Indian caste system. Brahmins are an ethnic group?

Are Indian castes based on ethnicity? How does this shit work? Brahmins got the lightest skin and the highest IQ or what's the deal there?

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>lightest skin
Brahmins dont have the lightest skin. Kshatriyans due to Kshatriya women spreading their legs for Alexander, Persians, and Afghans.

Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella are Brahmins, but they aren't light skinned.

Hrithik Roshan, and Kareena Kapoor are Kshatriyan and they indeed have light skin -- and light eyes.


I'm not a Hindu myself but I believe caste is not based on ethnicity. Pol would have you believe that light skinned South Asians are the only ones who can be Brahmin. This is simply not true. Brahmins (highest caste) and Dalits (lowest caste) exist in every South Asian ethnicity. For example, it is possible for a Punjabi (typically light skinned) to be a Dalit, while a Tamil ( generally dark skinned) to be a Brahmin. Caste does not equal ethnicity. Although lower castes may tend to have a lower IQ this is not an absolute rule.

I thought the original Aryan conquerers were whiter and set up the caste system to protect themselves from mixing but it didn't work perfectly.

It seems fairly obvious to me that the caste system was about race/ethnicity 6000 years ago but it just didn't work. People are 98% or more Bonobo and they're gonna fuck anything and everything. The human race could benefit tremendously from eugenics, but humans, even the most stupid of them, are just barely clever enough to figure out how to fuck, everywhere, everyone.

We are a dysgenic cesspool of filth, and are doomed.

Brahmins are like Jews, they aren't a race. There are many different types of Brahmins - Tamil Brahmins, Kashmiri Brahmins and so on. The common thing amongst them is that they were the elite class of all regions they inhabited. The Brahmins never explicitly declared themselves the ruling class, instead they summoned other people and put them in places of power. Brahmins were scholars, mathematicians, astronomers, and philosophers. But never rulers. Because they knew if they were ever a political ruler, they would have to answer to the people.

Secondary to the Brahmins are the Kshatriyans. Kshatriya were the royal families along with the warrior class of ancient and medieval India. Kshatriya were given political power to rule over the masses, but they also had the duty to defend. This is why Kshatriyans have less restrictions on marriage and keeping harems - Brahmins didn't want to infect themselves with degeneracy, so they were always monogamous, while encouraging kings to enjoy harems of women and also to let their women marry other tribes to create matrimonial alliances -- in short, trying to make the Kings weak, a weak King can't be a threat to the clergy or the elite, can he?

After this comes the Vaishya, the Vaishya are a merchant class. Often, they would be the ones who would go on ships to sell goods and bring in goods.

The Shudra is the commoner class.

And finally, the untouchables. The untouchables were children of sinners, or more frankly, people who were a political threat to the Brahmins. In the early days of the British, the Brahmins declared Europeans as a untouchable class, then when the Brits seized power, suddenly they became their Aryan brothers n shizz. The Brits were naive as fuck and believed that shit lmao. Nearly all officer positions in the East India Army were given to Brahmins, and they would even accomdate for their religious practices.

Now, the final redpill, if you are seeing parallels between Jews and Brahmins, it might not be a coincidence:

“”In his History of the Jews, the Jewish scholar and theologian Flavius Josephus (37 – 100 A.D.), wrote that the Greek philosopher Aristotle had said: “…These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani.” (Book I:22.)

Clearchus of Soli wrote, “The Jews descend from the philosophers of India. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in Syria Jews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It is called ‘Jerusalem.'”

“Megasthenes, who was sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, about three hundred years before Christ, and whose accounts from new inquiries are every day acquiring additional credit, says that the Jews ‘were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani…'” (Anacalypsis, by Godfrey Higgins, Vol. I; p. 400.)

The Kalani were a lost Brahmin sect who never returned back to India.

t. IN star trek land, gene rodenberry wrote into scripts the federation would never accept a planet with a caste system -- due to his ww2 travels where he saw poo land up close...

So it's got nothing to do with ethnicities at all? What were the classes based on then? How did one become one or other?

>Brahmins are like Jews, they aren't a race.
>jews arent a race

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I always thought they looked similar, but blamed that on inbreeding. Specifically inbreeding with a focus on occult ability.

Thanks user. Interesting thread to pull on.

There was always a ruling class. It's just that that ruling class declared themselves to be permanent.

Imagine if all the rich Russians said that they are the only ones who can rule over Russia, and the only marry other rich Russians, and extrapolate it over generations.

There might be some genetic differences b/w Brahmins and others but they are insignificant. The "caste" system as we know it in the modern sense was imposed much later after the arrival of Indo-Aryans.

By the way, Brahmins are known to have big noses. In Hindi, "my nose has been shortened!" is a metaphor that means loss of status.

Whenever the Brahmins were defeated, they would be subjected to have their noses cut as the ultimate humiliation.

How do you distinguish the different castes though? Is it just where you live or your family? If you dress a dirty poo up in fancy clothes and stick him in a fancy house with a fancy car would he suddenly become brahmin? Is there any mobility between the upper castes or are they pretty much like the european royalty? What is considered brahmin anyway, if they're supposedly above the ruling class of kshatriyans?

>Whenever the Brahmins were defeated, they would be subjected to have their noses cut as the ultimate humiliation
Like muzzies do to their wives? Just chop it off?

caste system used to be based on ethnicity, but then all the brahmins decided "fuck this shitty shitskin country" and moved into europe for some aryan pussy hence jews

it's based on ethnicity but that's not the only part of it. there are no more brahmans or kshatriyas in existence today, although the genetic stock still exists.

You really can't. Can you distinguish Jews from whites? Maybe in a few cases, but no.

And yes, it's pretty much immobile. You can't be born Brahmin.

As for LARPing as a Brahmin, you generally can't. Most Brahmin families keep track of lineage very closely. My mother was a Brahmin and she could name 8th-9th generations of her ancestors. You would easily be exposed if an actual priest asked you for your lineage and gotra (tribe).

Of course, my mother married a non-Brahmin man and she was pretty much alienated from her entire family as well from the Arya Samaj.

Damn, so it's basically like a royalty above royalty? I'm assuming they're wealthy, how do they make their money? Also, how many brahmin families remain?

>can you distinguish Jews from Whites?

>t. Bhangi with internet.

Jai beem jai meem.

So the castes still unofficially exist?
Can you marry between the caste without being thrown upon??

>How do they make their money
By leeching off Indian and global institutions. Those "Indian" CEOs are all Brahmins. Those "Indian" Democrats are all Brahmins. All parties in India eventually come under Brahmin control. Be it Socialists or Hindu Nationalists, both are supported by Brahmins.

The caste system didn't die, they just hid it away.

The goblinos of asia

Of course they do. People get killed over that shit even today, man.

the caste system, for all real traditional intents and purposes, doesn't exist at all anymore and hasn't for a very, very long time.

People get killed for intermarriage between castes?

Such as?

History repeats itself

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my brahmin grandfather was dark nigger color, married my light skin kshatriya grandmom ... I am light skin, there are an equal amount of light, brown and dark skinned people in our extended family

>>jews arent a race
They aren't. They are a more or less ethnic religion, one can convert into judaism, especially women, and it has happened a lot trhoughout history. You should really know a bit more about the poeple you claim to hate so much, mate.

Aaa..... Arya Samaj. Sorry should have guessed earlier.

Don't worry guys. These people are just one of many offshoots of hinduism(intended to destroy it ofcourse) . Some crazy guy reads vedas and thinks he knows everything and challenges the rest of Brahmin scholar community for debate. Which he obviously looses becuz he is a faggot and is ourcasted. He then gather more faggots of his monkey intellect and form his own little cult that thinks that out of all those thousands of years now was the time these faggots interpreted vedas and texts right.

So then they challenge basic pillar of hindu philosophy. Promotes inter-caste marriages bcz honestly most of the faggots in this cult are actually lowcaste subhuman niggers who lust after fair uppercaste girls.

Then add a large collection of copy lpasta from their different fb nigger friends and go around preaching hinduism the 'right way' or progressive way.

Ofcourse most of the Indians don't know who the fuk are arya samajis bcz you see these people are very foul mouthed and chimp out very quickly when someone calls them out.
More of these exists like Ramkrishna mission, Brahmo Samaj, Brahmakumaris, isckon and many more. You can search them and would stark constrast in their interpretation of vedas.

You see doing business for these people used to be very difficult back when a strong Brahmin scholar community existed. It used to be kind of modern day scientific peer review type system except it was for religious philosophy. Ofcourse their faggot cult leader lost the bebates and was rediculed. Many prominent and respected Brahmins also published works dismissing their works but you see niggers gonna be dumb niggers.

>caste system.
It's normal and it should be in every countries:


This, don't listen to this faggot indian guys, he's virgin spamming bullshit

well for one, their blood has degraded. they have a sort of contrary thing going on as europe does. europe still has its blood for the most part, but the traditions have generally been destroyed by jews and their christianity.
india has lost their aryan blood, yet the traditions remain present to an extent because jews haven't destroyed everything by creating some sort of controlled opposition spirituality and whatnot, although they have tried at times. without the blood though, the traditions are very shallow.
the current brahmins might as well just be book keepers. they can learn and follow scripture and maintain the textual sources but their blood is not fit for engaging in the actual activity of a brahman.

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that's not at all what caste system is. that's just multiculturalism with hierarchy. subhumans are not within the caste.

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Brahmins don't mix with other caste. Ic they mix they will be Khetriyas. So Brahmins are usually superior in everything they do. They have fairer skin. Idk about India though. Caste system preserves the Indic Aryan race.
Khetriyas are basically mutts. They either look dravidian or chink here. Pure blooded Brahmin look white.

I think you should check the definition of spamming.

To bad I'm not with my Brahmin friend. You see unlike you his family emphasize very strongly on actual reading of texts and he is actually very redpilled about all you faggot's business. Maybe I will make him do a copypasta for me to keep handy.

Lol what caste are you?
Lower caste or mixed people always hate Brahmin caste which is the only Indic Aryan caste.

Multidimensional Quantum Chess

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As you can guess, he's the product of a chamar dad. Consequently, he identifies as a chamar and is, in fact a chamar.

Im a Brahmin myself. In Nepal only Aryans are considered Brahmins. They get in top position bc of their higher iq. They are whiter too. Khetriyas are just Aryans who mixed with non Aryan caste.
Stop with your bullshit.
Your First description was right but I guess you hate Brahmins bc you're a mudblood too.
It's still based on race atleast in where I live. Some brahmins have blue eyes too tho it's rare in Indic lands. In India dravidians call themselves Brahmin so idk about India.

Yes. And plz keep it that way. Brahmins here too all internally agree on racial purity and thus are under constant attacks of liberal faggots.

Kshtriyas are basically mutt here too but the royal lines upto first/second cousins are still pretty clean.

What? Where the fuk i attacked brahmins you absolute disappointment of a brahmin?

I'm literally pushing to eradicate inter caste marriage and a strong brahmin scholar community.

Ok kids maybe you can tell me
People get killed for intermarriage between castes?
Who castes can intermarry without being thrown upon?
What about marrying a chinkie or a whitey or nigger? Depending on your caste?

>Are Indian castes based on ethnicity?
they used to be. 3000/2000 years ago. now they are all the same shit. this is what RACEMIXING does to you. and what will inevitably happen to us also

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Women marrying down to a lower caste is the worst. Kind of like white women marrying a nigger.
Most marriages are encouraged within the same caste.
As usual, muslims and low castes are always lusting for upper caste women (as you can infer from the post of Indian poster who hates brahmins - not unlike how mutts in US are some of the most virulent anti-whites.)
Still, a brahmin or upper caste man marrying a lower caste woman is not all that bad, as long as the woman is of exceptional genetics, as the kid takes the caste of the dad.

>what about marrying a chinkie or a whitey or a nigger
if the parents are liberal, they'd be fine. otherwise, they ship their son/daughter back to India and honor kill or marry her by force.

my father isn't a Brahmin, but his brother lives in US and ended up marrying a black woman. since his family isn't that ardent and strict, they were disappointed he didn't marry a girl from his community (just like my father) but eventually agreed. they even go to US to see his kids.

Hinduism strictly forbids to mate with someone who is other than owns race. It tells Mixed people would be the doom of humanity.
Caste system was made by Hindu royals. It's not mentioned in any ancient Hindu books.
Racemixing is increasing in Nepal though.

> ended up marrying a black woman
Talk about committing genetic suicide, how does this man look at himself in the mirror each morning?

they were even in the americas. the injuns too had their tales of blue eyed people.
swastikas have been found all over the world.

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Both of my parents are Brahmin. That's why we are white and my sister has a blue eye too but it's very rare even in Brahmin communities.

Why is your government sucking chinese dick tho? Why can't you guys go back to Hindu traditions and be great again?

being a heavily inbred eastern european doesn't
make you a 'race'... they're cult members.

Not in our country though. Everyone who racemix becomes non Bhramin. EU wanted to lower Bhramins civil rights in constitution calling us oppressers. The bill wasn't passed bc We Nepalis don't really fight over race here.
Idk EU controls our government. They make our laws. They made Nepal secular even tho 80% are hindus (including Nepali chinks).

doubt that. white by poo standards maybe

they're not from europe at all. they mixed with all types of europeans but europe is not their origin. that is not where their roots come from.

Only one blue eye? hahaha What about the other?

Ok I'm fucking confused here. Some say you're all mutts some say you're not. Who's lying?

So lower castes want to mix up to the top? Higher castes should not downgrade or someone in the family will freak out?
Marrying chinkies niggers and whiteys is like marrying a lower caste?

ethnic displacement of white has been going on for thousands of years. and now the west, the last enclave of pure whites, is getting shitted up too. we truly are lost if another Hitler doesn't rise up in the 10 years tops.
they call ethnic replacement a conspiracy theory but this shit has been silently going on for thousands of years. one nigger in a small city's genepool and 150 years later all the future people of that village will look "tanner"

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jews are a gentically distinct group. You can call them a race

Mursers over intercaste marriage are very low in number(unfortunately). It's just hyped out of proportions bcz why not attack a community emphasising on racial purity?

If you're low caste shudra nobody cares even if you marry a donkey bcz adding more shit to shit doesn't have any major effects. But a upper caste brahmin marrying a nigger obviously damage the superior.

Foreigners are seen as 'Avernas' i.e. Not belonging to any category and obviously Brahmins would marrying them. Kshtriyas and others can (since they are already much diluted) but even theh could not do this in ancient times.

One more clarification I'd like to makebis that you people always are confused btw 'Varna' and 'Caste'.
Varna are just the basic four divisions
Brahmins :- scholars, priest, policy makers, advisors, economists, scientists, war tacticians basically every professional field that require brain.

Then Kshtriyas :- kings, rulers, soldiers, generals etc

Vaishyas :- basically businessmen.

Shudras :- workers, builders, craftsmen. Used to be good professional work oriented thing but most of them are just chimping niggers today living in gibs.

Castes are just further divisions inside these varnas. Bunch of many families known for their speciality in something or any other traits.

So it was quite normal to keep this inside families or neighbours. Nobody hated each other. Everybody took pride in thier small society and competed to be better which i would say was a good thing.

You should read my reply.

sorry kike.. but your roots are fake... ashkenazi jews are a rootless cabal from eastern europe.

also look into the jewish jesuit conversos and their virulent genocidal regimes they set up in latin america. I'm sure the jews did that in order to exterminate the remaining upper caste aryans left in South America.

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Based and Aryan pilled.

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I have a random roommate and at first I thought Indian based on the name but then I checked facebook and it said from Nepal. You guys don't eat curry right?

When you type fast, grammatical mistakes occurs user.
Like I said I don't know about Indian caste system. Im talking about Khas Aryas of Nepal.

Ashkenazi, sepharad and mytzrai do not belong to the same genetically distinct group, but they are all equally jews.

you're correct

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nope. sorry shlomo, but being so insular and inbred may make you genetically distinct but not your own 'race'

Thanks for the history lesson pajeet. Where do sikhs tie in to all of this?

great post

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>exceptional genetics
How the fuck do you decide that? Analyse the poo?

So about those high castes marrying whites, chinks and niggers? Forbidden too?

Let's say the woman is exceptionally beautiful or exceptionally skilled or unusually smart, you don't need genomics to infer someone's genes who is exceptional.
Just don't marry a lower caste ordinary woman.

I wouldn't be in pol if I didn't look white user.

Original Brahmins giving out one son from every family to defend against invasions. That would be very basic summary. I'll get on making a copy pasta soon.

>The god of Destinity subjects only His strongest mortals to enormous tasks which would crush lesser men.
so he's basically Saturn. kek, don't get me wrong I vibe with saturnian thought but some redpills are too much for your average Jow Forumslack

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Lower caste=lower attractiveness/lower iq/low discipline

Not sure the term ethnicity is appropriate

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They're a religious group formed in response to the muslim atrocities in the northwest of India.
Most light skinned sikhs were Hindus previously.
Even now, their religion is still close to Hinduism.
Sikhs, at least the upper caste ones, have carried over their caste identities from when they were Hindus or previous religion.

Brahmins are genetically the whitest with around 10-30% Aryan admixture. But most are just as dark as a nigger, see

Obviously, being born in lower caste is one thing, but I've seen where a upper caste man is marrying a lower caste woman and she is exceptionally beautiful or something else, people make less noise about it.

Yo you my fellow sikh brudda?

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the original brahmins were expelled by poos thousands of years ago and turned into jews

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ok haha how do whites chinks and niggers fit into your caste system? How are they rated?

Nope, guess again.

Hindu brudda?

humans are 94% dawg

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nah, the original jews were the monotheistic priesthood of the sun god Aten, created by the Pharoh Akenathen and expelled from Egypt after his death

Niggers are an absolute no go. In older Indian parlance, they were mocked as subhumans and monkeys.

People don't really care about chinks as long as the chink is exceptional in some case.
Same thing with whites.
Basically, it's the same rules being applied as for an upper caste man marrying a lower caste woman.
Obviously, none of this applies in terms of an upper caste woman marrying outside the caste, in that case, their kids can kiss good bye to trying to claim their mother's caste.


i posted my source - now you post yours

They aren't in the caste system. I mean, the caste system wasn't a global thing. Foreigners aren't allowed in a few temples for example.

Greeks/Scythians were raised to Kshatriyan status in Ancient India, and then for political purposes brought down to Shudra status (they became too powerful).

this only proves that jews mixed with brahmins, the same way they mixed with all other high classes of whites.

knowing poos they are all dalits, but if a white guy goes to india he literally gets his dick sucked 24/7

Kek hindus are subhuman and they know it to boot

Average nepali don't really look like Indian. Only the Madheshis ones have Indian accent(they migrated here). Half of population have Caucasian face, half have mongolian face.
Pic is A brahmin girl miss nepal 2018

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