Brit/pol/: cheeky fucking cyder *Edition

>"I am English, no matter what the government say kill all the non English and get them all out of our of England,"

Go on Vince slit his fucking throat lad

Attached: IMG_20190816_163910.jpg (2976x2976, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Vince propa skitscunt making his ancestors proud
Think I'll have a cyder too, cheers to you Vince

>"I am English, no matter what the government say kill all the non English and get them all out of our of England,"

Based Anglo man.

Britpol BTFO
>BBC Nonces

>Catholic nonces

>Boarding school nonces

>Parliament nonces

>Norn Iron nonces

>Ms Souf FC nonce

>Royal nonces

>Fenian Jock nonces

>Woolyback nonces

>Pagan LARPtard nonces

>Souf FC nonces

>Norf FC nonces

lyf imprisunmunt. ya nonce.

Attached: juj norf.png (1260x1218, 102K)

Ngubu caught fondling 13 year old boy outside Norf Morrison's

apu shulda wore a suit like

Good choice of cyder lad

Me? Might go for a Hobgoblin and a chippy. Not liking this damp weather at all

Is there a movement for women getting harsher sentences? If a guy did this he'd be in for life with no parole

Attached: 31F368B3-97A7-4C0D-8EC1-C2D28441F562.jpg (452x750, 308K)

Prefer whiskey myself. Already pretty drunk.

Attached: sundae sckool.png (581x905, 527K)

can't remember what they are called, wychwood brewery? either way hobgoblin and the other drinks they do are well nice

for the chap in last thread

Thank you.
Fucking hell.

Love Hobgoblin, proper wintry ale

What ever happened to Eddie?

Haven't been here for a year or two and the remf seems to have disappeared

When will Britons rise up and finally take action against the seagulld that plague our streets?


What the fuck is that shit? get it off my internet

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: ifonlyyouknew.png (933x1029, 1.11M)

Working as a yough social worker, passing on his life skills to troubled teens from the inner-city.

He wrecked the last thread

Its the immigrants fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills

Its the immigrants fault I pay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills

Its the immigrants fault my rents gone up again

It's the immigrants fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school

It's the immigrants fault I’ll never own a home

It's the immigrants fault my eldest still live at home past their teens

It's the immigrants fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night

It's the immigrants fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks

It's the immigrants fault I cant find them good social care

it's the immigrants fault the main road into town is congested every morning

Its the immigrants fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week

>its the immigrants fault

Fourth poster in this thread is him, trotting out another of his hobby-horses


yes, it is

Looks like the white nonce defence force is here

Attached: EBC1C893-8111-41C5-96EB-A5DF3332AE11.jpg (640x364, 142K)

Anyone here genuinely not proud of themselves, and generally dislike yourself? I no longer look in the mirror and see someone I want to succeed in life.

Aye Wychwood, it's nice to see that they haven't gone and done some shitty modern rebranding like most of the other ale brewers

Any of yous seen the latest bombardier monstrosity?

Fucking hate Kenneth Clarke

fucking watch this

Attached: biggestgrin.jpg (600x539, 35K)


Attached: 400.jpg (585x399, 79K)

it's for the birds mate, a VoNC won't pass due to Corbyn only backing himself.

Home grown nonces are missing out on opportunities due to the arrival of the invasive nonce species

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

Attached: 1554817423772.jpg (1600x1066, 284K)

Oh look , a paki

>Before the car park stabbing, Fuller had approached the home of a neighbour - who is of south Asian descent - armed with a baseball bat.

>He went on to indiscriminately attack occupied vehicles, and was reportedly heard shouting "white supremacy" and "I'm going to kill Muslims."

The boomer uprising is starting

Attached: boomermeme.jpg (556x960, 191K)

Welcome to Brit/pol/. You'll fit right in.

pic related is a 11/10 in bongland

Attached: 1554837964361.jpg (960x638, 105K)

Nonce turf wars

I love a drop of good cider, problem is it makes my face go very red, apart from not drinking it, does anyone have any solutions?

>law degree
>no gf

feel you. life was a mistake.

Same pic every time

But Timmy
We wonder
We wonder if the thunder
Is ever really gonna begin

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Red pilling himself

pic related is a 12/10 in bongland

Attached: 1564920257154.jpg (962x1026, 224K)

>implying anyone is defending nonces
The only person doing that is you.

A'd do one on t' left

13/10 mate, you're clearly not British

>2nd to the left

reminds me of

pic related is a what bongs anons think is an attractive female

Attached: a2uMsZt.jpg (1100x1600, 255K)

is this a female norf or souf?

Attached: tenouttaten.png (136x182, 66K)

Post pic of him squeezing in for a black man to pass by on the pavement

>jew flag



Attached: real_ale_twats.jpg (387x500, 62K)

That's one of our goblins

pic related is what bongs think is high food culture

Attached: jhhjhjjh.jpg (644x483, 70K)

You have to go back to your own country paki

Shoulda done a BTEC

>he said
>while defending nonces

Why are you defending white nonces?

What cyder do you drink?

pic related is an average bong family

Attached: 1553530972432.jpg (599x450, 72K)

>The boomer uprising is starting
Take some out before their retirement?

I am a poor freezingly cold soul
So far from where
I intended to go
Scavenging through life's very constant lulls
So far from where I'm determined to go

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Fetal alcohol face

Nah, most grannies are in their 40s

>hides his irrelevant third world flag

The only ones among these creatures that aren't hideous are the ones that are part white.

Attached: WojakWew.png (645x773, 11K)

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1.3% british checking in. Man, do I fucking love tea.

>t. Deano
>oiyt mate could I av two jayguhbombs and a strongbow dark fruits


my surname is derived from a hamlet in Suffolk. Is that stuff any good?

Attached: elloello.jpg (855x640, 93K)

even a white nonce is better than a paki

fucking hell, the absolute state of them

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meanwhile at british anons house

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The slags in the 2nd pic are quite fit

Where have I done that?

Why I bang only foreign girls

Attached: disgust.jpg (521x600, 30K)

why are you so obsessed with slags?

Can you explain Deano to me?

cant find any food on justeat from a restaurant run by whites

Attached: tumblr_nsx6sgGNwP1udwanoo1_400.jpg (252x161, 5K)

>another seething and obsessed foreigner

Attached: WojakSmirking2.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Eddie wtf do you have to do that?

Thoughts on this dead PC in Reading? Was it what done it pakis?

He’s left behind a proper qt wife.

What's the other 98.7%, diego?

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why are you bongs so ugly?

Attached: 1561015836561.png (678x680, 609K)

Guys im drunk and just told /mu/ im gonna record a kpop song. what do?

Make your own food, fren.

Attached: ApuChef.png (651x799, 52K)

I want a sundae now. literally nothing sweet to eat in the house except for effervescent vitamin C

Attached: Picture by and of me Timothy James Byrne standing on the pavement at the end of the driveway of my r (154x372, 133K)

East Anglia is full of inbred weirdos. The landscape is so flat is has rendered their speech affect as dull as a plank of wood.

cope harder bong

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Bring back the death penalty

show flag, faggot

Nonce apologist
This whole thread where you’ve attacked me for exposing nonces

sad... Dad's lot went to Waterford Erie in the 12th C. so looks like they got out in time.

Lads, what does it mean when a lass suddenly stops texting you?