Why dont the (((Krauts))) get enough flak for their BS...

Why dont the (((Krauts))) get enough flak for their BS, Frank's (Freemasons) and Anglos get a bad rap but Krauts have been home to some of the most notorious Organisations (Illuminati), Families (Hapsburgs, Rothschilds, Bethmanns, sachs, etc...) and Leaders who have plunged Europe into dark ages and ruined great movements.

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Bump, look at this prime cut of Bavarian stock

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Not Germans, Bavarians.

Same cut off the fatty old piece of rump steak.

Bump, another cut of prime GERManic stock

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Go fuck yourself.
seasoning thread

Thanks for the bump Anglo brother in the eternal conflict with the (((Krautoids)))

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Are you mad?

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"Anglo brothers againts the nutzis"

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You’re right, Germans suck.

We need more “levensruimte”.

Can’t we just kraut the kraut, and go east?

They haven’t even got a proper army...

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Fucking race traitor
They are your brothers u nigger

Stay mad cucks, be delusional and keep sucking off the hand that claws you, the Kraut will destroy Europe and it is through her 4th Reich/EU

>t.fucking anglo
>calls someone a Destroyer

and your flag is the EU flag. Nice try kike

I dont know why but my entire family deeply hates bavaria while liking Saxony. Im not even fucking german

I want a german dressed in a nazi kommendant too pound my pink boipussy and fill my guts with his aryan seed

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Kill yourself faggot


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yeah I'm a chink so what

Too bad the nazis didn't wipe out all faggots.

>Muh Balfour
Germanoids from America wanted the Jewish state, stay mad shitskin