/ancap/ thread - niggers are a violation of the NAP edition

here we talk, laugh and read /ancap/ related things. everybody is invited (except kikes and commies).

>good books for beginners
Anatomy of the State - Murray Rothbard
The Libertarian Manifesto - Murray Rothbard
Man, Economy and State - Murray Rothbard
Power and Market - Murray Rothbard
The black book of Communism - multiple authors

Attached: is this one better questionmark.png (453x620, 176K)

here is the Libertarian Manifesto, easy to read and very interesting.

>w w w dot filedropper dot com slash foranewlibertythelibertarianmanifesto3

what people don't seem to understand is that managing money well enough to accumulate wealth is not a crime. christcucks gave all money related processes to kikes, and to have a "moral highground" you have to stay poor, like a christcucks.
all people to which I talked about home defense asked if "it is worth it to kill someone for a TV". people don't have a sense of property, of extension of being with goods and possessions that you and only you worked to obtain.

people are formated.

for me, goods (like a TV, a phone, a backpack, whatever) is like an extension of me. it's MY goods that I and ONLY I purchased with MY money that I WORKED FOR. it's not some kind of disposable bullshit, it's a part of me, because my body worked to obtain those goods.
what is astonishing is that people don't think like that, they throw their money out of their windows without thinking about tomorrow and blame muh ebil corborations for it.

Ok, realistically how would multicultural society work in an ancap scenario?

it won't, because for me the simple presence of a nigger is a violation of the NAP, simple.

also, how is socialism working out for ya? need some money to buy food or you good?

so now, about states.
a state, even with a constitution to block its powers, will always try to depossess people of their individual libertie
(for bullshit reasons, such as the defense against terrorist attacks staged by the government).
so a state, even put in check every time it tries to take actions, will always try and succeed in depossessing people of liberties
(gun rights in europe).
after the french revolution, freedom of business was on, and people had jobs, lots of jobs. money hadn't been transformed into debt making,
cheap shit that it is now, and people had fairly good conditions of work. but as rothbard puts it, "new conservatives (the ancien régime)
[...] weakened the libertarian will of the workers by shedding crocodile tears about the condition of the industrial labor force,
and cartelizing and regulating industry, not accidentally hobbling efficient competition".
a coalition of people that wanted the ancien régime (and privileges given by the monarchy) hijacked everything that the french revolution did.
they shredded down personal liberties after taking power, to avoid rebellions in the future. but now we know, and we are ready to take them out
using their own game, elections. we are going to win, one way or another.


>multicultural society
It doesn't work in any scenario, that's why people choose to stay with their own.