Straights: >overpopulate the planet >birth unwanted children they leave in foster homes (especially if y'all banned abortion as you claim to want) >usually not that happy or cheerful desu
LGBTQP+: >help solve overpopulation >rescue children from foster homes >always happy and unbeat
So yeah, why are you so concerned with stopping the spread of the 'gay virus' again? Last time I checked it was YOU fucking up the planet...
Every birth contributes to overpopulation, so long as the overall human birth rate is over 2.
'Our people' actually use the most resources even if they don't have the most births.
Colton Evans
>pretends that gays are happier than straights >ignores the fact that lesbians have the highest % of spousal abuse >ignores the fact that transexuals are 20x more likely to kill themselves before the age of 40 compared to straights >ignores the fact that gay men are 8x more likely to contract STDs than straights >ignores the fact that most LGBT people often end up alone at the end of their lives because they cannot maintain a stable relationship, and with no children to brighten their lives/give value to their existence
Yes, we straights are definitely worse off.
Charles Lee
Because faggots make you sick. You have sex with shit you disgusting degenerate. When you see dog shit on the street do you want to get down and fuck it? Probably
Dylan Reyes
>>rescue children from foster homes
Turning kids into your own personal molestation dolls isn't "rescue".
Daily reminder there are two kinds of fags. The ones who have been caught molesting children, and those who haven't been caught yet.
And if we eradicate all other races we have enough space for good national socialist white people and you faggots get the bullet too
Isaac Ward
Don't try to eradicate Slavs again please.
Logan James
No most Slavs are fucking based and the best to drink with
Wyatt Turner
I'm talking about gays in general, not gays exposed to prejudice and family rejection caused by religion / conservatism, which does lead to suicide in some cases. It's absurd you think this is caused by same-sex attraction rather than ignorant societal pressures.
You have the intellectual capacity of a 9 year old nigger.
Chase Williams
Faggotry is literally Satan worship.
Thomas Adams
and now you're aware of the depopulation efforts using sterilization.
Nolan Morales
Wrong. Societal pressures do play a part, yes, but so does reality. A tranny may pass at 20, but won't at 40, and they will never adequately compare to a real woman. They can't provide what a real woman can.
I also like how you only addressed the suicide part - but I'm not surprised, as this is clearly a bait thread. Everyone knows that fags who actually play into LGBT politics avoid boards such as Jow Forums like the plague. They can't handle reality or the harsh banter that exists on here.
Ayden James
Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than straight men. This is proven by science. The problem is, a lot of pedophiles are bisexuals, and they have more access to boys than girls. If you think about it, pedophiles being bisexual makes sense. Children haven't gone through puberty and so are quite similar regardless of gender.
We should start a religion for fags to get them to beleive if they commit suicide they get to go to a heaven like paradise for fags with unlimited gay shit.
Same sex attraction is mostly caused by either sexual abuse or pornographic abuse. You can choose not to engage in your mental illness and cure yourself.
You are basically ignoring the fact that the only places that can be considered "overpopulated" are cities. Cities are less than 25% of the surface of earth.
If we put pregnant women through a lot of stress during their 6-8th month of pregnancy then they're more likely to have a gay child. The brain's gender is defined at that time and stress can cause birth defects. So if you want more gays then you should push for more women working stressful jobs during pregnancy.
Its quite interesting that humanity, as a species, has reached a point were rogue parts of the species have been created that seek to destroy the entire species as a whole, like OP
i wonder if its supposed to happen this fast or if there is something wrong with humans on a genetic level.
Hunter Garcia
>Same sex attraction is mostly caused by either sexual abuse or pornographic abuse. Even if that were true, it doesn't mean it's bad. Champagne was originally a mistake in a recipe, but it was adopted as a great new drink because it tasted nice.
Jose Walker
There's no such actual thing as a gay child concerning they have only found the region associated with homosexuality decreasing among disuse and When it comes to homosexuality in twons majority of them only has one twin and not both exhibiting the behavior. Gender is a pseudo term passed by psudeo science.
Austin Peterson
1 iq op
Mason Ortiz
Many anti-gay studies take samples from Pride parades, gay magazines etc. which don't accurately reflect the gay population
Jaxon Jackson
>>always happy and unbeat
THEY ARE SO FUCKIGN HAPPY that they try to kill themselves MULTIPLE TIME
Take your complaints to Africa and India. Whites are under replacement rate, you insufferable faggot.
Juan Allen
Everyone but me on pol gotta stop the wahhhh wah crying
Justin Howard
The Earth is not overpopulated, the Jews are simply hoarding the resources.
Ayden Roberts
Read any book please
Zachary Richardson
Your post is totally based in your delusional thinking and should be taken as a joke
Christian Powell
>So yeah, why are you so concerned with stopping the spread of the 'gay virus' again? Because most of you faggots vote for gun control.
Grayson Butler
There has been a huge push by kikes to create as many faggot people as possible. It's done a lot through media brainwashing. I've even heard of fag recruitment centers being set up near high schools. They're called gay street alliance. I'm sure kikes provide funding to set up such establishments. I mean, who else would do that?
Logan Barnes
Gays actually do consume more resources than straights. In particular housing. It'd be even better for the Earth if you all killed yourselves.
Camden Thomas
>>rescue children from foster homes I grew up in foster care and this is bullshit. Using the foster system as a rentboy service isn't "rescue."
Jayden Ortiz
professional breeders suck. doing the basic cis gender thing is living as a default developers character
Nolan Hall
The verse you're referring to has actually been bastardised and changed. Originally it meant that you're not supposed to sleep with people from other tribes. The intention with which the 'update' was introduced was to literally justify paedophiles having sex with little boys, to clarify that you shouldn't sleep with men, but it's okay to sleep with boys. Lack of knowledge of the bible (especially old testaments) history is astonishing considering how religious Jow Forums claims to be.
Christopher Miller
You have diseases exclusive to your fetish such ad Gay bowel Syndrome and seak them as a fetish. The gay liberation movement's leaders such as Alan Ginsberg, Harvey milk, and Harry hay were also sexual predators that molested children and the movement openly demanded abolition of age of consent.
No faggot. You're an abomination and will burn Forever. 75% of new aids cases are fags. Fags are 2% of the population yet commit 40% of all the molestations. Most of you have intestinal worms from digesting shit from atm.
Kevin Sanders
He's a faggot and it's worse than being retarded
Cameron Moore
>doesnt mean its bad Look theres no point in arguing with you. Your values are 100% different from everyone else's here. You dont care how you negatively impact those around you, other people, and your nation, as long as you get to enjoy your hedonistic pleasure. If everyone in America was like you, we could easily be taken over by a nation who's people actually care about their impact on others. Then those who take over would have us killed because they cant risk their own people becoming infected with the materialistic, and hedonistic mass of individuals that comprise the now defunct state. In other words, everyone else here wants to improve themselves, assist their people, try to make the world a better place. You only care about getting yours and attempting to justify something immoral as moral.
No. You just think its default because it's so commonplace where you are. It's a superior way of doing things. I'm appalled at your arrogance, as if all of these nations, advancements, and cultures just popped up out of nowhere. It was all created by the very people you claim to hate, and is sustained by them. You are the virus, the disease that is corrupting the goodness in the nation, in the world. Fix yourself or leave.
Jordan Foster
I use the word gender and sex interchangable.
Joshua Rogers
>tell whites theres an "overpopulation" problem and to stop having kids >proceeds to flood country with millions of illegal immigrants and subsidize millions of welfare niglets nobody in their right mind should believe in this overpopulation myth
Jack Cooper
>help solve overpopulation no suicides so population remains same >rescue children from foster homes lie, you make kids through surrogate mothers and spread your shit homosexual genes, you demand everyone to be accepting of your homosexuality when you can't accept you can't have kids naturally >always happy and unbeat yeah, most hateful group online towards anyone not worshipping them and also high suicide rates sage
Julian Diaz
Yeah frenche, for the first time i will agree with one of you
Nolan Flores
Fags are perverted mentally ill social rejects that account for 1-5% the human population. Not surprised OP is a redditor faggot. Soon you fags will not be able to own guns due to national mentally ill faggot registry for universal gun background checks.
Connor Ramirez
Aside from John money forcibly raising a child as a girl despite never identifying himself as such gender was the term concocted to get their foot in the door to justify transgenderism back in the early 1900s. Its better to use sex which is far more concrete and leaves little ambiguity.
Daniel Price
You poor dumb bastard's. Sodomy that's including oral sex was made against the law in medieval England, as an example. Homosexuality was made illegal in Victorian England. Homosexuality was always frowned on by church law. So why not illegal in state law. Because Henry viii and Victoria needed people. Solders and workers. The laws on homosexuality have been gradually removed since the 1950s, because of overpopulation. To encourage people to fuck what won't reproduce. But, as soon as the population starts to fall or colonization of space occurs, you poor bastard's are back to Jail. Your being used, your just a tool.
Angel Peterson
Hey more pussy for me. Thanks gays.
Hudson Scott
Thats how i feel every hour fuck crabs
Luis Smith
So faggots are anti-human. Shocking levels of evil. Your sin will drown you.