Trump shut down a 'Lock her up' chant last night

Trump briefly mentioned Hillary and the crowd broke out into a 'Lock her up' chant.

Trump was clearly uncomfortable and started speaking quickly onto a different point. Same as when they chanted 'Send her back' a while ago.

Nearer the start of his speech somewhere.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The people want blood but Trump wants no part of it

He is a fucking HERO! MIGA!

Because it's about to happen...

Or they are gonna lock her up and he doesn't want it to seem like he's supporting it/going after political opponents

I'll protest vote for what ever leftist lunatic that the dems pick if he keeps turning on us like this.


Gas the kikes. Race war now!

I’m a leftist lunatic and I want trump to lock her ass up too. This was the main thing about the trump presidency I was looking forward to and he dropped the ball

Fuck off. Give a time stamp homo

Next time they need to chant FREE HER UP

That would totatlly bring smile to his face, right?

>4-d cognitive dissonance
Shut the fuck up.

Its not that easy
The far left wants /us/ put in mass graves

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Yet another pasta slide thread.
Fuck you and your script, sheeny.

>and he doesn't want it to seem like he's supporting it/going after political opponents
He literally ran on that as a post-campaign goal...

I can't wait until 2020 and civic nationalism can finally fade into the sunset

Timestamp you fucking moron

Another stalwart thread created by media matter shills trying to defame and derail the MAGA movement anyway they can. This pathetic ROLCON initiative is weak and transparent. The easiest way to spot these stalwart agents is to take notice of 3 things. The first and glaringly obvious trait of a stalwart agent is there disdain for the nation state of Israel, secondly there infatuation with using cheesy monickers for there adversary I.E “Zion Don” or “Kike”. Last but not least, their lack of empathy and dark disconnected humor. These aren’t people we’re dealing with folks they’re DEMONS.

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>5 hour video
>no timestamp
Give one or fuck off.

>The far left
jews israeli jews and duel citizens

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>Trump was clearly uncomfortable and started speaking quickly onto a different point. Same as when they chanted 'Send her back' a while ago.
If he joined the chants that would be grounds for appeal after conviction. Just saying.... it’s fine for private citizen/ candidate but not as POTUS

LOL the senate pushing the FBI to reopen the case, he can't been seen supporting or being behind it or it'll be construed as going after her, it would poison the jury at the very least and get her to walk.

Nothing will happen most likely

>The far left wants /us/ put in mass graves

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Fuck donald trump hes a sellout

I have watched the whole rally twice and still don't catch the clip.

this has to be bait

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Sure thing. Remind me in 4 years.

>near the start

He retweets a black guy rambling about Epsteins murder to start a Clinton conspiracy because he is distracting from AG Barrs colosal failure to secure the safety of a globe trotting blackmailing child sex trafficking spy and is protecting the his Jewish billinares who all have ties to Epstein.

Trump strategy for 2020 is to win 30-50% of the Latino and Black voting population.

Imagine the carnage in the Democratic party's ranks if that succeeds. They will never be elected to anything again.

>this level of mental gymnastics

>The levels of cope


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Trump still going strong but needs to be careful moving forward to maintain a balance between pandering before his young, racist supporters and the old folks too, those key elderly voters, who really only care about improvements to their own quality of living.

When it's time for the debates, Trump needs to focus-in on dismantling his opponent's record while saving personal insults for when viewers begin to lose attention or become overwhelmed.

There's no question of whether anyone can match him... they can't.

The question is whether Trump can convince his critics, that in addition to having done enough to deserve a second-term, he's also the best available man for the job.

Biden's near senile, Nigger Booker is just so goddamn stupid and Harris looks crooked... like Obongo's little sister. Wouldn't trust the lot of them.

When will you autistic fucks stop thinking Trump is anything but controlled opposition

at least be a good shill u fucking retard

If they do lock her up, it will be better if it not appear as a campaign gimmick.