has the money to buy Greenland, why doesn't
he use that money for constructing a wall?
>interesting idea
France was open to selling Louisiana. See the difference?
Imagine all the coal, and oil and gass and gold that is there. :-O
more like
>incorporate it into muttmerica
>MIGA let's flood it with immigrants
Of Trump buys Greenland he is the second best president after Jefferson
Yes our third world shitskin nation is somehow going to save Europe from shitskins brilliant
kek wills it
Greenland to be purchased and renamed "WHITELAND"
ok "1 post by this ID", the difference is that Denmark have probably never considered ice island. like, how would that even come up in parliament?
Greenland is the perfect location for a white erhno state. The shitskins can have the Indian reservations.
>1 post by this ID
And if I had 20 posts you'd say
>20 posts by this ID
Honestly that shit is so meaningless to say, why even bother?
>the difference is that Denmark have probably never considered ice island. like, how would that even come up in parliament?
Except they did consider it. They heard this rumor about Trump wanting to buy it and the collectively laughed their asses off and said "No".
Hell no I hope he says THHHHHH again that shit is tight.
White ethnostate wishlist:
- greenland
- ireland
- tasmania
- canada
- the world
Meh. At least he didn't just annex it like Crimea was.
We can flood the world using global warming while whites move to Greenland and live in harmony.
>Women have grown to hate his divisiveness
You're a fucking doughnut m8
>Go and live in Antarctica retard
We're not rich jews or a pedophiles so we're not allowed to do that, bud.
He does this shit all the time. He layers the narratives. He does it so no one can see what he is doing overseas or talking about the border that's hardly in existence. He is a framer. Liken him to how Ali boxed. He is on a different level. He usually does this when he is trying to get important negotiation done (China). Keeps everyone out of his true business he trying to get done. We get to see a character. Behind the scenes, he has to be ruthless.
God damn that image actually made me fucking laugh. Thanks user.
Amd Renamming 5thAvenue to TRUMPS 5th Avenue
>rent free
I think Iceland would be pretty cool. It's small enough that we can say fuck off we're full. Also beautiful desu.
itt: non-white fat turds on suicide watch
just googled it
I see, this is just a WSJ "some people told us this thing we swear!" thing
>mindless blathering that a TV nigger said
God I'm relieved you faggots breed poorly.
why not? those stupid Danes already sold you the Virgin Islands for peanuts lol
> It's small enough that we can say fuck off we're full. Also beautiful desu.
that was basically my reason for saying tasmania and ireland, too. Considered saying iceland but thought it would reduce the gag if I added more to the list, and figured greenland was sufificient (even if the two are completely different)
>He's a one term boomer president.
Keep on Rolconing, Shareblue Stalwart.
Chaos is indistinguishable from genius. Politics is such a dense mess of plots and counterplots that by acting in a stochastic fashion one has a greater chance of achieving their goals than by stopping to think about any of it.
Hence my calling it a rumor. My point was that in fact, they have considered it. Just now, and also the multiple times the U.S. government has actually expressed official interest in the idea in the past.
He should buy Canada next
I hope we do buy it to just piss off assholes like you! XD
don't believe the d*ne
Iceland also has an edge because colored people do not handle the cold well as evidenced by their distribution in the US and world wide.
No niggers? Sign me up for a few acres.
Trump is like a kid who only watched cartoons of American history. Then when he is asked a question about the "trail of tears" he goes into a story about how Yosemite Sam tried to force Bugs Bunny to walk 50 feet out of his rabbit hole, so he could pitch his camping tent there.
Check'd BTFO OP
Trump is a gamer (gamers rise up) LIBTARD.
This society is no place for us gamers. Epic style. If you don't stop being a LIBTARD Trump will do what gamers do best, and PWN you with a GODLY epic big brain FACTS and KNOWLEDGE then declare himself top frag.
Greenland deserves to get its pp clapped EZ by we the gamers. Rise up Trump. Death to all CREEPERS in mine craft.
you leftists are delusional. take your meds or consider suicide
where's the lie tho?
Fuck you kid. I love Yosemite Sam. Unironically.
Imagine getting triggered over a meme policy. You shareblue faggots really need to give up.
Dumb fuck
Tell me where the orange man hurt you. In the feelings, you say? Oh no
Faggot, go suck a niggers dick and cry about being white.