White women are completely pozzed and if born after 1985 have all been BLACKED

>White women are completely pozzed and if born after 1985 have all been BLACKED
>any white child born today will be a hated minority in 2050 when they turn 30
>decades of white mixture with off-white (Slavs, Lebanese, Berber, Hispanic..etc) has decreased the average white IQ below East Asians

The best move one can do to pass on white genetics and white proclivity into the future is to mix with high IQ east Asians. They are honorary Aryans and possess the high IQ, family culture and non-violent demeanour that creates good societies.

Plus they also have white skin. Take the Asian pill and realize its the only way your children can both be successful, intelligent and immune from the racial oppression coming to whites starting around 2050.

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No. Not all white women date black men. I live in a major European city, and it is pretty rare to see a white woman dating a black man. Maybe 1 out of every 50 couples.

Turn off everything Electronic

This is your psych doctor speaking, please lay off the hypno porn for a week to allow your dopamine receptors to recover. Thank you and have a pleasant day.

1 out of 50
that isn't rare
thats pretty fucking common

Her instagram is @hapatime for your queers wondering

It's an urban and coastal america problem. Cali girls do not fuck white guys though.

op clearly doesn't know what cultural marxism is

well then

it was rich vs poor
now its oppressor vs oppressed

even if by tomorrow all the whites fucking vanished
the kikes will just redirect their ire to a new target
they are blood thirsty pieces of shit and will ALWAYS start some shit among the peoples

who ever is doing good, in your scenario it would be hapas, so if hapas are doing good they get the shit thrown at them
if whites are doign good, we must kill them
if asians are doing good, same thing

you see how this works, nigger?

That will only work in East Asian countries or Australia and British Columbia

They may not date them due to the niggers having low social status, but they do fuck black guys because of their animalistic attraction to physically dominant men and violent alpha demeanour. Unfortunately today too many white men have become beta males, which make for good provider boyfriends but poor sex partners. Ultimately every white girl today has at the very least tried black men, due to the stereotype of their physical endowments.

Damn, you jew shills are off the charts today. Shouldn' t you shmueys be in temple?

Demoralization won’t work you gay retard..try posting something that is true or relavent

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All women are garbage, all of them can become garbage under the western condition. Asians coming into the west, within 2 years become turbo sluts, arab women, whites, it does not matter. All of them have very similar behavioral patterns, thanks to their feminine brains, and as such, encountering the opportunities, and specifics of the west will make them terrible.

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I took the asian pill. My white ex gf always had this entitled attitude but that doesn't really describe it. You guys know that personality all millenial women have? Its like a jaded/vocal fry/ironic/bored/combative/shitlib combo. It felt like my job was to keep her amused, she just wanted to go to work, talk about people at work, complain to me, and then go and spend that money from work on "traveling". That was her.

My asian gf is feminine, genuine, appreciative, curious about my interests, listens to me and open to traditionalism. She also wants kids, ireally don't want hapas but she is getting more insistent bros

Listen leaf. Women usually do not like niggers at all. Its all the social media pushing that idea forth, but as you can see realoty differs from what the media says. For example, they say that niggers are good.

This rings true, but many still won't touch blacks. Almost all white girls will however go for something exotic once, around here its either some non african brown chad (arab/beaner/pajeet). Also nonwhite guys are extremely aggressive hitting on white girls in part due to culture but also for their sheer lust towards them. Many beta white girls will just accept it and then they become browned


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Dude she’s playing you retard. As soon as you give her kids she will gain weight and stop having sex with you.

>African chad
No dude. Chads can only be white

Bro you don’t understand what that word means

Not a according to literally every metric available besides your trust me bro anecdotes