There is no reason these places shouldn't unite into one country. They're the same people...

There is no reason these places shouldn't unite into one country. They're the same people, only religious superstition divides them, pure autism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

britain divided us, they've been doing that to every country with potential

checks out

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Fuck you and fuck balkaniggers

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But muh Abrahamic cult dude. Blood ties don't matter if they don't believe in Allah and the Pope dude.


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>LARPing as central European
give it a rest, slavoj

He's not wrong

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Nothing separates them except their long history of killing each other.

God i hate you German dick lickers

No one likes you Serbia. Stop shilling your fucking meme state and respect the other balkan peoples.

Genetically all Serbs.
Some are just dirty muslims.
Remive kebab and the unite as a one non-goatfucker country

The only reason they can't unite is because there are too many muslims living in those countries. If the muslims got sent away to turkey where they could live happily with their fellow muslims, then the white christians that are left would be able to get along just fine.

While at it you should return to the fold of mutti merkel, maybe that would make your strong opinions less notable. After you've been in the migrant service camps because its going to become mandatory in the future.

Russia should annex us all so we can finally be united.

Oh no no no

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next time your mauntain is getting razed Janez Ibrahimovic

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Pretty cheeky for Germany's retarded cousin with speech impediment

At least we have an actual language, get ready for the Anschluss.

The muzzies will have to go, whether they are ethnically identical or not

I would 100% welcome the Anschluss. Austria is German and always has been. Sovereign Austria is a meme state created by Versailles.

Gonna cry?

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While i'm no fan of any religion, it seems islam is the one most set on conquest.

This, look at the Arabs.

gonna march through Ljubljana like its 1918

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You're delusional. What are you gypsies being taught in history class?

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The arabs and native jews in the Levant are both Semitic-speaking peoples with near identical genetics

what kind of history are you talking about?

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>Egalitarian nuclear family

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doesnt really matter if we marched through Zagreb,Split or any other croatian and slovenian village when the Serbian royal army still marched to the border of modern day Austria

Dude how old are you, how was it like? tell us more about marching in Serbian royal army.

>how was it like?
it was gucci
> tell us more about marching in Serbian royal army.
pain in the ass

fuck you guy
we fought off turks meanwhile you sucked austrian cock

youre like 100 years late to the party bro....

yugoslavia was a thing

Yeah, I'll need a source on this one.

Yea well im proud of my days defending Siget serving under Zrinski. Remember these moments you wont be marching any more. Yea I agree Kosovo is Serbia, but you cant do anything about it.

I know. Take the whole communism thing out of it and it's kind of a good idea.

Do it again, Ustaše!

This is your brain on Turkish cum

I might vote yes on that, make Ljubljana capital and make it libertarian.

sure, you're enjoying your comfy life now because of people like us, you feminine metrosexual faggot, if it weren't for poland and other slavs you would be overun and taken over you german cock sleeve

One nation united under noble Slovene rule. Potica for everyone.

Croatia really fucked Bosnia out of a coastline didn't they?

Only Bosian coastal town is majority Croatian in a region of Herzegovina that is majority Croatian, it was Croatia that got fucked over not vice versa

Interesting, I had no idea


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How about no?

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>it's another balkanfags ripping each other to shreds thread

You animals never cease to provide entertainment.

fuck you memeflag, fuck jewgoslavia and fuck balkanniggers.

you literal nigger

The pot calling the kettle nigger

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i live more north than you faggot

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No matter how hard they try i just cant take Slovens seriously. Theyre just too cute.

... and that county needs an Osman at the top!

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suck Russian cock harder, nobody is stopping you whore or go back to Turkey

Bosnia got absolutely cucked, holy shit.
>c-croatia you don't need all that coastline right? c-can we have some ocean access?

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hes right

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sorry ment to quote this

nice try, miodrag

Nah its us who got fucked, all of Bosnia was catholic Croatian territory before turkish invasions. It was just a region of Croatia. The turks killed and expelled croats, converted the rest to Islam and imported serbs. They mixed up the population of this territory so much it was impossible to properly divide it between countries, and now you have the artificial state of Bosnia which is pretty much mini yugoslavia. While Croatia is reduced to boomerang shaped borderlands of Austria and Ottomans

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Based tengri bro
Janez can't understand what bravery and sacrifice means

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>fuck balkanniggers.
to the rest of us you're a balkannigger as well

Give Bosnia and Slovenia to Croatia and Montenegro and the Herzegovina to Serbia. Greece can have Northern Macedonia.
Only condition: remove kebab mudslimes and rapebabies

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Language mainly. And they are NOT the same.

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They are the same, just like Spaniards and Portuguese

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overrated meme buzzword

A united Balkan is an unstoppable force in Europe. Religion is cancer.

I feel superior to all of you.

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>being this delusional
Half of Bosnia is Serbian, bois. Make your own arangments with Bosnje for FBiH

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Who gives a shit, all of balkans will be a depopulated wasteland in 50 years anyway

Croatians are cool Serbs are too. They never bent over and accepted the Turkish cock.

I'm not leaving my homeland to wash dicks and vaginas of old Germans. As i see it, Croats have more job opportunities, so you're not doing that bad dud
True, but we have accidentally assimilated some Turks and Gypsies into our gene pool

Being gay isn't being superior, feel as you wish

We understand bravery and sacrifice so much so we marched down south to Sisak in 1593 to defend Christian Europe from the Ottomans. Outnumbered 1/2 and yet we triumphed. Meanwhile you, Ivan were taking Turkish dick up your ass.

fite me 1v1 fag

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Fuck off... we're not financing again this lazy niggers

I prefer this

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I will rather shoot myself right here.

damn slovenians are the whitest men in yurope

Kill them all, and split the land between Italy and Hungary.

>completely ignoring historical records of Serbian uprisings and wars
It's not smart to be ruled by Russia, they would some fucking military/nuclear base right on our territory

Give me a call when you decide to purge Kebab.
Not the first time Finns are fighting muslims in the Balkans.

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>b-but my uprisings while under Ottoman rule for centuries!
Sounds like cope to me.

Go suck some muslim cock in london you pathetic pussified anglo faggot.

no matter how much you suck Austrian cock, you'll never be germanic

Just gib Délvidék, also, let's bundle up with the Croats, as equals. We had a history of fighting side by side together, it only got ruined in the 19th and 20th century.


That worked out so well the last time it was tried

Based. When did you fight them before?

>puts like 6 ethnicities in one country
>gets mad when it fails

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Fuck germanics... bunch of whiny betas. When their countries get overrun by muslims we're all invading and taking their territory.

that's literally what America is lol

I have no clue why balkan women are so eager to do this jobs. Its better to be a prostitute than that.

Ik lol.

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>finns are hungarians

It leave you without your basic dignity. At least our gypsies are immigrating in your country and getting gaypilled, fren

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Kosovo IS Albania. The only reason it is not was because the Russians backed Serbia during the Great Serb Chimpout. We're it not for Austria they'd have the rest. Funny how most of the territories incorporated into Greater Serbia in the 20th century have since broken off. Vojvodina needs to be returned to Hingary and the rest of Novi Pazar to Montenegro so it can return to the shithole rump it was a century ago.

white ethnostate when??