When did America begin to decline?

When did America begin to decline?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus-is-savior.com/Evils in America/america_is_evil.htm

Why is that a problem? Baby isn’t going anywhere


>No ass
It's like the uniform of a white trash mother with a mixed race baby.

tell me ur joking

We aren't the only ones declining, the rest of the world is as well. I believe it began to decline when technology (computers, smartphones, etc.) became common to have. These devices have allowed degeneracy levels to skyrocket.

It’s not going anywhere because it’s stuck to the floor with slurpee syrup

After Nixon. He was the last actually American president.

jesus-is-savior.com/Evils in America/america_is_evil.htm

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This and consumerism has gone mad.

Exactly, smart lady

Somewhere around 1945-1960

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All according to plan Goyim!

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She's probably helping her other kids get slurpies. Not going to defend putting the baby on the floor, but sometimes you have a sleepless night and your other kids are nagging you and you do something dumb.

I don't see a problem, she's got 3 kids, who she is treating, and she's coping best she can.

Somewhat questionable, but far from outrageous. The baby will probably be fine there for a minute. It's hardly been abandoned.

Germ exposure boosts the immune system.
Do you want a sickly weak baby or a strong floor baby?

This. Polcels will never understand this.

Hey, she may be a white trash, flat ass, hag, but don't put that evil on her. That baby looks pretty White, and since the older kid obviously is White, I think it's pretty clear that she doesn't have mixed kids, at least in this picture.

Putting a baby on the floor doesn't hurt it in any way

The year was 1964. Open borders act, rampant degeneracy, commonplace drug use and promiscuity.

After you killed hitler your men had families.
Those kids were teens and young adults on the 60s doing drugs.
So the 60s.
50s if you believe in sins of the father.

Why do women like this get to have children? Seriously, what fucking stupid system is this where having kids for a man is jumping through a circus event while risking your entire networth in the process, while women who are literal trash are the end all be all for choosing who should be a father. Women are terrible at everything, why the fuck was this decision ever given to them?


Found the white trash

>Putting babies on floors is bad. Mkay. Why? Is it going to fall and hurt itself? The floor is probably cleaner than its white trash mother.

Explain how can it hurt it in any way
>meme flag
Pajeet go away

When you stopped using powdered wigs

fake Baby is a camera drone placed by creepshots.com

Sand niggers.

1776 right after it was founded

When the first Jew set foot on her shores

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Since the creation of poverty

This is a frigid take, because this is one of the women who likely actually got a husband in the same league as her.

When the federal reserve was created

It's good for their immune system too.

You need to do a task that require both hands. Put baby on a clean surface where he can fall off or on the floor?

Kennedy Assassination

During the 1960s when consumerism began to become a huge problem and people were/are proud of being dumbasses.

Because nazis lost ww2
Because of the left's cultural marxism
Because there's no men around who are willing to kick her ass

Take your pick

It's a doll. Fake news. NEXT!

The seeds were sown in the 1910s with allowing a lot of Jews into the country, the Fed, female voters, and WWI.
1960s was the turning point. The 1950s was not that bad, but the kikes were worming their way deeper. In the 1960s the USA could have shipped the kikes off to Israel and niggers back to Africa. The USA would have been 99% white then.
The 65 immigration act and the 64 civil rights act and the affirmative action for the human garbage was the final nails.

Noticeable Decline: 1993

Something happened in the early 1990s, a backlash to the 1980s, from grunge white music to Rap Music hitting the Mainstream, and then the advent of Trash TV.

Trash TV: Sally Jesse, Jenny Jones, Donahue, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake... most whites have no clue how much these shows corrupted the High School and College youth in the mid 1990s. Colleges would run bus trips to live-tapings at the studios for these shows in Chicago and NYC, and these shows were being broadcasted in dorm rooms and Student Union buildings from 10am - 4pm daily... it become fun and entertaining to be "white trash" or to be white and dating 3 black guys at the same time... luckily the internet came about as a mainstream alternative to TV around the year 1999 or so and the internet was a cool place up until about the year 2005, when the Jews started to get their hands on it and simply came did to the Internet what the Jews had previously done to the TV world...

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floor baby ftw

Slowly since the end of WW2. It was still good by the 90s but thats when race mixing became mainstream. Officially died forever in 2008 when a negro mongrel was elected as its president.

They see theater and movies, trashy literature, and yellow press day-by-day pouring out poison. Then, they are surprised at the low morality and the national indifference of the people. They do not realize movie trash, cheap journalism and the like would never produce the skills needed to recognize the greatness of their homeland!

When the suburbs became popular. Suburbs have always been soulless trash that ruined America. It ruined community and it gave no reason for us to improve infrastructure. Fuck the suburbs

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>When did America begin to decline?
Only a fool, once he knows about this enormous work of corruption against his people, could still condemn the victims.

Plus boomers, of course...

keep living in your nigger infested city, faggot.
I hope you enjoy living in 800 sq-feet and paying $2000/month for the privilege of living above some fag's ceiling in a concrete shitbox.

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these people dont even have fences around their house retard

Where would you want her to put it if she needs both hands?

Really dumb and lazy rationale there. I fucking shoulder my 15 month old while doing chores, making bottles, watching movies, taking a piss, sleeping, whatever. That floor baby is going to pick up some fucking wild poo disease from the 7-11 pajeets that work there.

1972 once the US left the gold standard

>When did America begin to decline?
When they gave womens right

mAStEr rAcE

Both the Reagan Tax Cuts and the fake war on drugs destroyed the common man and common family. Reagan flooded the country with cocaine and cut the top marginal tax rate by 35% which destroyed the thriving post war economy that was still in progress. Reagan is a traitor.

Wrong. It was 1912 when the Fed was created.



Fuck the suburbs kike! Country living ftw

>FED destruction of currency.
>1934 NFA, decline of constitution
>FDR socialist and ponzie economy
>1964? Removed immigration restrictions
>drug war
>1995 official decline in average IQ
several other cases. really death by a thousand cuts.

>"White people get out"
>White people taxes goes too
>"White people come back"
>White people taxes return
>Gentrification starts
>"White people get out...leave the taxes though"
>"Fucking white peoples, disgusting, clean, soulless, anti community suburbs"
Negroes I tell you.

Shitty New Yorker cartoon, does show the end of the middle class.
End of middle class is what caused such degeneracy.

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I agree. The only other option would be a counter where the baby could roll off. Nothing wrong with the floor.

You won’t find many whites in Peru retard.

JFK assassination


At least they're white, which is more than can be said of pol tards.


it never declines it always stays expensive and the same level of shitty with new upgrades like the iphone

You sound like a parent that also spent $500 on some all terrain stroller with hydraulic shocks and won't let your child go out and play by itself, without you hoovering within a foot radius, in a couple of years. This lady doesn't even have a cheap ass, secondhand, stroller. She's taken her kids to get slurpees, probably with the last few bucks she has left over from a loan. Nothing is going to happen to that kid and anyone say otherwise is why we have so many weak and scared people wandering around looking to be triggered and hoping they can find a safe space.

9/11...we cant control the deep state. we keep electing morons. we cant control gas prices. you cant get a job outside of Mcfuckers or wal-shit. Mexicans everywhere. sandies taking land in the north. soldiers get ptsd all the time. fucking 9/11... at least we aren't europe

2011 was the year things becan to spiral out of control. Smart phones everywhere occupy wallstreet arab spring demonstrated the power of social media. From that day on, corporations tried to weaponize social media at the expense of society

when boomers were born


Don’t forget repentance. God hates sinners. No repentance is a false doctrine.

2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”