Bernie threatens to cut aid to Israel

Bernie went too far. Nobody should treat Our Greatest Ally that way.

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Imagine being such a schizo retard that you would vote for Bernie just to stick it to a middle eastern country.

A middle eastern country with:
>Countless PACs lobbying for it in our nation
>Numerous dual citizens in our congress
>An awful human rights record
>A president in the US who will suck its dick endlessly

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i always doubted trumps 4d chess but this is pretty undeniable that he got a major party to put israel aid in the national news just one day after


We should cut off aid Bern, but that ain’t the reason why.


>Bernie threatens to cut aid to Israel.

Totally supports Israel. He told people in a town hall meeting to shut up about it.

He voted to finance the Iraq War multiple times. Supports the war in Afghanistan and voted for it.

Voted to invade Libya.

Voted for sanctions on Iran and Libya

Pro Drone Strike

He voted for several NDAAs

Is he, dare i say, our kike?

kikes threaten eachother often infront of goyim, behind closed doors its all handshakes and shekle redistribution

how sad is it that a US senator gets banned from visiting a nation? means that senator isnt qualified for political office

I'm very proud to be a #bernout right now desu

jew here. i fucking despise israel, and we should cut those shylock motherfuckers off regardless. AIPAC is treason!

I have to ask seriously...
What does isreal do for the USA?
Why are they "our greatest ally"?


>siding with muslims that want actual white genocide to stick it to jews who banned them from their country

fk off commie, we know you hate the USA too.

noticed that xirs don't like to respond to posts like these that show how berny werny is a slimy inconsistent jew
guess that's an /thread

>cut funding to Israel
Its how he plans to pay off student loans.

>still not going to vote for him

It's a question we ask every day yet receive no answer.

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Imagine being so thoroughly cucked that you pl raise a country for banning your stateswomen

Lmbo trump

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Jews lie.

jew vs jews

yeah I know right
some country out there that just minds their own business, does nothing wrong ever, totally nothing to do with US

Why is Bernie such an anti-Semite, Jow Forums?

Israel holds a powerful strategic position in the middle east.

So, we need them to keep control over the region and prevent russia or china from dominating it.

This. Israel is a floating, self-sustaining, self-defending aircraft carrier. A middle east under Islam is something nobody should want.

>the only Jewish candidate is less of a yid than Trump
clown world indeed

Bernie is a commie and he better be careful cause it’s legal to kill commies on us soil

Because he doesn’t see himself as Jewish at all with zero Jewish connections. But with his last name he can always play the “but im black so I can use the n word” card.

Jewish Zionism or Jewish Socialism
which do you choose Jow Forums ?

It's anudda hall of cost

>he supports a two state solution
>he supported a funding consolidation act so government funding could be better audited
>Hilary literally lied about Libya ordeal. Bernie voted for UN secretary general interference
>The US sanctions countries left and right, that's hardly a bad case
>he argued potential usefulness of drones not maniacal abuse like Obama
>he voted for budget acts. Scary

You're literally a fucking shill who's afraid of grandpa taking your allowance away for being a filthy fucking kike

>t’s legal to kill commies on us soil

Has this old fuck gone senile?

>calls out the military industrial complex in debates
>speaks out against Israel
Well, he's probably the best Jew ever. Better than Trump at this point.

>The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel is not free speech.
t. American government

holy shit

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so you voted for this guy instead...