.... Or do you want $1,000/month?
Do you want to wageslave for the 1% who hate you?
Rents increased by 900 goy, enjoy your free 100 dollars.
I want faggot Londoners likenyourself to stop pushing the flat-faced hook who's trying to buy my essential liberties WITH MY OWN TAX MONEY. Fuck off, bong.
1000$ is NOTHING
You guys are literally retarded that will believe accept anything.
That's one night in the hotel I always go and you hope to make a month with that?
Fucking normies deserves to be milked to death.
See, I don't understand how anyone thinks this will fix anything. All this will do is cause everything else in the market to raise in price, because the value of people's labor will have to go up.
It's the same principle with raising the minimum wage; say the minimum was $7 an hour, and an electrician might make $15. If you raise the minimum to $15, you think the electrician will be okay w/ making the same money as an unskilled, untrained worker? No. They'll ask for more money.
And that's how rents will be raised. If a landlord has to pay professionals more money to take care of the apartments, then naturally they will have to raise rent costs to equalize.
It's basic economic sense...fucking tards everywhere these days.
Just enough to pay for your shipping container
No we can't have that $1000.
How else will millennials know the value of hard work?
>Rents increased by 900 goy
Great, illegals can't rent anything now, cause the $1000 are for US citizen only.
just join in on the existing welfare system to take money from the pockets of the jew, no inflation and you can keep your gun
>They'll ask for more money.
And they'll be told to fuck off.
Fiscal conservative:
>We can't give a UBI or a minimum wage so that people have more money. It'll just lead to increased prices!
Also fiscal conservative:
>We have to have tax breaks so that people have more money
>But won't that lead to increased prices?
He has some good ideas but won't get far, because the Democrats won't nominate him.
Wrong. Because their services are necessary, and they are unionized - you can't run a modern society without electricians or plumbers. Try and see how long it takes for everything to fall apart.
And furthermore, why would anyone invest time and money into learning a profession if they end up making the same amount of money as an unskilled/uneducated worker? They won't. And the trade will eventually collapse from a lack of interest. The only way to raise wages without severe consequences is to create a seller's market involving labor - but that can't happen if you import hundreds of thousands of "immigrants" to create more competition for jobs. It should be companies competing for workers, not the other way around.
>>Wrong. Because their services are necessary, and they are unionized
>negotiating wage increases through unions is good
>negotiating wage increases through gubment is bad
Those damn union workers getting high pay for themselves are only contributing to increased prices, amirite?
I don't want illegal immigrants and low IQ niggers to have $1000/month so that their trash genes can propagate.
Rents decreased to adjust to market where 1000$ is the typical income.
Suggest an option that doesn't involve using wage slave tax payer dollars to support 1000 a month.
I will wait.
more lies from the yellow menace.
Good gays go live in your shipping container
*ahem* jus soli
Who wouldn't want 1k a month
its more than a tax return in a year
Cant believe so many hard working people are retards
Its almost as if the right is engaged in bad faith arguments.
For free? I had one at work as a social area, good enough to live in. Free food and you can be a neet forever.
How much you make a month
cos you sound like a rich boi
>your white brothers start to hate you when they get a good job and start making money
no they don't.
>niggers hate you for being white
>chinkos hate you for beign white
>jews hate you for being whtie
Do you want $1,000/month as a shitty compromise or do you think labor is entitled to all it creates?
Any government strong enough to give you everything you want will also be strong enough to take everything you have.
I'm self employed. I don't want to fund you lazy fucks that can't even show up for work. Yang is for ignorant children. Learn some economics and lurk 4 more years before voting
No one asks you for permission.
Labor doesn't create anything. Lot of labor expended when a bomb goes off. Undirected labor is only destructive.
It's the organization of labor that creates things. The one who organizes the labor is the one who created it.
holy fuck. I AM SO SIC OF YOU FAGGOT CUNTS SPAMMING THIS CHINKY SQUINT EYES FAGGOT CONMAN. his platform literally states he will pay for his yang bucks with Value-Added Tax. this means that every time anything is bought, sold, manufactured, or transported a tax is added onto it. along the whoke suppky chain. the pricea of everything would go up.
you're a fucking retard larping as a turn of the 20th century illiterate russian peasant kys
You self employed nice bro
A stimulus package into the economy is always cool
Finding the work is part of the job, you idiots. Your employer finds work for you. You can become self employed and see what it's like to find work yourself. Your employer provides a service in that you don't have to chase work or chase the dollars. Too bad the world is so full of ignorant people
fuck off boomer
Pretending to resolve a problem is more insidious than inaction.
its a VAT retard, that's a tax on companies. It works in Europe, and it will work here.
Go to the super market and post the instore prices
>hurr durr foreign money flowing in makes you rich
You are a peasant right now, or show me your billions.
GenX you fucking tard. We're the last real men in /america. Go dilate you faggot
VAT is indeed pretty crap though. It has a bad reputation here.
>Labor doesn't create anything. Lot of labor expended when a bomb goes off. Undirected labor is only destructive.
Yeah, only socially necessary labor has labor
>It's the organization of labor that creates things
Which is labor in and of itself
>Your employer finds work for you
>You can become self employed and see what it's like to find work yourself
Everyone would prefer to be self employed but you can't become self employed if you don't have the necessary capital
$1000/m wont even pay my utilities
How much of a child are you that you think $1000 a month is a good amount of money? My monthly expenses total about $3000/month
imagine thinking there is a difference
>hey guys, im going to take money from the jew corporations who pay no taxes, want 1k/month for you and your future generations forever?
>American goys: NO, BUILD WALL, MORE MONEY FOR ISRAEL, TRUMP MAGA KAG2020 blurrrrrrrgh
fuck this country is done for lol
what the fuck is this apeshit mindset.
its not supposed to pay for all of your expenses its supposed to make your life easier.
holy fuck the absolute state
Just wait until u turn 18 and your daddy kicks you out and you have to live with somalian street niggers
>no military
>every single thing in Europe that isn't directly subsidized by the government is more expensive than it is here
>have to pay 50% tax rate for "free school" and healthcare for comparably healthy non-obese population that gets free pharmaceutical products from the US and whose own pharmaceutical products are only made possible through the prices paid by consumers in the US
This shit is unsustainable and you are fucking stupid kid
The quality of life for the Chinese improved exponentially the moment they tepidly rejected Maoism and embraced Chinese Reaganomics through Deng, this is a well-documented fact
Psst. Greenland, if you join us you get the $1000 too.
I want to e the 1% while the rest are as poor and miserable as possible
Where did you find those arguments? Strawman land?
Pfft. They lost free services, they lost power and became slaves to foreign corporations. Oh, as usual, traitors that did it to them got rich, boohoo.
Did you create the business you work for or are you just a 17 yr old with no skills who wants to make tacos
If you have ever said anything along the lines of "I dont like Israel" you are not eligible for the NEETbucks. Ying-Yang said so himself. Sage
Why are you so racist
calm down on it
Moron. If every lazy fuck gets free gibs then all the prices go up. Your 1000 will be worthless.
tf is a britfag shilling yang for?
1000$ a month would be a decrease in their current welfare benefits, also illegals don't qualify.
Oi vey, israel needs money to fight anti-semetism. Give us that 100 dollars as respirations for the holocaust.
pol is pretty refreshing without all the stressed out psychos
\like i get it your life sucks
Why you guys keep posting this fag, noone cares about him after watching him cry.
Imagine getting enough to buy 1 pair of Yeezys a month. That's just not enough.
A 9/an hour salary is perfectly reasonable to afford a $900 apartment, all you have to do is work overtime 20 hours. So you dont have any free time or money and you spend your days making burgers at a Wendy's? Just to go back to a tiny shit apartment? Boo hoo you spoiled brats! Go to college! Just take out 100k in student loans and use the Wendy's to pay it back. Uh doy. Back in the 80's, I could afford a house and 3 cars and college while working as a sign spinner. It's not that hard.
We cant let this chink get elected or that great system of we have in place could all be in jeopardy!
>Great, illegals can't rent anything now, cause the $1000 are for US citizen only.
i know the chink will never follow through on 1000 a month but say he were. you know he's going to do everything to help illegals and fuck over white people right? i hope chang dies in a car crash
>actually ACTUALLY buying votes
The russians must be laughing.
Jeff Bezos is my bitch, he wage slaves FOR ME.
Tax breaks don't cost the employer more money.
If you want to increase the minimum wage you need to decrease taxes first.
Based and Yangpilled.
imagine having enough to focus on hustling more cash
>$1000 for one night at a regular hotel
Kek, Euro fags like to talk crap about American finance and yet they’re getting price gouged to hell on dumb shit like this.
Giving everyone $1000 per month will make living more expensive by $1000 every month. if you don't understand why this is, go and study basic economics. The only thing that money actually does is buy your vote.
>Sincerely, someone who didn't study basic economics.
Money is a measure of real value and if people gain the money without gaining the appropriate amount of real value, then the spending power of that money changes such to cancel out the change.
Ever wondered why the minimum wage has to go up every few years. Same reason. If you demand that people be paid more money than what value they bring, the market re-balances such that money has less spending power, and thus the min wage has to go up and up and up and the entire economy suffers from artificial inflation. it's literally economics 101 how value relates to money.
>that's a tax on companies
No it isnt you lying nigger. consumers pay the VAT
Why would a skilled person make less money than an unskilled person? The thousand a month are for everyone, those who work will make more than that.
Is the reason Brits teeth are so fucked up is because you suck so much cock?
If everyone gets $1000 a month, it's not gonna be worth $1000. Ask Venezuela how printing money worked for them
based and fruitpilled
I do suspect there will be some inflation, only due to increased consumer demand and the added VAT tax cost. But to suggest it would be more than the 1000$ a month is ridiculous for the vast majority of consumers.
The cost to produce goods will only continue to go down with automation and a competitive market will also keep prices in check, especially with everyone having the economic freedom to take risks and start businesses of their own.
Companies pay the VAT, and companies pass the increased price onto consumers. Its effectively the same, but it prevents tax evasion on part of the companies.
Lol then what the point of the 1000 if the people now that can outspend you will still be able to outspend you for the limited resources?
>be a landlord
>other landlords price gauge
>your prices stay the same and immediately absorb all their tenants
American whites are becoming a minority to a group that hate them, they refused to allow white people into their country, and they are suffering harsh for those liberal idea's.
Lets hope you pay serious reparations before you are sent to the gulags.